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OneBlade vs Supply: A Complete Head-To-Head Comparison

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oneblade vs supply

Over the past few months I’ve been getting emails from readers asking my opinion comparing the OneBlade safety razor and the Supply 2.0 safety razor. To me the two razors are quite different: I’m not sure there is much to gain from a comparison. But I will take a stab at it.


Safety razors are often designed to accommodate the needs of people with different shaving habits. Some designs provide more consistent coverage while others focus on providing close shaves. Some are targeted to shaving the face, others for shaving other parts of the body. Some target the beginner while others go for the aficionado.

OneBlade and Supply share some demographic targets and design philosophies (but diverge widely in others). And they’ve both gone through some design revision tweaks over the years. Here is some background on the razor designs and advantages.

Note: Sharpologist has been involved with both of these companies almost since their inceptions and has worked with both by doing things like help test prototypes. Sharpologist is an affiliate of both OneBlade and Supply. If you end up purchasing something through these links Sharpologist may receive a small commission.  However there has not been any prior review or approval of this article by OneBlade or Supply.

Also note that Supply is in the process of introducing new razor models, targeting February, 2022 for general release. This article concentrates on their existing razors.

Looking for information about the battery-operated Philips OneBlade shaver? You’re in the wrong place (but take a look here).

OneBlade Safety Razor Design Considerations

OneBlade took a “blank slate” approach to designing their original razor–now called Genesis–looking for a razor that would be familiar and friendly to those who used cartridge razors (featuring a front-face pivoting head like many modern cartridge razors) and who were looking for an upgraded experience, but also interesting to the shaving enthusiast as well.

Initially, the product design efforts allowed for a completely new blade design but when OneBlade discovered the Feather FHS blade they realized that was the type of blade they were looking for.

The New York design firm PENSA performed the development of the look and feel of the razor. The OneBlade razor (Genesis) was launched in 2015. In 2017 OneBlade took the lessons it learned so far and refined the design and manufacturing with “Model 2.0.”

One important finding from that first round of R&D was changing the blade latching system from the original design to a completely opposite design approach whereby the blade, once latched, is still able to move in all three dimensions (side to side, up and down, back and forth): the “Active Floating Blade Approach System” (AFBAS).  AFBAS affected a significant increase in the comfort and the effectiveness of the shaving experience with the OneBlade Razor, including a significant improvement in the “forgiveness” aspect of the razor. In essence, Model 2 increased the “forgiveness” of the razor while increasing the efficiency and closeness of the shave too.

Supply Single Edge 2.0 Safety Razor Design Considerations

Supply‘s first razor was also introduced in 2017 (though I was able to test an early prototype in 2015). The design was tweaked based on feedback from users and “version 2” was released in 2018.

The Supply razor’s initial inspiration was that of the vintage “Injector” razor design, popularized by Schick (perennial #2 to Gillette at the time). Patrick, Supply’s founder, was “hooked” on Injectors and found that the Injector blade “really puts some ‘oomph’ behind the shave.”

Injector razors also feature a “hands off” method of changing blades.

Supply’s razor design has been called both “minimalist” and “futuristic.” Another primary feature of the design is the availability of three different base plates, each providing a different amount of aggressiveness to the shave.

Flagship Models – OneBlade Genesis vs Supply Single Edge 2.0 In Stainless Steel

Most of the requests I have received for comparing these two razors are for the “flagship” models: OneBlade Genesis vs Supply Stainless Steel. Here is a little more detail on each of those razors.

OneBlade Genesis

The original Genesis razor used 316L stainless steel. The razor head parts are now made with an even higher-grade of stainless steel (that was until recently restricted to medical device applications), offering more strength and durability than 316 and that can survive accidental impacts (like getting dropped onto a hard bathroom floor) much better. Using the new alloy also permits making parts at an even tighter tolerance than previously permitted and it is also nickel-free (a side-benefit to those who might have a nickel sensitivity).

Supply Single Edge 2.0 Stainless Steel

The latest Supply Single Edge Stainless Steel razor is manufactured using a “metal injection molding” (MIM) process. MIM is relatively new and typically used in medical and aerospace manufacturing. It’s a high-quality manufacturing technology with a very high upfront investment cost but extremely accurate tolerances. High tolerances are especially important in good razors.

The grade of steel used is 17-4PH. The weight of the razor is about 105 grams.

It has a “bead blasted” surface finish that gives the razor a “matte micro-texture” that gives it some protection from scratches and drops.

Value Models – OneBlade Hybrid & Core And Supply Alloy

Both brand’s flagship razors are considered “premium” razors, with price-points to match (the Genesis in particular broke a “glass ceiling” for razor pricing). But lower-cost options are available:

OneBlade Core

The OneBlade Core razor was introduced as a budget-friendly introduction to the OneBlade razor design. Instead of being made of exclusively Stainless Steel, the Core razor is made with a very hard polymer with a Stainless Steel core embedded in the handle to give the razor weight and balance (the weight and balance are different than the Genesis, however). The shave itself is quite mild–this is not an “aggressive” razor at all.

Considering price only, a OneBlade Core vs Supply Alloy comparison would go to Core.

OneBlade Hybrid

The OneBlade Hybrid is their mid-price option, essentially a (slightly modified) Genesis head on a Core handle. The shaving characteristics are between the Core and the Genesis as well: not as mild as the Core but milder than the Genesis.

Again considering only price, a OneBlade Hybrid vs Supply Alloy comparison would go to Supply.

Supply Alloy

Early in 2020 Supply introduced an lower-cost Alloy version of their Stainless Steel Single Edge razor. It is about half the cost of the Stainless Steel model (and at 95 grams, slightly lighter) and uses a Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) coating process.

As mentioned earlier the three base plate options provide different levels of aggressiveness.


A Oneblade vs Supply razor comparison needs to include some comments about blades.

As mentioned earlier, OneBlade razors use the Feather FHS blade. There is only one source for this blade–Feather. OneBlade is the primary distributor of this blade in the U.S. Some shavers have had success using a modified GEM blade.

Supply razors use Injector blades. There are three sources for Injector blades: a manufacturing facility in the U.S., one in China, and a new plant in Japan. Some shavers have also had success using modified barber “shaper” blades.

Advantages Of OneBlade Safety Razors Over Supply Safety Razors

Researching other reviews, forums, and blogs, plus my own experience, here are what most consider to be the advantages of the OneBlade razors:

  • Mild aggressiveness (Core mildest, then Hybrid; Genesis least mild but still “mild” compared with many safety razors).
  • Great transition from cartridge to single blade: a fusion between single blade fixed head razor and pivoting head cartridge style of shave.
  • Easy to use
  • No “weepers” or burn.
  • FHS blade noticeably thicker than other blades.

Advantages Of Supply Razors Safety Over OneBlade Safety Razors

Again researching other reviews, forums, and blogs, and my own experience, here are what many consider to be the advantages of the Supply 2.0 razor:

  • Three swapable base plates for a ‘mild,’ ‘moderate,’ or ‘aggressive’ shave (personally I think even the ‘mild’ base plate is not as mild as Oneblade).
  • The shave is more “detailed” in that the shaver can manipulate the blade angle more, to suit the area being shaved.
  • injector blades are cheaper and more widely available.
  • Blades last longer.

Conclusion: OneBlade vs Supply – Which Razor Is “Best?”

I’ve been involved with both companies for a long time and both are a “stand up” group of folks.

Both razor lines are aimed at both the cartridge shaver who wants to transition to shaving with a single blade, and the shaving aficionado looking for a premium razor. Both razors are well-engineered and solidly-built.

Each uses a type of blade that is thicker and more stable than double edge blades or cartridges.

They both have slightly odd shaped handles (but both offer silicone sleeves for better grip).

As you might suspect, a Supply vs Oneblade razor comparison decision boils down to personal preference.

Very broadly-speaking, and again looking at a cross-section of comments from review sites, blogs, forums, and my own experience, I think a OneBlade razor is more likely to appeal to a shaver:

  • with relatively lighter stubble or who shaves daily (though I find it equally aplomb for mowing down multi-day growth);
  • looking for a milder, “carefree” shave; or
  • desiring to transition from a cartridge razor but with a familiar pivot scheme.

Looking at the same cross-section of experience I think a Supply razor is more likely to appeal to those:

  • desiring a more “customizable” shave (and willing to take the extra care to get it);
  • looking for a (relatively) more “aggressive” razor;
  • who want to squeeze every last day out of the life of a blade.

For comparison I think of a OneBlade razor as a car that has an automatic transmission with a “sport mode” and paddle shifters, while a Supply razor is more like a car with a fully manual transmission. Both will get you where you need to go, just in different ways. Maybe you should get both. 🙂


Shave tutor and co-founder of sharpologist. Advocating for traditional wet shaving for over 20 years, I specialize in single-blade shaving with safety razors, straight razors, and lathering shave creams and soaps. I've been featured as a thought leader in men's grooming by major outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and Lifehacker. Learn old-school shaving techniques to transform your shave into a classic grooming experience. Also check out my content on Youtube, X/Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest!View Author posts

7 thoughts on “OneBlade vs Supply: A Complete Head-To-Head Comparison”

  1. Now that Supply is releasing the SE, if you had the chance to try it before release, how would you compare the SE to the OneBlade Mark?

  2. Mark, I like your conclusions. I have a Hybrid and a Supply L1. My reactions to these two are opposite Boris’. I appreciated his thorough response.
    I never became comfortable with my OneBlade model. I could not afford the Genesis.
    My first attempt with my Supply was fanastic. I like an aggressive razor. I have about 20 razors, but my Supply and my Parker DE are my go-to razors. My OneBlade is in the drawer, maybe it deserves another trial.

  3. I’ve been shaving (off and on) with the OneBlade Core for a couple years.
    Maybe I’m not ‘using it right,” but I haven’t found it even as good as my Mach3, nor as good as my long-gone Merkur FUTUR.

    Any tips and suggestions for the OneBlade before I decide whether to order the Hybrid?

  4. I’m a little surprised there is a growing market for either razor. Ebay is filled with vintage Schick, Pal, and Personna injector razors of various shapes and aggressiveness, that are inexpensive and in excellent condition.

    Having said that, I’m happy that new and innovative injector razors are being introduced. I wish all the companies well. Injector razors are excellent shaving tools.

  5. I am a shaving nerd and own currently more than 50 safety razors. I own also all the three versions of OneBlade and both Supply V2 razors (alloy and ss). In the beginning I had problems with OneBlade, I simply didn’t learn how to use it. After a while I found it out and came to the same conclusion than Mark: OneBlade provides best BBS shaves with no effort – always. My favorite is the Hybrid, it delivers fantastic results in a very easy way. But of course the Genesis shaves are a very bit closer, but it needs also more concentration for it.

    With Supply I also had problems since the beginning until now. I find it not very comfortable and easy, the results are not good on my skin. Level 1 or 2 are not close enough, with level 3 I get cuts and unhappy shaves. My deep hope is now the new SE modification, which will be available by February 2022. Patrick promised that the new SE provide L3 results with L1 comfort. If this is true it would be a real competitor to my OneBlade, otherwise not.

    1. After a while with the new Supply razors I can report, that I am totally satisfied with them. The new SE setting provides a close and smooth shave in a total easy way. The Pro offers more options and requires a bit more experience and works also very good.

      Believe it or not but the “old” mild setting with the new black label blades became my favorite for now.

      The new black label blades are really fantastic, smooth and very sharp – a game changer. Unfortunately they don’t fit into the new Asylum Injector razor, what a shame !

      I think OneBlade and Supply can hardly be compared as Marc described it well in his report. Both work very fine but also very different.

      All of them I like a lot !

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