OneBlade just launched their new blade, the HiCarbon SE! I’ve given it a try and I think it’s a winner!
[Note: I have been involved with OneBlade almost since their inception and have worked with them by doing things like help test prototypes. Sharpologist is an affiliate of OneBlade: if you end up purchasing something through these links Sharpologist may receive a small commission. However there has not been any prior review or approval of this article by OneBlade.]
It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of Oneblade, particularly the OneBlade Genesis safety razor. I could probably be a brand ambassador for them and I know some people are sick of me yapping about them. 🙂 They really do have some excellent products.
But one of the nagging criticisms that users of OneBlade razors make has to do with the OneBlade razor’s blade: the Feather FHS single edge blade. Some bemoan the fact that there is only one blade source, Feather. Others would prefer more blade choice (while some users have tried de-spined GEM blades, most are reluctant to attempt it. Which brings us back to the previous concern). Many wish that blade life was longer: most shavers can get only two or three shaves out of a Feather FHS blade–and some can only get a single shave out of it). Some cheapskates gripe at the (relative) cost–despite the fact that it is less expensive than most multi-blade razor cartridges.
OneBlade has been aware of this feedback and have been actively researching and testing possible solutions for some time: I know because I’ve been a “guinea pig,” shaving for science, on-and-off for the past couple of years.
I think blade issues will be alleviated for most OneBlade shavers with the launch of their new HiCarbon SE blade!

From OneBlade’s website:
Introducing, the HiCarbon SE Safety Razor Blade, crafted from .23mm high-carbon steel and designed exclusively for OneBlade Razors. These blades last up to 4x longer than our FHS blades and feature a Chromium / PTFE coating for a smooth, irritation-free shave. Paired with OneBlade’s patented Active Floating Blade System, they deliver unparalleled precision, comfort, and durability.
My Experience With OneBlade HiCarbon SE Razor Blades
I have been using pre-launch production samples of the OneBlade HiCarbon SE blade for a while now.
There are some cosmetic changes compared to the Feather FHS blade:
- The blade is stamped with the OneBlade logo (instead of the weird negative Autostrop logo of the FHS);
- There is a slot/groove at the top of the blade for easier blade handling.
Subjectively to me the blade “feels” thinner and more flexible, with a bit more blade-edge feel, than the FHS.

But more importantly, how does the OneBlade HiCarbon SE blade perform?
Remember that blades can be a very “personal” experience: what works well for one person may be awful for another. With that in mind let me make some comparisons.
I’m one of those OneBlade users who likes the FHS blade’s shave performance. The FHS has always given me close shaves with zero irritation. However, blade life is an issue for me. The first shave is always fantastic. The second shave isn’t quite as good but I can still get a “baby’s butt smooth” (BBS) closeness with a bit of work. The third shave is acceptable but that’s where I usually toss the FHS and start with another.
The HiCarbon SE blade is quite similar in performance for me. Subjectively if feels slightly “sharper” than the FHS but still gives me BBS shaves without irritation. The HiCarbon also wears gracefully, without the sudden drop in performance that some other safety razor blades can have as they are used. But most surprising is the blade life! I can get about four times the life out of the OneBlade HiCarbon SE blade compared to that of the FHS! I am routinely getting about eight-to-ten multi-pass shaves out of a blade. That’s roughly the same life I get out of most double edge razor blades I have tried.
Summing Up
The OneBlade HiCarbon SE blade is a worthy addition to the OneBlade product line, and addresses the concerns some users have with blade choice and performance. I find the blade performs well and has a long life!
Have you had a chance to try the OneBlade Element razor?
My OneBlade Hybrid razor had been gathering dust on a shelf for about two years because the original Feather blades didn’t work for me. They didn’t cut whiskers as much as pull them out, leaving my skin tender after each shave. They were also one-and-done blades because additional shaves with a blade were even more uncomfortable. After reading Mark’s review of the new HiCarbon SE blades, I took a chance and ordered them. The result was a pleasant surprise. I could tell with the first stroke that the new blade was cutting instead of tugging. Its shaves were the same DFS quality as my usual Merkur 34C or Feather AS-D2 razor paired with a Feather blade. The HiCarbon SE blade lasted longer than the original blade, giving me smooth, clean, and irritation-free shaves over three successive shaves. (I usually replace DE blades after three shaves, anyway.) Thanks for the review, Mark. I will include the Hybrid in the razor rotation, which takes the sting from having an expensive razor go unused.
I have also found the new blade “sharper”, while giving me just a bit more irritation. I have adjusted to even lighter strokes over the face (especially the neck) and so far I have gotten 2 great shaves out of the blade.
Question: doesn’t it also look like a GEM OEM-product to you? GEM has HiCarbon blades and they look eerily similar 😁
Thanks mark another great article.
Will definitely try the new blades.
Thank you for getting notice out about this. I love my OneBlade as well, and I also found the lack of choice to be a bit of a problem, with the first shave of each FHS-10 being great then it declines to almost impossible after 3. I am going to give these new ones a try. I can’t tell from your review if they’re pure carbon and need to be wiped dry between shaves to prevent rust or not.
I will also mention there is another choice; a bit difficult to get but available. I got Kai replacement blades, available through a Japanese seller on ebay. There’s a .25 and a .15 version. I got both. The .15 is a bit too flimsy and isn’t great, but the .25 gives the FHS-10 a good run for its money. Perfect fit and definitely designed for the same type of razor as the Oneblade. Got decent shaves out of it, but it is pure carbon steel which requires the blade to be wiped down after each shave. Price is good but when you add shipping your best bet is to buy several boxes.