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Rockwell Model T

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After an early announcement and crowdfunding campaign, and a difficult creation process, the much-anticipated Rockwell Model T adjustable safety razor is finally available in quantity.  I bought one to try: here are my impressions.

Rockwell Model T Adjustable Razor History And Specs

[Ed. note: Rockwell and Amazon links are Sharpologist affiliate.]

The Rockwell Model T adjustable razor launched as a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign in March of 2016.  Crowdfunding campaigns are by their nature “not a sure thing” and there is always the possibility of significant change or even failure.  The Model T is no exception.

Initially conceived as made of stainless steel and costing about the same as Rockwell’s flagship 6S razor (also the product of a successful but sometimes difficult crowdfunding campaign), the actual design and construction processes met with some significant challenges.  The final product is made from metal alloys and costs significantly higher than other adjustable razors.  Is it worth the wait and price?

Some sales copy from Rockwell’s website:

“The Rockwell Model T is an intuitive, easy to use razor, with an adjustable dial that allows everyone to easily get a close and comfortable shave every time.


  • Fully adjustable to your skin type and facial hair length – just twist the dial for your perfect shave.
  • Eliminates the skin irritation and razor bumps caused by multi-blade cartridge systems.
  • Easy twist-to-open blade-loading and intuitive shave settings make it easy to transition from cartridge razors with no nicks or cuts.
  • Precision engineered blade angles provide the ultimate shaving experience.
  • Perfectly weighted and balanced through unparalleled craftsmanship for intuitive handling and effortless glide.”

“The Rockwell Model T allows you to adjust fluidly between shave settings 1 through 6, so you can customize the shave to your skin type and facial hair length by slightly adjusting the angle at which the blade cuts your hair. Lower Rockwell Size settings (between 1-3) are for men with sensitive skin and are the perfect place to start a seamless transition from cartridge razor shaving with no nicks, cuts or discomfort. Higher Rockwell Size settings (between 4-6) are for men with thick, coarse hair and men lining up a serious beard.”

  • Material: brass, stainless steel, chromed zinc alloy
  • Weight: 125 grams
  • Handle Length: 89mm (3.5 inches)

My Experience With The Rockwell Model T Adjustable Razor

rockwell model t adjustable razor

From a presentation perspective, I think the Rockwell Model T looks very nice: the packaging is up-scale and gift-worthy.

For me the razor itself feels hefty, well-balanced, and has a very “grippy” texturing on the handle.  The twist-to-open (TTO) action is much smoother and more fluid-like than other TTO adjustable razors: it kind of reminds me of the old Merkur Vision razor’s (long since discontinued though you can still occasionally find NOS examples) action.

For an “adjustable” razor I think the Rockwell Model T is biased on the high side of aggressiveness.  That is, the lowest setting of the Model T is still more aggressive than the lowest setting of other adjustable razors.  Not as ridiculous as the first version of the Qshave Parthenon but pretty darn high.

I prefer mild razors and for me I have to keep the Rockwell Model T adjustment dial under “2”  so there is not a lot of “wiggle room” for me.  I tried a number of different blades including Rockwell’s own brand, Parker, and Astra and they all provided similar results.  Even at very low settings there is a lot of blade feel and this is a fairly “loud” razor with a lot of auditory feedback.

The results are good for me though.  As long as I keep the adjustment dial on a very low setting I can get a two pass “darn fine” (DFS) shave and a three pass “baby’s butt” (BBS) shave–though a three pass shave generally results in a few “weepers” on my neck with this razor.


The Rockwell Model T adjustable razor was long-awaited by the traditional wet shaving community and the final result was, frankly, a little disappointing to many of them.  Their expectations–based on the previous success of the Rockwell 6S razor and the initial specs of the Model T’s crowdfunding campaign–were not met.  And the pricing is in a bit of a weird place: far above other metal alloy adjustable razors and approaching the price of the Rex Ambassador adjustable razor, which is fully stainless steel.

The razor’s adjustment window favors the high end so if you have a thick beard or otherwise prefer “aggressive” or “efficient” razors you will probably like the Rockwell Model T.  And it does “feel” good in the hand and performs well.

The Rockwell Model T adjustable razor is available from Rockwell as well as other vendors such as Maggard and Amazon.

Do you have a Rockwell Model T adjustable razor?  What do you think of it?  Leave a comment below!


Shave tutor and co-founder of sharpologist. I have been advocating old-school shaving for over 20 years and have been featured in major media outlets including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and Lifehacker. Also check out my content on Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest!View Author posts

36 thoughts on “Rockwell Model T”

  1. I’ve been using my Mt for about 4 months now. Only on weekends for the first month while I got used to it, but now on a daily basis. I don’t have a sensitive skin or a thick beard. I’ve found on my particular razor, any setting under 3 is a waste of time. I get a DFN shave on 4 and BBS on 5, but if I use a setting over 5, I find it’s a little harsh on my skin. So.. for the last 2 months, it’s setting 4 all the way. 2, 3 or 4 pass shaves, it makes no difference, 4 is the setting for me.

    1. I made a comment about the Model T a few years ago.

      I use Feather blades. I love my Rockwell 6S. After reading the good bad and ugly comments about the Model T, I brought my T out today. Got a great shave with the Feather blade.

      I have to say, it is technique! Imagine, shaving with a straight razor. NO PRESSURE! Just lightly let the razor do it’s job.

      Like any DE, very little pressure is needed. I lost my son to DE shaving because of that plastic crap. 😊🥌.

  2. Price for this razor is scandalous, will stick to my Rockwell 2c gunmetal setting 3 best razor I’ve had for years.

  3. My experience with the Rockwell Model T is terrible. I would not recommend this razor at all. This is actually my second, as I had Rockwell replace my first as the doors would not close correctly. They said they knew about it, and for me to keep using it as it might work itself out! Not. The second razor was the exact same. On my razor, the two different sides are very different in aggressiveness. If I set the razor on “4”, one side feels like a 2, and the other side like a 6. This razor is terrible! Get a Merkur Futur. MUCH better of a razor. The Rockwell Model T is TERRIBLE!

    1. I had the same experience. The ‘butterfly’ enclosure would not close ‘flush’. I purchased my 1st Model T from Shave Nation. They were fairly prompt and followed up with Rockwell within days. Less than 2 weeks later I received my replacement. The butterfly mechanism worked much better on the 2nd razor. It’s almost hard to understand how their suboptimal quality control let this clear defect pass inspection. It’s obvious it was not an isolated incident. For them to suggest to keep using it and it would work itself out is absurd and disrespectful. Now I have to admit I get a fairly good shave with it and I appreciate going down to the 1 or 2 setting for my 2nd or 3rd pass against the grain. However this would not be unique to this razor. Many well reputed and established adjustables (Razor Ambassador anyone?) would do the job just as well.

    2. I made a comment about the Model T a few years ago.

      I use Feather blades. I love my Rockwell 6S. After reading the good bad and ugly comments about the Model T, I brought my T out today. Got a great shave with the Feather blade.

      I have to say, it is technique! Imagine, shaving with a straight razor. NO PRESSURE! Just lightly let the razor do it’s job.

      Like any DE

  4. I got the Model T after a long wait on the kickstarter list. Switched to DE shaving about three years ago. My first razor was a Van Der Hagen (acceptable, but prone to cutting and not particularly close), an Edwin Jagger (attractive and comfortable, but perhaps not the closest of shaves), and finally the Merkur 34-C, which is just about perfect for me since it is both comfortable and close. But, in the spirit of encouraging innovation, I decided to pony up for the Model T.

    I found your review to be quite accurate. Even at the 1 setting it is noticeably more aggressive than the 34-C. That being said, it will give a close shave. I have a full thick beard but my hair is blond, so my hair texture is probably not all that tough on blades. Still, I have decided to use the T to practice my shaving technique. Lately I have been cranking the setting up to 3 and 4 and then shaving … very …. slowly. I do a two pass, with and against the grain, and I think it would be very hard to improve on that shave. But at that setting you have to be very careful.

    Still I thought that it would be good practice since I am considering trying a Feather Artist Club razor in the near future and technique is all important when you make that step. The secret, of course, is no vertical pressure – parallel to the skin is all you need. I have gotten to the point now where cuts and weepers are rare, but not non existent. The upside is that the end result is closer than the Merkur, if not by an amount that would matter to many people.

  5. I bought a Model T gunmetal on eBay for $200.00. How’s it got on eBay I don’t know. The box came vacuum sealed with a serial sticker, etc. The razor inside came as shown on the web, totally dust free. It looked fantastic, squeaky clean. How it got on eBay, I don’t know. EBay even wants an email review which I haven’t replied yet which surprised me.

    I shaved 4 times with the Rockwell, Nacet, Derby and Voskhod blades. Every shave was lousy with many “large” nicks on every level. I opened the top of the razor and noticed the parts were barley moving. I do have a Rockwell which is great. I also have a Parker Varient, Rockwell 6C and a Merkur Progress…all are excellent, I thought I’d treat myself with a Rockwell Model T butterfly. My skin is medium aggressive and I use a Feather blade in my short Merkur for my trouble spots on my neck, works great. I love my Rockwell 6C!!

    I’ll call/Rockwell and EBay to see if they can help as it looks defective. The EBay seller had a very high rating. I should have known better than EBay.


  6. I love my Rockwell Model T, yes I prefer a more aggressive razor, my standard setting on the T is Three, I use setting Five for over a weeks growth or more. I like adjustable Razors that I don’t need to disassemble to load a blade, as I don’t shave everyday I need a Razor that can provide a milder shave or an aggressive shave depending on how long the whiskers have grown.

    1. Pretty much same for me. I’m not into multiple ‘passes’. 1-2 usually does the job very well for a 2 to 3 day growth. I’ll use 3-4 when I’ve been lazy and not shaved for 4 days or more. I like it a lot. Cheers.

  7. I waited over 2 years for the Rockwell Model T razor. I like it overall, the continual adjustment dial allows fine tuning that my trusty Slim does not. I have tried the Rockwell blades. I tossed them after trying one. I like Rapira and Feathers in them. I have a heavy beard, so the aggressiveness isn’t an issue. I do find you have to work at getting a BBS result. The Parker Variant is better at shaving my neck. Almost as good as a straight razor. I paid $100 US for this razor. Its high sticker price is expensive for a razor which won’t work for everyone, especially for people just starting out with DE razors, and adjustables in particular.

  8. I have had similar issues with the Model T, it is aggressive. On his forum, someone suggested setting to 6, that it would make it smoother. I did try it and the shave was smoother, but still pretty aggressive. So went back to my 6S.

    I usually use Feather blades. I woke up last and a thought came to me, try a different blade. I put a Rockwell blade in this AM. With the razor set at 5, I got a BBS shave, seemed only slightly aggressive. Definitely livable.

  9. No thanks. I’ll stick with the razor that this was patterned after, Gillette adjustable. I have 2 of them. Bought each one for less than $10. They work perfectly.

  10. I received the model T as a Christmas gift, never thinking it could challenge my adjustable Parker. While I’d agree that it’s a bit more aggressive—3 Rockwell seems about 5 on the Parker, I feel it provides a solid shave with Rockwell blades—having not yet checked it with other brands. It feels somewhat more maneuverable and lighter in the head piece than the Parker with a good balance between head and handle. I too have had no difficulties with the wings/doors.

  11. It seems a lot of guys nowadays have wet-shaving fever and buy every new razor that comes along, probably in fear of missing out on something. And in an attempt to capitalize on this trend, manufacturers have jumped on the bandwagon. It seems they come out with new products every month.

    But I think Rockwell has overestimated our zeal. They make this adjustable razor without a sufficiently mild setting and with a Zamak head, and it sells for $150!. I think they’ve failed to realize that guys with the shaving bug get a lot of their information from online forums, and that anyone who spends time on them knows that Zamak heads are found on inexpensive razors, as they won’t be as long-lived as ones made of brass or stainless steel. And if we pay $150 for Zamak today, tomorrow every manufacturer will be charging high prices for cheaply made goods.

    I have a Parker Variant adjustable razor I love, It’s made entirely of stainless steel, its #1 setting is very mild, it has a beautiful fit and finish, and it only cost me $57. I’ll stick with it, vote with my wallet and save $150.

      1. My bad. They have chrome-plated brass handles and I presume zinc alloy heads. But their price makes sense to me, whereas that of the Rockwell does not.

  12. Waited forever and found it way too aggressive even at setting1. Rockwell to their credit took it back for a stainless model w 6 settings and I love the newbie. Setting I use is 3 and I’ll never go back. Rockwell rules.

  13. HI,
    i also found the Model T quite aggressive and i have not used it much but now that you have confirmed that it is i will try the low settings as i thought set at 3 that would be fine but i will go lower even to 1 if i have to lol! thanks

  14. A very nice looking Razor . Unfortunately , not being solid stainless … a Zinc Alloy realistically should have price point
    not more than $80. Can’t see many buyers at this price.

  15. I’ve got a 6S I use daily and a 2C for travel; both are excellent. I bought into the Model T the first day it was on Kickstarter with great expectations. After 2+ years of delays and changes, it became obvious this wasn’t going to be the dream razor I’d hoped it would be and backed out, funds promptly refunded. I think they bit off more than they could chew and from what I’m reading in all the reviews, looks as if the end product is far below what was initially proposed. More time in development before launching would have been beneficial.

    I wish the guys at Rockwell good luck in the future. Keep at it!

  16. I have a Rockwell Model T razor. It is incredibly loud. Haven’t found it not to work fine with any blade. I use setting #3. It does have a large head but I have also not found that not to be a problem. I like the razor a lot. Doors close fine on my razor. The plating looks very nice. Don’t know how long it will last but I expect it will last a very long time. It is very easy to take apart and clean the interior mechanism of the razor.

  17. I just wish that Rockwell would make a shiny stainless 6S along in addition to or instead of their matte offering. For me the 6S is the perfect DE.

  18. Admittedly the first three shaves with the Model T were all over the place; from very aggressive to super mild when I dialled down. Finally on the fourth shave, I’d tied the damn thing down; setting 5, zero pressure and just let the weight of the head do all the work. The result was one of the best shaves I’d ever had; well maybe that was a one-off so I tried the same settings and technique again the next day. And the shave was even better!
    Still a couple of issues; the head’s too big, doesn’t fit under my nose. And I’m worried about dropping the razor someday and cracking the head. Apart from this, it’s outstanding

  19. I had a Model T and ended up selling it after a month of shaving with it exclusively. I agree it was agressive and I typically shaved with it on 2, and sometimes even 1. Overall it seemed well made and the doors worked fine, as well as the adjustment dial. I just don’t feel it was worth the price and was successful in selling it and recouping what I paid for it on Kickstater. My Gillette Slim gives me a way better shave when I use it.

  20. Here is the problem, for me my REX is UNUSABLE (ill have to return it for another) as its overly aggressive but the ModelT is MILD and I can use mine on high settings with ease. The problem is these razors have no way to be set to any sort of standard! The modelT can be retweaked (adjusted) up or down by Rockwell (probably for free) if you got a duff one as it shouldnt be overly aggressive unless on 6+ ~ As for the Rex, its been returned once already and I think ill have to do it again as im having all sorts of problems with it! But I wont give up but CNC adjustable is so hitt’n’miss tolerance wise Im doubtful it can be standardised!

  21. I have a model t brushed chrome shaved with it for a month.
    It is so mild I’m shaving with it on 6 Where as a issue a Rex Ambassador on 4 or a Merkur progress on 3.5 or a gillette on 7

    So with that said I have one for sale hit me up. I’m not a fan of the razor I’m sinking my money in to charcoal goods

      1. Yeah the only way I can shave with it is using a feather.

        Everything else is too mild.

        I used voshkod Gillette silver blues and platinums.

        I did get the brushed chrome.

  22. There are new razors that I find difficult to use, but which I really want to have a good shave with. One of them is the 316 from Edwin Jagger. I like everything about it, but even after several weeks I still haven’t found a combination with blade and shaving cream that gives a top shaving result without slight nicks and cuts. Clearly: It’s up to me, I’ll keep at it. Because I really like this razor.
    And there is nothing I have wished for more than for the T-Model to become one of my favourite razors. To make a long story short after this long introduction: I try to be fair, but it’s hard when love is disappointed. It is incredibly loud. It’s incredibly shitty. The fact that the butterfly wings don’t close properly is an embarrassing design flaw. His aggressiveness – phew. Actually, you can just throw that thing away. Because I don’t know of any other adjustable that is even worse and where the adjustment function is only used to find out the few millimetres so that you can shave with it at all.
    Maybe it would be good to talk to the dealers about their basic experiences with Rockwell. Because I have already done so, I predict: The result is as sobering as the shaving experience with the Model T.

    1. Thanks for your comments! FWIW I haven’t had any problems with the doors–they open and close smoothly for me.

  23. Rockwell has demonstrated great persistence with the 6C. Not giving up my brass and nickel plated 1959 Gillette Fatboy for a Zamak razor though.

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