You’re listening to Wet Shaving Talk powered by Sharpologist.com where we’re dedicated to preserving the art and skill of classic shaving. I’m your host Joe Borrelli and today is April 3, 2019.
April Fools!!
Today on the Show:
Finishing Stones for Straight Razors
Big Shave S’West & New York Meet-ups
A week with a Weber
When is Your Collection Complete
Adjustable or Not? What’s your Choice (one more week)
Finishing Stones for Straight Razors
While there are several options, there are a few that are very popular.
- Synthetic Water Stones: Grit ranges for finishing 8k-25k (average)
- Natural Stones
- Belgian Coticule: Stone from the Addrennes mountain range. Known for variable hardness levels and the ability to hone with one stone
- Japanese Natural: Variable hardness levels. Lot’s of blade feel. Can be expensive
- German Thurigian: Slate like stone. Escher was a major producer from the 1790s until mid 20th century.
More stones are featured here
Big Shave S’West and New York Meet Up
Two major meetups this month!
Although the one in NYC is sold out it looks to be a great show!
A Week with a Weber
Recently I picked up a Weber safety razor. This is the final piece of my Wet Shaving Bucket list!
I’ll tell you all about it.
When IS Your Collection Complete?
When is your collection really complete? Do you have a Bucket List. Are you content with your collection? I’ll tell you my thoughts.
Adjustable or not?
Last show I asked a particular question regarding adjustable razors. Because of the response I am going to keep it open until the next show!
Delay in Shipping
I apologize to the previous contest winners. I am a little delayed with shipping out the shirts. I am sending them out this week !
Let’s Take a Survey!!
Please click on the link below to take a quick survey regarding the podcast! Answers are anonymous!
Click here ->https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HCYZ6P6
Our show is powered by Sharpologist.com, “What Your Father Didn’t Teach You about Shaving”
Special Thanks to:
Mark aka Mantic 59
Most of All……….YOU!!!!
Don’t forget to check out my blog site www.shavestraightandsafe.com for the tips and interesting wet shaving stories!
Please feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Subscribe to my You Tube Chanel for videos regarding some interesting wet shaving content.
Are you interested in sponsoring an episode? Contact Me!!!
If you’re a vendor and would like to be featured on the show please contact me!!
Next Show: 4/15/19
Weber PH from an early run remains my #1 razor.