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OneBlade vs. Oneblade?

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Dueling OneBlades?  The OneBlade razor has been covered extensively on Sharpologist and it’s one of my favorite razors, despite the cost.  So imagine my surprise when I was walking through my local megamart the other day and saw a shaver called “OneBlade,” made by Philips/Norelco.  I discovered that though they may share a name, the two products couldn’t be more different.

Who Are These Guys?

OneBlade* (the shaver) is produced by Philips/Norelco, known for their mass-market electric shavers (I used a Norelco rotary electric shaver for years before I “saw the light” of traditional shaving).  OneBlade* (the razor) is the brainchild of publisher Porter Stansberry and is marketed to the high-end, luxury razor buyer.  Let’s compare and contrast these two products.

Philips (Norelco) OneBlade Shaver

At about US $35, Philips calls their OneBlade shaver a “trimmer/edger/shaver.”  My first thought was they were trying to compete with other body trimmers, especially Gillette’s Fusion Proglide Styler razor.  But after looking at the little instruction book that came with it, and reading some of the other online reviews, it appears that it’s really designed for facial hair (though it would probably be acceptable for arms and legs too).

The Look

philips oneblade
The Philips Oneblade comes in a transparent blister pack, typical of many consumer tools (unlike some blister packs though, this one was reasonably easy for me to open!).  It’s battery-powered, with a sealed rechargeable battery that runs for about 45 minutes on an eight hour charge.  It comes with one multi-purpose razor head and three “stubble combs” along with the battery charger.

The Handle

The Philips Oneblade has a six-inch-long, one-inch-wide, plastic handle.  It’s reasonably ergonomic with textured sides and a decent grip.  Considering the internals, the unit is fairly lightweight and easy to use.  However I’m concerned about the “quality” of the plastic–it feels somewhat thin and I am concerned about the long-term durability of the product.

The Head

If you have used an electric shaver you are probably aware of the two major head designs, “rotary” and “foil.”  The Philips OneBlade head is neither, though it behaves more like a foil than a rotary, with a vibrating motion.  This unusual hybrid head design also apparently has a fairly limited life: Philips suggests replacing the head “every 4 months or when it no longer provides the shaving or trimming results you expect.”  But that life is also based on the assumption that it will be only used twice a week (according to the Philips website).   The typical head life of an electric shaver is usually several years.  Head replacements currently run about US $15 (a little less by unit when purchased in a multi-pack).

The Shave

The shaver can be used wet or dry.  Edging and trimming is convenient and straight-forward.  Shaving?  Well…not so much.  The Philips OneBlade is not suitable for shaving in the way that Sharpologist readers expect.  Although the head does pivot (using flexible plastic parts), shaving with the Philips Oneblade is neither particularly close nor particularly comfortable (using the shaver “wet” does improve the experience somewhat).  This shaver* is more suitable for maintaining a trendy stubble than that “baby’s butt” close shave.

OneBlade Razor

On the other hand, at US $350 ($299 with subscription plan), the OneBlade Genesis razor is a luxury shaving tool.  It’s meant to shave (and like other manual razors it can trim as well).  The OneBlade razor’s hybrid design–using a single blade like a classic safety razor with a pivoting head like a modern cartridge razor–is aimed to the affluent customer looking for an upgraded-but-still-familiar shaving experience.

The Look

The OneBlade razor comes as a luxury packaging experience, with a thick leather case and a heavy stainless steel razor stand.

The Handle

The OneBlade razor’s handle is just shy of four inches long and all stainless steel.  It feels solid, substantial, and well-balanced in my hand.

The Head

The OneBlade razor’s head is also stainless steel (including the pivot internals) and uses a Feather single-edge FHS-10 blade.  One blade per shave is recommended, though most users report they can get two or three decent shaves per blade.  Replacement blades run about US $0.75 per blade in quantity.

The Shave

The OneBlade razor is used “wet.”  I’ve written about my experience with the OneBlade razor in-depth previously.  Tl;dr–a razor that is gentle but efficient and provides me with a fantastic shave.  Trimming with the OneBlade* has never been a problem for me.

Will This End Up In The Courts?

Happily, no.  Both companies are aware of each other and have agreed to “stay out of each other’s way” without the need for lawyers getting heavily involved.  So…one name, two very different experiences.
*affiliate link
Have you tried either OneBlade?  What is your experience?  Leave a comment below!


Shave tutor and co-founder of sharpologist. Advocating for traditional wet shaving for over 20 years, I specialize in single-blade shaving with safety razors, straight razors, and lathering shave creams and soaps. I've been featured as a thought leader in men's grooming by major outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and Lifehacker. Learn old-school shaving techniques to transform your shave into a classic grooming experience. Also check out my content on Youtube, X/Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest!View Author posts

5 thoughts on “OneBlade vs. Oneblade?”

  1. I use the Phillips OneBlade and it works like a dream for me. I have been a wet shaver for close to ten years now and no matter what I did, I couldn’t get a good shave on my neck or chin without getting ingrown hairs and pustules a few days later when my beard started to grow back in. The Phillips OneBlade is the only thing I’ve been able to use that shaves me close enough to the point that it looks like I shaved with a blade but none of the irritation or ingrowns follow. I love it.

  2. I have a small collection of the only, as far as I know, One blade Razor. I realize there are a very few others but they don’t stand up as well to constant usage.
    The blade has been known to last through 3 t0 5 generations.
    Yes. father to son to son to son to son.
    Perhaps more by now.
    It is called The Rolls Razor.

    1. Brian Fiori (AKA The Dean)

      I’d guess a straight (cutthroat) is the original. “one blade razor”. Earlier than your Rolls.
      Those Rolls razors are very interesting, though. If they didn’t look like so much work, I might get one. Same with a straight. I’m too lazy.

  3. Brian Fiori (AKA The Dean)

    I’m a bit surprised Philips Norelco hasn’t sued (or simply bought the name from) the smaller company. If they are really good with the dual names, then bravo!
    I’ve been aware of the electric OneBlade for some time. It always struck me a a tool for keeping the “hipster stubble” look. At least that’s how it is marketed. You seem to confirm that is what it is best for.

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