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Adjustable Razors Ready For Prime Time! What Is The Best Adjustable Razor?

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what is the best adjustable safety razor?

The availability of the adjustable safety razor, once relegated to a niche’ within a niche’, has expanded with a number of new models available over the past few years. How do they work, who is making them, and how well do they perform? Is the adjustable safety razor now finally something to consider as mainstream in traditional wet shaving? This is a major update of the article!

[Looking for the best over-all safety razor? Click/tap here to read What Is The Best Double Edge Safety Razor? Updated For 2024]

Tl;dr – What Is The Best Adjustable Double Edge Safety Razor?

Why trust this article? Sharpologist specializes in getting the best, most enjoyable shave possible.

This list is based on the personal experience of Sharpologist‘s editor (me!), contributors, and readers who have actually purchased and used the products–plus over ten years of research from review sites and specialty discussion forums. “Your mileage may vary!” Generally-speaking, shaving facial hair is the primary objective.

Of course everyone has their preferences, but I’ve used quite a few adjustable razors in my time and I definitely have some favorites for “best” adjustable safety razor.


For pure performance, regardless of price, I have to go with the Rex Ambassador. As you should expect from an artisan-made, premium-priced razor the Ambassador is exceptionally well engineered, well-built, and well-balanced.

Stainless steel version of the Rockwell T2 is a worthy alternative.

Price vs Performance

For the best price/performance ratio or a “daily driver,” I would give the nod to the Parker Variant (and its new open comb version if you have thicker, multi-day stubble).

The Parker Adjustable Injector is a great alternative at its price point, especially if you are interested in Injector razors.

Low Cost

For a lower-cost adjustable safety razor that still gives good performance I would consider the Weishi Nostalgic Adjustable or the Baili/Stirling/RazoRock the ones to look at.


rockwell t2 tto adjustable razor

Adjustable Razors

Shaving With An Adjustable Safety Razor

How Does An Adjustable Safety Razor Work?

Vintage Adjustable Safety Razor History

Final Thoughts

There Are Now Many More Continuously Adjustable Safety Razors

Recently there has been renewed interest in the adjustable safety razor. There are now many new razors with blade exposure that can be continuously adjusted within a range of settings. Let’s take a look at razors you can purchase right now, in no particular order (note that AliExpress, Amazon, and West Coast Shaving links are affiliate. links may be affiliate).

Merkur Progress

The Merkur Progress adjustable safety razor design has been around since 1955 and is largely unchanged, at least visually, though there have been a few minor internal engineering tweaks over the years. It was my first adjustable safety razor and in fact became my pry-it-out-of-my-cold-dead-hands favorite for many years. You can find many reviews with a simple query of your favorite search engine. Click/tap here to read my own Merkur Progress review.

The Progress has its quirks: the handle is too smooth for some and the look of the adjustment dial seems incongruous to many (check out the “Mergress” after-market options). But the razor’s performance far outweighs the “ugly duckling” looks many.

Merkur Futur

merkur futur adjustable razor

The Merkur Futur adjustable safety razor was launched in 1985. It boasts a sleek, modern look, and an unusual “pop off” head design. Personally, I think a lot of the Futur’s popularity comes from the fact that it is (reasonably) widely available and it looks cool. This is another razor you can find many reviews of with a simple search engine query.

I have some problems with the design, though. The un-textured handle can make holding the razor awkward. The the razor’s large(-ish) head can make getting into tight areas like under the nose a challenge. And the “window” of the adjustment range is biased a bit high for some who wish the low end of the range was even lower/milder.

However it is well built and a lot of Futur users find it gives them many years of great shaves. Click/tap here to check out my review of the Merkur Futur adjustable double edge safety razor.

Parker Variant

parker variant adjustable razor

Introduced in 2016, the Parker Variant adjustable safety razor addressed the ergonomic shortcomings that many (including myself) found in the Merkur Progress. Check my Parker Variant review for a complete run-down. But basically the Variant has a slightly longer (than the Progress 500), much better-textured handle, and a better-looking adjustment dial.

But more importantly the Parker adjustable safety razor may have opened the minds of other artisans and manufacturers to the possibility that the adjustable safety razor market was one worth considering.

Parker Open Comb Variant

parker open comb variant adjustable razor review

Parker introduced an open comb (OC) version of the Variant in 2023. The OC Variant’s weight and length are the same as the standard Variant but subjectively I think the OC “feels” a bit different in my hand, with a subtly altered balance–no doubt due to the different head design. This is neither good nor bad, just different from the perspective of someone who has used both razors.

Three things jump out at me when I compare the Parker Open Comb Variant to the standard Variant:

  • While I don’t detect much difference in performance between the two razors on “daily” stubble, I find the OC Variant is noticeably smoother and more comfortable on long, multi-day stubble. I’ll assume this is probably due to the inherent design characteristics of open comb razors in general.
  • I think this is a lot more audio feedback with the OC Variant–again, particularly on multi-day stubble. If you’re a fan of ASMR you’ll probably get a kick out of the Parker Open Comb Variant razor.
  • I find the “sweet spot”–the range of angles that the razor can be held for a good shave, pretty wide. In fact, maybe a bit more than the standard Variant (which is quite generous itself).

Click/tap here for my full review of the OC Variant.

Ming Shi 2000S (Qshave Adjustable)

A year after the original Parker Variant was launched, Far-East manufacturer Ming Shi launched the Ming Shi 2000S adjustable safety razor. Qshave re-branded the 2000S as the Qshave Adjustable, making it a clone of a copy. The Ming Shi/Qshave clearly takes its inspiration from the Merkur Futur:

futur and qshave adjustable razors
Futur On Left, Qshave On Right

Although visually quite similar there are some aspects of the 2000S that set it apart from the Futur. This razor has a wider range of adjustment compared to the Futur, especially at the low end. And as you might expect at the price point, the Ming Shi/Qshave does “cut a few corners” in manufacturing. For example, the dial markings are painted on instead of etched in like the Futur. Some users report the printed dial numbers wear off after extended use.

My experience with the Qshave is actually quite positive–I think it shaves me better than the Futur! Although the handle is still smooth its smaller diameter seems to help me keep a more secure grip. And while the razor’s head is still relatively large, the wider adjustment range (vs. the Futur, especially at the mild end) gives it better performance for me. The razor’s quality control reputation is still a cause for concern to me though. Pay a bit more for the Qshave version which as gone through some additional QC checks if build quality is a concern; buy the Ming Shi version for a lower price.

This razor design is also available from a number of other brands including Encalife (affiliate link), Van Der Hagen, Shave Factory, and others.

Qshave Parthenon

qshave parthenon adjustable razor

The Qshave Parthenon, Vikings Blade Crusader, and Weishi Nostalgic razors (see the Crusader and Nostalgic sections below), all launched in 2018, appear to be based on the same basic twist-to-open (TTO) or butterfly adjustable safety razor head design. However each has their own “personality.” The initial Parthenon’s distinction was its aggressiveness. At its mildest (HA!) setting the Parthenon was quite aggressive. At the high end it was positively ludicrous.

A few months later Qshave released “version 2.0” of the Parthenon that was “toned down” considerably. Check out my review of the 2.0 version.

A note about TTO adjustable razors. To adjust a TTO razor first loosen the TTO mechanism slightly, make the adjustment, then re-tighten the TTO mechanism. Failure to do so may torque the razor head, resulting in an uneven shave, or even damage to the head mechanism.

Vikings Blade Crusader

As I mentioned previously, the Vikings Blade Crusader adjustable safety razor appears to me to be based on the same general design as the Parthenon and the Nostalgic, but each has their own tweak. The Crusader’s distinction is an “asymmetrical head” with a standard safety bar on one side and a scalloped safety bar on the other. The optimist in me thinks the different head side design could provide additional, subtle variables in the shave in addition to simply adjusting the blade gap. The cynic in me thinks the design could “cover up” uneven blade alignment due to poor engineering or manufacturing.

vikings blade crusader adjustable razor

And unlike other adjustable safety razor adjustment dials, the Crusader does not have any numeric markings. Just arrows pointing ‘this way for less gap’.

In my own use, this lack of numeric ‘signposts’ makes it more difficult for me to dial into the best settings for my shave compared to other adjustable razors. I don’t notice any difference in the shave based on the “asymmetrical head.” The low end of the adjustment razor was not low enough for my personal preference (but it is probably fine for most people).

However, despite these details I did not personally care for, I found the over-all shave experience to be good.

Weishi Nostalgic Adjustable

weishi nostalgic adjustable razor

The Weishi Nostalgic Adjustable safety razor is the third of the triplets mentioned here and my favorite of the three. (note that there is a non-adjustable “Weishi Nostalgic” as well, so be sure to read product descriptions carefully). It seems to me that more thought was put into the design details this razor features.

While the Weishi is the same general size as the Qshave and the Viking’s, I think it is the most user friendly design, with a “grippier” handle, contrasting color scheme (for higher-visibility numbers on the adjustment dial), better balance, and a wider range of adjustment (particularly at the low end of the scale–this razor can get very mild indeed).

I have found that the Weishi’s head may clog a bit when used with a thick lather. And the razor’s long-term durability is a concern to me…time will tell. But my shaves with the Weishi have been very good–about equal that of the other adjustable razors I use regularly that cost much more.

Like the Qshave, the Weishi adjustable is available as an OEM product so you will see similar-looking models under a number of different brand names.

Viking’s Blade Emperor (And Augustus, Meiji)

Vikings blade augustus adjustable razor

According to the Vikings Blade website the Emperor is their “most technical” safety razor. It’s a relatively large, heavy razor, coming in at 134 grams and 110 mm in length.

There are two cosmetic versions, the standard Emperor in a “Frosted Chrome” color and the Emperor Augustus edition in “vintage bronze and cognac” colors (both use the relatively common brass/Zamak construction underneath). I have the Augustus edition. Viking’s Blade notes to “[t]horoughly towel-dry the razor after use to maintain the cognac plating.”

Engineering-wise, there have been a few tweaks compared to the earlier Crusader model. Special ANTI-Misalignment mechanism which TRAPS the doors if users mis-align the blade to prevent uneven cuts. Hold razor upright while loading blade and closing razor to ensure doors won’t be trapped.

The Crusader’s dual comb head design continues on the Emperor: one side has a scalloped safety bar, while the other side has a smooth safety bar.

I can’t help but compare the shaves I have with the Emperor razor to the shaves I have with the Crusader razor. First, it appears that the low end of the adjustment range of the Emperor is milder than the Crusader but the top end is about the same to me, so the adjustable window seems to be wider. I like mild razors (and adjustable razors in general!) so this is a good thing for me. Unlike the Crusader, the adjustment settings on the Emperor are printed (though not etched like a Merkur Futur) so it was easy for me to lock in the correct setting for each pass of my shave.

I couldn’t detect any difference between the sides of the dual head head design on the Crusader but I can definitely feel a difference with the Emperor. The smooth safety bar gives me a smoother-feeling shave with less blade feel, while I get noticeably more blade feel using the scalloped side, given the same adjustment setting. However I couldn’t tell any actual difference in the amount of stubble reduction from either side–it’s more of a feedback kind of thing to me.

The handle texturing is nicely “grippy” and I don’t have any problems with the razor slipping through my fingers.

Finally, the head design of the Emperor has been tweaked for easier rinsing and less clogging. Blade alignment has not been an issue for me.

Overall I get nice shaves from the Emperor.

Viking tweaked the design again for the Emperor Meiji adjustable safety razor. You can read my review here.

Rex Ambassador

rex ambassador adjustable razor

Now in its second design design revision, the Rex Ambassador adjustable safety razor is a premium, artisan-made razor. Although physically a bit smaller than some other razors in this roundup, it is a high-end, stainless steel adjustable safety razor and individually serial-numbered following the old Gillette manufacturing code. The razor’s head is noticeably thinner than competing products, making detail work like shaving under the nose easier.

See my review of the Rex Ambassador on Sharpologist for more detail.

Rex Konsul

rex konsul adjustable slant razor

The Rex Konsul is a combination adjustable and slant bar double edge razor.

The over-all look, fit, and finish of my Rex Supply Konsul is excellent. I find the weight and balance of the razor is just right for my preferences. I think the handle might be a bit short for some but it has been no problem for me and I find the grip from the knurling very secure in my hand.

I find blade loading a bit fussy, as some other reviewers have noted: the Konsul’s blade alignment bars (vs. pins of most other double edge razors) are designed for a snug fit along the center cut-out of a double edge blade but this can make a blade “pop off” when I start to attach the top cap.

I think the adjustment range is reasonably wide and biased slightly toward the aggressive side–I prefer “mild” razors and I keep the dial setting below about “2.5” on my Konsul.  Again, not a deal-breaker but I find the Konsul a little less generous at the low end than other adjustable razors (of course, other adjustable razors are not slant bar razors so this might be a result of the Konsul’s unique design).

In actual use I find shaves with the Rex Supply Konsul adjustable slant razor provide an experience I have not had with any other razor–adjustable, slant, or otherwise. I have found that the Konsul “likes” fairly heavy stubble! Shaving daily feels a bit less comfortable than when I’m rocking a multi-day growth on my face! An unusual experience for me. However the over-all experience has been quite positive.

Click/tap here for my full review of the Rex Konsul.

Rockwell Model T2

rockwell model t adjustable razor
After a multi-year wait from a crowdfunding campaign, the Rockwell Model T adjustable safety razor launched a couple years ago but reviews were quite mixed. In 2021 Rockwell re-designed the razor and launched the T2. The original T adjustment range was biased quite high: I am able to dial the T2 down to noticeably milder setting. One very noticeable aspect of the Rockwell T2 adjustable razor is the excellent water flow-through in the razor head.

Click/tap here to read my full review of the Rockwell Model T2.

Rockwell T2 In Stainless Steel

The stainless steel version of the T2 is similar to the alloy T2 above but with enough subtle differences that I think it deserves a mention of its own.

Build quality of my T2SS is excellent–this thing is built like a tank.  To me it gives off a distinctly “industrial” feeling–almost like it’s saying “this is a solid, long-lasting tool” rather than just “this is a shaving razor.”  

The T2SS is 3 grams heavier than the stock T2 but to me it “feels” more, well, dense in my hand.  It’s hard to describe accurately but to me it re-enforces that feeling of a quality tool. And the balance of the T2SS seems to be just a bit higher on the handle (toward the head) compared to the regular T2 to me. It’s subtle but since I prefer “top-weighted” razors in general in the first place it’s a welcome tweak for me.

Click/tap here for my full review of the Stainless Steel Rockwell T2.

Pearl Flexi

pearl flexi adjustable razor

Earlier versions of the Pearl Flexi adjustable razor had design and build issues, particularly with blade gap and alignment. These appear to have been solved.

The Flexi seems to be positioning itself as a mid-point razor–offering more design details like a serial number and upgraded metallurgy–but not quite into the “premium” category.

Unlike the Progress and Variant (where the bottom dial also adjusts the razor) the Flexi has a second dial under the head for adjustment. I find the adjustment dial easy to use even with hands during a shave and the adjustment range quite wide. If you are a shaver who likes to adjust a razor “on the fly” you shouldn’t have any trouble with the Flexi.

Click/tap here to read my review of the Pearl Flexi adjustable razor.

Tatara Muramasa

tatara muramasa adjustable razor

The Tatara Muramasa adjustable razor from Portugal represents some really interesting design and engineering aspects. At US $400 it is also one of the most expensive adjustable razors on this list.

The adjustment dial adjustment marking window is very small but the adjustment range of the razor is reasonably wide (biased slightly toward the mild side). The handle of the Muramasa continues the “golf ball dimples” design of Tatara razors that distinguish it from others. It looks like it wouldn’t provide a decent grasp but I find it works quite well.

Click/tap here to read my review of the Tatara Muramasa adjustable razor.

Baili/Italian Barber/Stirling Adjustable

razorock adjuatable razor

This razor is available under a number of different brands including RazoRock and Stirling but is probably OEM’d from Baili.

The razor’s larger head made detail areas like under the nose a bit more of a challenge, there’s a little rattle from the internal mechanics, and I noticed the “sweet spot” for the best blade angle may be just a bit narrower than other razors. But after a little while I was able to figure it all out. Nothing here is a deal-breaker, especially for the low price.

Click/tap here to read my review of this razor.

Blackland Osprey

Blackland osprey adjustable razor

I find that my opinion of the Blackland Osprey adjustable razor to be mixed.

On the one hand the multi-piece design can make blade changing and razor cleaning fussier than other razors.

On the other hand this may be the most “flexible” adjustable razor out there, since you can not only adjust the blade gap but also adjust the razor’s balance by installing or removing a brass handle insert.

Click/tap here to read my full review of the Blackland Osprey.

Yaqi Adjustable Safety Razor “The Final Cut”

Yaqi Adjustable Safety Razor "The Final Cut"

Another adjustable razor I know about but have not tried yet is “The Final Cut” razor from Yaqi, available shipped from China via Aliexpress.

Parker Adjustable Injector

parker adjustable injector razor

Launched in 2020 is the Parker Adjustable Injector. Using “Injector” single-edge blades rather than the double edge blades in the razors listed above, Parker was inspired by the vintage Schick Injector. The actual adjustment is lateral instead of vertical like the double edge razors listed above. For more information click/tap here to read about the Parker Adjustable Injector Razor.

Supply Pro Adjustable

supply pro adjustable razor

I think the holding angle range on the Supply Pro is a bit narrower than other Injector-type razors (and noticeably narrower than the Supply SE razor, which I find to be quite generous!).  Nothing deal-breaking, mind you, but I do find myself having to pay a bit more attention to the way I hold the Pro.  Of course, this is kind of relative since the general design of Injector -style razors is more ergonomic than the typical double edge safety razor.

The Supply Pro’s head tends to hold water after rinsing.  My first shave with the Pro had a bit of water suddenly dribbling down my neck and arm after rinsing and returning to my face. Keeping the blade loading side down after rinsing should drain the water though.

I find the Supply Pro excels at knocking down heavy, multi-day stubble at the higher adjustment settings, and is equally adept at dealing with overnight stubble and sensitive areas of skin at lower settings.

Click/tap here for my in-depth review of the Supply Pro.

Feather Adjustable

feather adjustable razor

The Feather Adjustable safety razor may be difficult to find, though I bought one from Amazon. It is a relatively inexpensive razor with two settings, “1” and “2.” Setting “1” is extremely mild while setting “2” is more middle-of-the-road. Like the Feather Popular and Feather AS-D2 razors, I find that the Feather Adjustable pairs very well with a Feather blade: the very mild setting needs a high-efficiency blade to perform well.

Shaving With An Adjustable Safety Razor

Versatility distinguishes an adjustable safety razor vs non adjustable models. They can be used to not only tailor a shave to your specific circumstances, they can also more easily mitigate other variables in the shave that might otherwise cause problems. Transitioning to an adjustable razor may take a little time to fully appreciate its capabilities, but I think it’s worth the effort. See: How To Use An Adjustable Razor Most Effectively

How Does An Adjustable Safety Razor Work?

What does an adjustable safety razor adjust? There are a number of specifications that go into the design of a razor’s head, but two important ones are probably blade gap (the distance between the blade and base plate of the razor, between the “A” and “C” points of the image above) and blade exposure (the blade sticking out and touching the skin from the top cap of the razor, between points “A” and “B” above). Adjustable safety razor settings can vary the blade gap to some degree.

The blade gap interacts with the blade exposure to create a milder or a more aggressive shave.

Vintage Adjustable Safety Razor History – Back In The Day…

The history of the adjustable safety razor is interesting, but ultimately considered a minor aspect of the over-all market. There were very few examples of an adjustable safety razor over the years. The original Gillette adjustable safety razor, the “Toggle,” morphed into a few different models. Schick (and later PAL) had a single adjustable model for the Injector blade in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Merkur produced the Progress beginning in the 1950’s, the Futur beginning in the 1980’s, and the ridiculously over-engineered (and yet surprisingly fragile) Merkur Vision 2000 adjustable safety razor for a short time around the year 2000.

And that was about it.

Final Thoughts

There is now no longer a real reason not to try an adjustable razor: they are available with a variety of handles, head styles, and price points.

What do you think about adjustable razors? Be sure to share this article and leave a comment below!


Shave tutor and co-founder of sharpologist. I have been advocating old-school shaving for over 20 years and have been featured in major media outlets including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and Lifehacker. Also check out my content on Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest!View Author posts

37 thoughts on “Adjustable Razors Ready For Prime Time! What Is The Best Adjustable Razor?”

  1. Thanks for the great article. I have been looking around to upgrade, and hadn’t bought a razor since I got my Futur 10 years ago. I always liked the idea of an adjustable razor, I thought I could find the most comfortable setting and forget about it. The Futur was frustrating as it seems nearly cemented at a low setting and I can’t really on the fly adjust this without a wrench. I had a bad experience with stripping some low quality razors and because laziness and frugality I lived with the Futur for a decade.
    Your review of the Vikingblade Emperor was intriguing enough to get me to buy it, though by the time it arrived I read so many luke warm reviews I was worried. Well having used it for a week I am sold. The Emperor is the best shave I have had in 10 years, the razor is solid and pretty enough for my wife to compliment it. Barring any degradation or breakage I will be surprised if I ever take the Futur out of the drawer again. I have read a good deal about production molds, and blade bow and which Chinese company might make it. None of that seems to matter to my face which is much smoother than it has been in a while. I give this two thumbs up.

  2. Hi there, enjoyed your article. Well written. 👍
    I’ve got a question to the Rockwell T2.
    Is there a gap difference, (blade wise)from one side to the other?
    I currently own the Merkur progress adjustable, and it has a gap difference. Maybe the butterfly Doors, on the T2, will eliminate that gap difference??

  3. I just finished 7 shaves with a Yaqi final cut. I set it at one, I’m a mild kinda guy. I must say the gap looks terrifying, even at one. This was a nice gentle shave. The sweet spot was not picky. It is put together correctly. The blade “carrier” rests right on the “tray” at one. At higher numbers, made me faint! I did notice the blade tray becoming un even at higher number. I gave $20 for mine, I’d give $30. I also love Dad’s ’66 slim!

  4. No mention of the Gibbs adjustable in the vintage section? A lot of users claim it’s still the best adjustable ever made, and the Rex and Pearl both appear to be based on it’s design.

    1. I mention vintage razors only briefly, since the article is really about what is available now. But you’re right, I probably need to at least mention the Gibbs. I’ll take a look at that the next time I update this article.

  5. Absolutely great article. I feel like we are entering a golden age of adjustables! I have several of them in my collection and enjoy using them the most. I really appreciate the engineering required to make these razors both new and old. Keep up the great work 👍🏾

  6. Nice update to the article. I have the Pearl Flexi, the three classic Gillettes (Fat Boy, Slim and Black Beauty – a Toggle is out of my price range) and the Yaqi is on order. I’m increasingly becoming a big fan of adjustables.

    I also have one not on your list: the GSC Fat Guy. It’s quite a decent razor – you should give it a try (and maybe add it to your next update).

      1. What do you think of the Fatguy? I used mine only a couple times. Like you, I prefer a mild razor, which I usually pair with a Feather blade. I found the Fatguy to be great if you like to shave off whiskers and a couple layers of skin.

        1. Like you, I think the Fatguy’s adjustment window is a bit too aggressive, the quality control lacking, and over-priced. But I admit I tried an early production version so maybe I need to give a new one another try.

  7. Finally got a Rex and I’m so happy I did. I like my adjustables, I learned to shave as a teen using our family’s Gillette Super. But the Rex is the cat’s pajamas (at least for now).

  8. I have the Futur with the TTO design. It’s back in the case on a shelf. The Rockwell is okay, but I went back to my Gillette Fat Boy after a few shaves. The same with the Qshave Parthenon Razor (1st version). The Qshave was far too aggressive for me.

    I’m looking forward to trying the Fat Guy soon from

    I did like the Gillette Slim and Black Beauty but the Fat Boy just seems to beat them out.

  9. I have about 11 adjustable razors, and I’ve never met an adjustable razor that I didn’t LOVE. It’s impossible for me to have a “favorite.” I do prefer a design that has the adjustment dial at the bottom of the handle, such as the Apollo Mikron and the Merkur Progress, as in theory there is less chance of the dial mechanism getting gunked up with soap and/or mineral deposits.

    Good article and thanx!

  10. Mantic, this article came along just at the right time for me. I was thinking of a “backup” razor in case my Ming Shi 2000S (Qshave Adjustable) was worn out/broken some day.
    These are good tips and I will check out the Rex, plates, 90 Speciale, and the new Weishi Nostalgic.

  11. Mark, I own 3 vintage Gillette adjustables, Fatboy, Slim and a black handle. How do these compare to the new offerings? Owning mostly vintage razors, I am trying to decide if the newer offerings give better shaves. I will say, out of the 3 adjustables mentioned above, I prefer the Gillette Slim the best. Your frequent mentions of the Parker Variant have me thinking about another razor purchase. Good article!

    1. Steve, I was in the same boat as you. I thought I had it all covered with Gillette products. Then I tried a Ming Shi 2000S (Qshave Adjustable) and loved it. It does have a sweet spot angle to it, but it performs better than the Fat Boy, in my opinion. Give this economical razor a try.

  12. Great article Mark! I just got into DE shaving a little over a year ago , and it was your review of the Parker Variant that sold me. It has been a joy to use, but I’m ready to try (collect) a few more. This article definitely points the way. Thanks!

    – Ken

  13. If you consider the Rockwell 6 line and the Karve as adjustable, you should add Above the Tie. ATT razors same flavor of S corporation sells they said you only have you half to where are you the escort if you have because have heads with different levels of efficiency (M, R and H) in safety bar and own comb versions, as well as slant heads—again, safety bar and own comb versions. So there are eight versions, in stainless steel and aluminum, with copper and bronze variations.

    Other boutique brands also have baseplates with varying efficiency. To many for me to remember.

  14. Thank you, Mark, for the informative article. I have most of the above, save for the model T which is in the mail. So far the REX ambassador is my favorite, but also the most expensive. Being adjustable enables me to start on a high setting for pass one and then dial down for subsequent passes.

  15. Hi Mark,
    I like this article because I never understood the details of the “adjustables”. Suggestion: I would appreciate a detailed description of your experience with the different settings, explaining the positive and negative effects of each adjustment. I am not clear on what each position of adjustment produces what affect and if the affect is really significant to justify a purchase.

    1. I am working on a follow-up to this article that goes into more detail about how adjustables work and how to use them properly. Stay tuned…. 🙂

  16. I’m in love withthe great looks of the Futur. I have 1 in satin steel, with a matching, Futur brush & stand, and a polished gold one. I can’t use either more than every 4 days. They are too AGGRESSIVE; yes,even on their lowest setting. I know I am not alone with this problem. Why doesn’t Merkur correct this problem, and increase the market for this cool, looking, razor ?

    1. For that matter, why don’t they *finally* make a better-looking adjustment dial? “Mergress” retrofits show that it would be popular. But apparently Merkur just does not have the interest.

  17. HI,
    Thanks for this article it is nice to see the increasing number of choices available for most part at sensible cost! Cheers!

  18. I have some of these. The Merkur Progress and Futur, The Rockwell 6c and Model T. I haven’t tried the model T yet. The 6c is a fav of mine. I have the Parker Variant, the Supply injector, and the plastic Dorco also. I think thats about it. I like the adjustables but also the more traditional DE’s and SE;s too. Thanks for a very good article.

  19. I have the Rockwell 6C and find plate1/3 and 4/2 give me the closest,most comfortable and nick free razor in my den. Great article ,thank you for the time and effort.

  20. I have never met an adjustable razor that I didn’t love! I’m surprised there hasn’t been many more adjustable razors on the market over the decades. Used correctly, the adjustable razor is the ultimate in razor sophistication.

    I suspect two things have militated against a greater popularity of the adjustable razor: the high cost, and many guys misuse the adjustable razor. Often they crank it up to the highest setting, and then wonder why they have a bloodbath?

  21. I am anxiously awaiting my Model T from Rockwell, but for the past few years I have been using a Gillette black beauty. It is by far my favorite of all my adjustable razors.

  22. I have been using a 1965 Gillette Adjustable for years. After trying other safety razors it remains my primary. Trying a straight razor now but the Gillette will always be my favorite.

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