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Wet Shaving Talk For 23 September 2024

  • Joe 
Sharpologist Wet Shaving Podcast Network
Sharpologist Wet Shaving Podcast Network
Wet Shaving Talk For 23 September 2024

You’re listening to Wet Shaving Talk powered by where we’re dedicated to preserving the art and skill of classic shaving. I’m your host Joe Borrelli and today is September 23rd, 2024.

Today on the Show:

Best Shave Soaps under $10 Article 

Modern Guide To Wet Shaving Now Available at Pastuer’s Pharmacy!!

Murray Carter is Shutting Down His Ecommerce site

Darkfall is Back

Fall Season is Coming 10/28/24


Best Shaving Soap Under $10 

I love this article.  With all the talk of prices going up, it’s great to see so many soap makers still making items under $10 





These items are all of high quality and great performance. 

Here is a link to the article: ______________________________________________________________________________Modern Guide to Straight Razor Shaving Now Avaiable at Pasteur’s Pharmacy 

The Modern Guide of Straight Razor Shaving is now available online and in-store at Pasteur’s Pharmacy.  

If you’re in town and see it in the store send me a picture!!


Murray Carter Shuts Down Ecommerce Site 

One of my first posts podcasting was with master knifesmith Murray Carter.  He was the guy who shaved with spoons, and honed razors unconventionally. 

It was one of my first interviews (over 8 years ago) when the cast was Wet Shaving News with Andrew.

The site will be active until 10/5, then all purchases will be made through 3rd party sellers. 

Take a trip down memory lane: 


Darkfall is Back

Darkfall by Declaration Grooming is back for the fall season.  One of my first fall scents I’ve tried.  Thisone is intense and fun.  Declaration grooming has been around for several years and is best known for their soaps and hand-ties shaving brushes. 


Fall Seasonal Special is Coming!!!

It’s that time again!  The Annual Fall Seasonal Special is coming!

For those of you new to the podcast, this is the biggest show of the year.  I discuss all of the Fall Season releases from all the vendors/artisans in the industry. 

This year I have a special section of the cast that will feature past Fall Items that made a true impact. A Fall Hall of Fame! 

Save the date: 10/28/24

Previous shows: 










Our show is powered by, “What Your Father Didn’t Teach You about Shaving” 

Special Thanks to:

Mark aka Mantic 59

Most of All……….YOU!!!!

Don’t forget to check out my blog site  for the tips and interesting wet shaving stories!

Please feel free to contact me at [email protected]  

Subscribe to my You Tube Chanel for videos regarding some interesting wet shaving content.

Are you interested in sponsoring an episode? Contact Me!!!

If you’re a vendor and would like to be featured on the show please contact me!!

Please check out my book: “The Modern Guide to Straight Razor Shaving” on Amazon and now available at Pasteur’s Pharmacy in NYC

Next Show: 10/7/24

Until then… Shave Straight and Shave Safe!! 

Transcript (Machine-Generated)

You’re listening to Wet Shaving Talk powered by where we’re dedicated preserving the art and skill of classic shaving. I’m your host Joe Berle and today is September 23rd, 2024. Hey guys, welcome back to the podcast. Yes, it is officially the fall season. It’s here. Football’s in full effect and so is pumpkin spice, everything. And of course, every day we start seeing some more fall special stuff from the wet shaving world. We start seeing some new scents coming out, return to some classics. We’re full fledged in fall. It’s time to enjoy the season.

It was 1 of my personal favorite seasons of the year. I love the fall stuff. I think it’s really I think it’s just I think it’s just a change in the in the and just really in the ambiance of the world right you know most areas you have leaves changing you have temperature changing and stuff Where I live it’s not so much that way, but in a lot of areas it is. And it’s just so fun to watch and just to see and just to really enjoy the sights, smells and all the stuff to do during the fall season.

So we’re full-fledged in fall and we have a lot of stuff on the podcast to go over today. A lot of great, great content, which I’m really happy to be bringing to you, even though I know I apologize. I’m a little bit behind this week. Had some problems with audacity and which audacity is the program that I use to record. But we’re here, full-fledged, and still talking wet shaving.

So today on the show, 1 of my personal favorite articles I’ve seen in a while was on Sharpologist best Shave Soaps under $10. This was a few weeks ago came out. It’s showing some value of, excuse me, of items that we’ve seen in a world where everything is going up, right? The last few years since the pandemic, we’ve seen nothing but price increases on everything but it’s still good to know that there are a lot and there are quite a few shaving soaps still available for under $10 that are good quality and that still will give you a great shave great sense and even fun to collect as well. So talking about that article we’ll go over that

We’ll talk about some of the brands there and some of my experience with some of them. The Modern Guide to Wet Shaving is now available at Pasteur’s Pharmacy. This is something that I am so happy about because I wrote the book. It came out last year. It was available on Amazon and now it’s going to be in the wet shaving mecca brick and mortar store in Manhattan so if you guys are interested if you’re in the area it’s there I’m really proud I’ll tell you a little bit about the story as well and have the link too because you can actually purchase it online too if you’re talking to them. If you’re, excuse me, if you’re working with passengers online and purchasing stuff online because they actually do online orders now too.

Murray Carter is shutting down his e-commerce site. If you’ve been listening to this podcast for the last 7 or 8 years. This was 1 of my first episodes alone was with Murray Card back when it was still weight saving news and with Andrew was the head guy on the podcast, when it was his podcast. We started working together around that time and this was done and I’m really really hard it’s hard to believe this was done in January of 2016 this is almost 9 years ago when this happened which is really amazing to see how long how long ago it actually was because sometimes I look back at older shows and I look and I see how many, well to see just how many, what I’ve done so I don’t do it again. I try not to do stuff again and repeat it. So yeah, it was really cool to see when I saw the YouTube video come up, Murray Carter, I just brought back a lot of memories and I wanted to definitely mention it on the podcast this week.

All right, so moving along we have Darkfall. It’s a very, very intense fall scent from Declaration Grooming. It’s back for ordering, you can get it. Comes out only once a year. It’s been around for several years and very interesting to see if it comes that it comes back as a same it does every year the same only I think the only thing he’s done is changed the base around might have changed the sense around a little bit but it’s really cool we’ll talk a little bit about that sense 1 of the first fall sense that I tried way back in the day and of course the fall seasonal special coming up on the last show of October We’ll talk a little bit about that sense. 1 of the first fall scents that I tried way back in the day. And of course, the fall seasonal special coming up on the last show of October. We’ll talk a little bit about that and some archived episodes as well.

So guys, without further ado, let’s get on with the show. So a few weeks ago, the first week of September was, Mantic came out with an article on Sharpologist which got me to actually stop in my tracks. So Great job on this article. I was really impressed with it, really excited about seeing it and was happy to see that we’re looking at value again in wet shaving because it’s been a long time since anybody has mentioned anything about value in terms of anything.

So I remember when back in the day when started with wet shaving itself it was more along the lines of hey we’re going to talk about hey how wet shaving can save you money right And now these days it’s come up very seldom. You know, you don’t hear that too much. It’s more of a mainstream hobby. A lot of people do it. There are a lot of items now that are actually, you know, more expensive and, you know, collectible and all that stuff that we haven’t seen in the past. So recently it’s been come to where I haven’t really heard anybody saying, hey, wet shaving will save you money, right? But this article does actually show that it can save you money.

And it kind of brings back the, I guess, the roots of traditional wet shaving and why a lot of guys switched over to this form of shaving in the past, right? Or why we did or why we wanted to. So To see a bunch of soaps available at 10 bucks is great. I mean, it really is exciting. It’s good to see that we’re bringing this value back. And for you guys out there, including myself, who write about wet shaving stuff, we should probably get back into the value and say, hey, what’s the best value razor? What’s the best value soap and all that because it’s still out there. People still looking to save money with wet shaving or switch over not just for a better shaver for a hobby but actually to save a few bucks. So great to see that this article came out and the content on it was awesome. I could not believe how many soaps are out there. They’re still under 10 bucks. You have RazoRock. If you’re not familiar with RazoRock, they do actually make very good quality soaps. I have several of them.

They’re mostly still under 10 bucks, a lot of them. And then the aftershaves are actually, you can get a matching aftershave for a great price. I think they’re around $15. So Razor Rock has always been keeping up with the times and keeping the value, right? They keep good sense. They have a pretty wide array of products and they’re basically a value-based company, but they also have some custom stuff as well. But most of the razors you see, hey, they have a CNC machined razor that is made here, made in Canada or whatever and it is under $100, right?

And that’s not many people can say that. It may not be the most perfect razor, but it’s there. So a lot of their soaps are under $10 and they’re a decent size puck that will last you a while. I love their American Barber and I love a couple other scents that they have, but the American barber is really my favorite I’ve had that for a while smells just like brute And it’s really good, you know Arcos in there Arcos still making it Hasslinger Parasso all these companies are still making soaps under 10 bucks and they’re good quality and they’re actually sought after by Wet Shavers.

Just about everybody’s tried this if you’ve been around for a while. So I linked, I have a link to the article here in the show notes for you guys to check it out and see If you have anything else you want to add, any really good value soaps, remember there’s a couple of them out there. Williams soap has always been, they used to be under $2 for a while. You can get 1 for like 2 or 3 bucks. Now I think it’s about 5. And there’s nothing wrong with Williams. It does work.

It doesn’t work that well, but for the price, it’s actually a really good quality product Right it is for what it is right and you know There’s a couple other you have Vanderhagen and stuff Vanderhagen is actually a lot of people hate that soap or a lot of people don’t like the smell of it. I love Vanderhagen and I’m really sad that they actually don’t make the basic 1 anymore. They have different types now. I was looking forward to get a puck of it recently. Just try it because that was 1 of my first shaving soaps.

I remember buying it at Walmart and I remember grocery stores used to carry it too. Now nobody really does carry anything around that line. But these are great soaps, they can save you a few bucks and they last a long time. That razor rock puck will last you probably a couple of months, right? Easily. When a 7 dollar thing of canned goo might last you a few weeks though 1 of those soaps might last you 2 or 3 months if you’re just using 1 soap and 1 aftershave which I honestly wish I did I mean honestly

I think at this point we have so much selection it’s it’s hard to pick a soap and don’t get me wrong I don’t have the largest soap collection in the world I had a very large soap collection at 1 point I used to you know buy lots of used soap online like I 1 time I bought a lot was like had like 30 soaps in it just to try scents and stuff like that. Now I’m pretty much, you know, hey, I like to use 1 or 2 items here and there.

But, you know, there’s a huge variety that you just can’t get through the whole rotation. So a lot of guys out there have 100, 200 soaps. That’s great. But it makes it hard to actually enjoy and use them on a daily basis, right? And get to really get to know them. But if you’re into 1 soap, 1 aftershave, and you want to have some value, any 1 of these producers are going to be perfect for you.

All right, moving along. The Modern Guide to Straight Razor Shaving, which is my actual book that I wrote and had it published last year. You guys have known about it. I’ve talked about it is now available at Pasteur’s Pharmacy in New York City. I talked to Leon over there. I was able to get the book into the store and online. So if you guys are looking in the area, if you’re in there, check it out and look at it on the shelf. I’d love to see some pictures of people holding up the book and seeing if something that you’re in the area, if you wanna purchase it, It is the same price as it is on Amazon.

And I’ve recently opened it up for distribution. So it’s going to be available in Barnes and Noble and very soon as well, if not already by now. But 1 thing about this is really being a wet shaver for about what am I 13, 14 years now, I remember Pasteur Pharmacy being 1 of the only places that had everything. I went the first time I went to Pasteur’s, I think it was in 2015 and they had tons of stuff and it was like, I had so much fun in there. I went with my wife and you know, I call it BK, which means before kids. You know, we weren’t even, right around that time, I think we just got married, we were almost, yeah, 2015 we got married, so it was around the time we got married newlyweds and we took our 1 of our first trips to New York City and we went to Pasturers and I just went you know I bought a few items there and had a great time looking at it talk to a bunch of people and then I went back a couple years later and I just recently went back.

I was in New York City but I didn’t get a chance to go to Pasteur’s because I was with a lot of family a few months ago. So really it’s a big deal because this is a wet shaving mecha. I remember seeing on the shelves you know all the soaps from all the producers and all the stuff I read about I remember when I went about 8 or 9 years ago now when I went back in 2015 it was fine accoutrements the American bar the American shave soap and the and the excuse me the aftershave and it was like so big back then everybody wanted it and they had this aftershave there and I got the smell it And that kind of brought it to me and I saw a lot of limited edition items I saw some holy black stuff there the last time I went you know in the window It’s just really cool and for me to have a product there. It’s a big deal so I’m really excited to have it there and for you guys to go check it out if you want to see it and Hold it and feel it instead of seeing it online and if you’re in say if you’re in town guys send me a picture I’ll definitely put it in the show and I mentioned you in the show Looking forward to seeing it when I go back and hopefully I’ll be going back in December for a few days So hopefully I’d be able to see it there and get to meet some guys over there as well, some wet shavers. I know every time I go I meet somebody cool, so it’s a great trip.

Murray Carter shuts down his e-commerce site and this kind of was Like this, hearing about this wasn’t really, I guess, a big deal because he’s still producing his products, right? So Murray Carter is a Japanese, like a knife maker swordsmith, knife smith, snort smith, metal guy, whatever you want to call it. I’m sorry if I’m butchering the names. But he, he was trained in Japan. He knows a lot of the ancient methods and he also was the guy back in the day, back in 2016, 2015 that was shaving with a spoon, shaving with weird stuff that he would sharpen and get it to where he can actually shave with it. So he was like eating cereal with a spoon then he would shave his face with it. He also had some controversial honing methods for erasers and got him into a little bit of like a little couple online I guess altercations we want to say it with with him and a couple on of What Shavers back then. But he was also my first and 1 of the only interviews I’ve done to date. So I saw him shaving with a spoon. I contacted him. We got to talk to him for a few days.

He’s a really cool guy. And we did an interview and it was back on when the show was What Shaving News. And Andrew was the host and I was the co-host. So this was about, this is going on 9 years ago, like I mentioned it. And it’s just when I saw this, it kind of brought back memory. So I really wanted to mention it to you guys. If you are new to the podcast, I’ve only been listening for a few years. This goes way back in the history, way back down memory lane. So I left a link to the show notes to the

interview that’s still available on Sharpologist. So if you wanna listen to it and see, I guess how much I’ve changed over the years or see how this guy would shave with a spoon and get some more information. It is pretty cool. And just to let you guys know Murray Carter is not going out of business. He is just going to sell his stuff through other sites and distributors instead. He’s not going to run his own direct e-commerce. He travels a lot. He goes to Japan a lot. And I guess he’s just figuring that it’s easier just to have somebody else sell it for him. Check out the show notes and the link to the previous interview from back in 2016 with Murray Carter.

And as mentioned before guys a really popular fall soap 1 of the most intense fall scented soaps I’ve ever tried in aftershaves is Darkfall by declaration grooming. This is 1 of the first fall scents I’ve ever tried and the scent is, it is, well, it’s pretty intense. So it’s really designed to be like burning leaves on a fall day. So it’s got like a lot of burn smell to it, but it’s also got some cloves, some cinnamon, some like kind of like a little fall like cocktail type essence to it as well. Performance has always been really good. I believe he still uses the milk steak base and it’s also available with an aftershave as well. So this soap has been around for several years. It was 1 of the first fall ones that I’ve tried. It was very intense smell and it is a very fall scented soap.

So if you’re looking for something fall, this is it. It’s got that moldy, musky, burning leaves with cinnamon, top clove and all that scents as well which really makes it really fall. So it definitely represents fall well, and it’s a great soap. Now, also declaration grooming, they’ve been around for a while, but The 1 thing that they also do is they were the ones, 1 of the first guys out there that produced hand tied knots in a handle to order and offered a knotting service, not by just gluing a knot that was purchased from China.

No, this guy actually does it himself and makes sure that he gets it right. So he’s been hand tying knots for years. They are still available. I’m looking at the site right now. He still has his brushes available. They are very expensive. You’re looking at around $400 to get 1 of the special order brushes They are I guess he’s still doing pre-order. He’s doing pre doors now instead of just launches

But sometimes he launches stuff as well But if you get a brush like this guys it is a brush you’re gonna have for life and I have I have 1 but I got it way before it was this this expensive I mean I think the brush I bought was his B3 knot and I got it for about $180 back when it in probably I think it was 2016 2017 I still have it still doesn’t shed a hair it’s really good very stretchy knot but it’s good he offers knotting service for about 150 bucks and pre-orders as well. So I mean, that’s kind of what this company is known for, but they also make some great setups and darkfall really does bring back some memories for me.

And don’t forget guys the fall seasonal special is coming out. This is the 1 where we do all of the fall scents from all the vendors. So if you’re a vendor and you have something new that you want to launch let me know. I will definitely mention it on a show. For those of you new to the podcast this is the biggest show of the year it’s the most work that I put in for any show takes roughly around 20 to 40 hours of research and writing and this year we have a special section of the cast that will feature the past fall items that made it to the impact, made a true impact or the fall hall of fame to say the least. These are items that are retired that made a huge impact that were big time in the wet shaving world in the last 10 years. So previous shows I have all listed from 2016 to 2023 and that will be on the 28th of October.

So working on it right now, if you have anything else you want to talk about it, and if you know anybody that has anything coming out, definitely Let me know as well. Next show will be on the 7th of October, so we’ll be getting closer and closer. So I’ll be getting a little bit more. And then I usually skip a show in between and just to get the work done and then I’ll bring it on the 28th. So that’s when this show will be on, it’ll be on the 28th of October, right before Halloween.

Alright guys, so that concludes the podcast for this week. Thank you all for coming and listening and I appreciate the patience having with me. I was a little late this week so I apologize for that. Remember our show is powered by, what your father didn’t teach you about shaving. Special thanks to Mark, Mantic59 for everything that he does in the wet shaving community and of course, most of all, you guys, the listeners. Don’t forget to check out my blog, And always feel free to contact me at Check out my YouTube channel with new stuff coming out very soon. Working on some content right now. And if you’re interested in sponsoring an episode, let me know. And I’m sorry, I kind of like lost track over there our next show will be on the 7th of October until then Shave straight and shave safe Don’t forget to check out the book at modern the modern guide to straight razor shaving on amazon and now available at pastor’s Pharmacy in new york city until then guys shave straight and shave safe. Bye bye now.

Joe Borrelli

Joe Borrelli

Joe Borrelli is a long-time wet shaving enthusiast and collector. He hosts the Wet Shaving News/Talk Podcast, runs his own self-funded website and operates a YouTube channel to help inform the community of new information involving the wet shaving world. Joe holds a BBA from Florida Atlantic University, and currently works for the nation’s largest wine/spirits/beer retailer. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his wife Linda & son Anthony, reading, writing, outdoor activities and collecting wet shaving apparel. Joe has also written several dozen articles for online publications such as Sharpologist and How to Grow a Mustache.View Author posts

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