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Supply Single Edge Injector Razor

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IMPORTANT NOTE: Click/tap here for Sharpologist’s coverage of Supply’s new Supply SE razor. This article will remain active as an archive of Supply’s previous razors for those looking for background information and the “pre-owned” market.

[Updated July, 2020] Back in 2015 I was one of the lucky testers of a prototype razor from Supply that takes “Injector” style blades.  In 2017  I looked at the first production version of the Supply single edge razor.  After another successful crowdfunding campaign, Supply released “version 2” and I bought one to see what has changed.

How Has The Razor Changed?

[Note: Supply links are Sharpologist affiliate but this article and review is independent and is not sponsored by Supply.]

Visually, the two razor versions look identical to me.  But the latest Supply razor has changed in subtle but important ways.

This is still a very heavyweight razor (maybe I should call it a superweight, after the “heavy duty” and “super duty” designations from a certain truck manufacturer): the specs for the new version say it weighs the same 110 grams as V1, though on my digital kitchen scale V1 is two grams heavier at 112 grams.  My “version 2” razor is 110 grams (all weights include blade).  The center-of-gravity is ever-so-slightly further down the handle, at least on my semi-scientific balance-it-on-the-edge-of-a-ruler test.

Three base plates are included.  Blade exposure and blade gap have been tweaked with all three base plates.  More on this below.

The latest Supply Single Edge razor is manufactured using a “metal injection molding” (MIM) process.  MIM is relatively new and typically used in medical and aerospace manufacturing. It’s a high-quality manufacturing technology with a very high upfront investment cost but extremely accurate tolerances.  High tolerances are especially important in good razors. 🙂

Supply v2 (left) and v1 (right)

Blade loading has been improved.  On Version 1, every now-and-then an Injector blade would get inserted a bit “cockeyed” with the Mild base plate in my experience.  It wasn’t a big deal for me to re-align the blade but it was annoying when it happened.  The most recent version has taken care of that issue–every blade has loaded cleanly and evenly for me, on every base plate.

Along with the classic chrome version two black versions of the razor are available (Jet Black and Matte Black). using a military grade finish called Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD). It’s created by bombarding the surface of the razor with titanium ions inside a vacuum chamber.

There is also a new, lower-cost “Alloy” version of the razor.  It looks and performs almost exactly the same as the Stainless Steel version.  Check out my full review of the Alloy version at Supply Single Edge Alloy Razor – How Does It Stack Up Against The Original?

What Else Is Supply…Supplying?

Supply is now selling a full line of wet shaving products in addition to their razor, including a Silvertip Synthetic Brush, Ultra Lather Shaving Cream, aftershave, a Single Edge Starter Set, and other skin care products and accessories.  I’ve only had a chance to try the brush in addition to the razor but I think it’s very good!

How Has The Shave Changed?

So how has the shave changed with these tweaks?

For me, the shave experience with the current Supply Single Edge razor is noticeably improved over V1.  The first thing I noticed was that the grip has improved, even though the razor still “looks” smooth.  I’m told that the manufacturing change to MIM, where the material can be subtly textured with a “bead blast,” makes all the difference.

As I mentioned earlier, this is a heavy razor.  But the better texturing and the minor change in balance make it more comfortable and easier to handle.

I generally prefer “mild” razors.  And I definitely gravitated to the mild base plate on the V1 Supply razor.  I initially thought it would be that way with the current version as well but I discovered that after the first shave with a new “Injector” blade I actually preferred the “Classic” base plate on the Stainless Steel models.  For some reason I prefer the “Mild” setting more on the Alloy version.

Even though the base plate blade gap for all the plates have been increased a tiny bit with the current version, the other design tweaks seem to give the razor a smoother performance no matter what plate you use.

For me the Supply razor is especially good at dealing with heavy, multi-day stubble.  I find the thicker, more stable Injector single edge blade good at mowing down a “terrain” that can give thinner blades trouble.  Over-all I find the shave I can get with the Supply razor to be excellent.

Have you tried the Supply Single Edge V2 razor?  What do you think of it?  Leave a comment below!

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Shave tutor and co-founder of sharpologist. Advocating for traditional wet shaving for over 20 years, I specialize in single-blade shaving with safety razors, straight razors, and lathering shave creams and soaps. I've been featured as a thought leader in men's grooming by major outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and Lifehacker. Learn old-school shaving techniques to transform your shave into a classic grooming experience. Also check out my content on Youtube, X/Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest!View Author posts

21 thoughts on “Supply Single Edge Injector Razor”

  1. I’m new to wet shaving and love what a great resource your site is! I’ve been trying DE and while I can get there it’s not feeling natural so I have been looking at SE blades. I just picked up the Supply V2 and am going to try it this weekend. I just found your article on the Oneblade being the “perfect” razor and how it replaced your Mongoose for your daily shaver. I wanted to check in and see if that was still true with the Supply V2 and which you prefer for a SE razor.

  2. Would you recommend going with the alloy or stainless steel Supply razor, if willing to spend more money? This is a xmas gift for my husband who uses a safety or straight razor (not sure what it’s called) and I don’t know enough to know if stainless is worth twice as much. Thank you

    1. Jodie, I don’t know for sure–I have an Alloy version coming and I haven’t used it yet. But I suspect, engineering-wise, the Alloy version will shave as well as the Stainless version.

  3. Hello Mantic, Thanks for your reviews, that I became to trust years ago. You led the way to most of my razors and favorite soaps.
    I have the V1 and it became one of my favorites. Like you, I enjoy non-aggressive and efficient razors, so I use the 1 dot plate with a sharp blade.
    You mentioned that the blade gap in the V2 increased, but that each plate feels smoother than its V1 counterpart. Does that also mean that you do not feel more likely to get cuts or weepers, or have to be more cautious with the V2 plates, in spite of the bigger blade gap?

  4. My 2c. I like All of mine (Kickstart Ed, V1, V2) but it’s a tad heavier than I like to hold & could be easily made 15-20g lighter! The shave is OK but it’s not superior to a vintage injector. The price is reasonable, with coupons it’s even better & we should thank Mark for herring & sharing them & not complain about advertising! The man’s making Penny’s for his efforts & your saving bucks (if you buy that is, its browsing otherwise). The company, Supply Co is legit with a commit to their product and community at large too. Let’s not discount that, I like my dollars to be earned and appreciated. He is all about quality and customer service and it’s the only take on the ancient injector on offer (unlike all the feather artist blades of late)..
    So give mantic a break, he let’s us get a peek and shares his thoughts before we spend a cent and I for one am very grateful! Cheers Bro
    Steve, TheDailyShaver

  5. My browser blocks websites that look like sales pitches. I clicked on “Supply” in your article and got a “sales affiliate” website. It seems a serious manufacturer would have their own website. Does the company have a designated website?

    1. Brian Fiori (AKA The Dean)

      My guess is, the browser is blocking the affiliate link, and not the manufacturer’s site. Hover over the link where you see the text “Supply” and you should see the URL of the affiliate link, which then sends you to
      Affiliate links can be suspect, so some browser security will block them.

  6. I purchased the Supply V2 and think its a great razor. I have all three heads and like the ‘classic’ best but I recieved a great shave from all three. It is so smooth. I’m really glad I bought it.

  7. I was part of the original crowdfunding funding campaign a few years ago and I absolutely loved version 1. When I learned Supply was creating a version 2, I signed up without hesitation. In my opinion Version 2 (standard blade) gives me a slightly better shave than version 1. I use V2 daily and I have placed V1 in my dop kit. If my luggage gets lost I won’t be too disappointed.
    One thing that really helped me is watching the ‘how to’ videos that Patrick created demonstrating how to get optimum results with the Single Edge. These are available on Supply’s website. Typical instruction for double-edge razors suggest the blade angle should be about 30 degrees. For optimum results with the Single Edge, the blade angle should be about 10 degrees. In other words the handle is nearly 90 degrees pointed out from your face which means the cutting edge of the blade is nearly flat against your face (pointed downward about 10 degrees). The weight of the razor and the thickness of the blade will cut through very thick hair. Because the blade is thicker than a DE blade, I will get 7-10 shaves out of 1 blade. If you use a slick shaving cream, the sensation is like effortlessly wiping the hair off your face.
    It really is a great razor and built to last.

  8. Mr. Hero,
    I am very disappointed in your new programme.
    I have been a wet/traditional shaver for almost 6 years now and I have learned a great deal from you .
    This new programme does not appear to be in the least instructional. It is one commercial after another.
    I am quite content with my GEM and Schicks and Rolls razors all of which are a fraction of the price of the items you advertise.
    I do wish you the very best but I request that my name be removed from your membership list.
    Thank you.

    1. Brian Fiori (AKA The Dean)

      OK, I’ll bite.
      Who is Mr. Hero? What is the “new programme”? Membership list?
      Is this comment meant for another post? Another site?

      1. I’m pretty sure Mickey is referring to the Sharpologist email newsletter. I sent out an email mentioning this article and the discount. He (or anyone on the list) can unsubscribe by following the link at the bottom of every email, but I’ll go ahead and remove him manually.

  9. Although I am sure that Marco holds his position honestly, my honest opinion is quite different. Far from being substandard, the Supply V2 is one of “the” standards for injector razors. It is a wonderful razor and has become one of my favorites among the injectors. The other two favorites being the Pal Adjustable from 1962 and the Schick Type E1 from the WWII era. I prefer all three of those over any DE razor, and I have many DEs, both old and new. Injectors just provide a better, easier shave, in my opinion, and an injector blade gives me a couple of weeks worth of shaves. Mark’s review is spot on.

  10. The Supply razor is my first departure from cartridge shaving blades, and I have thoroughly enjoyed the results. The greatest advantage is that shaving with this razor has eliminated ingrown whiskers that grows in every direction around my Adam’s apple (it still takes multiple passes to take care of those hairs). I still use cartridge razors for other hair removal, but for shaving my face, I alternate between the single edge and a Braun electric shaver (I have to be clean shaven everyday for work), and this has worked for me. Face prep is essential to a good shave!

  11. Actually the V1 is one of the best razors I have ever shaved with. Right now I am trying to decide how it compares with a couple of AC razors. I know that “your mileage may vary” but just popping off that is substandard with no clarification is just internet trolling.
    And now thanks to this article I have to decide if I need (want) a v2. So, Mark, is it sufficiently better to justify a further investment?

    1. Graham, if your V1 is one of your best razors, the improvements in V2 probably aren’t enough to justify the additional cost unless you want (vs. need) to. For you it’s probably a matter of RAD more than anything else. 🙂

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