You’ve decided to give a single blade safety razor a try. Congratulations! But what is the best safety razor for beginners? There several different types of “old school” safety razors. Some are based on designs that have been around for over 100 years. Others offer a new take on an old stand-by. Let’s take a look at some recommendations for safety razors under different circumstances. This is an update of this article!
TL;DR So What Is The Best Safety Razor For Beginners
First, why trust this article about the best safety razor for beginners? Because Sharpologist specializes in getting the best, most enjoyable shave possible.
This list is based on the personal experience of Sharpologist‘s editor (me!), contributors, and readers who have actually purchased and used the products–plus over ten years of research from review sites and specialty discussion forums. Generally-speaking, shaving facial hair is the primary objective.
Amazon, OneBlade, and Supply links are affiliate. Geni.us links may be affiliate.
Here is a “shopping list” of what I consider the best safety razor for the beginner, under different circumstances. “Your mileage may vary!”
Some single-blade razors are designed to use a hold-angle similar to that of a cartridge razor, making the transition to single-blade razors easier:

OneBlade – may not be a classic double edge razor–it uses a less well-known blade with a single edge–but if you want to make the transition between cartridge razors and shaving with a single blade as easy as possible, a OneBlade razor may be the way to go. It combines the best of both worlds: a pivoting head like a cartridge razor but uses a single blade. There are a number of models at different price points but they all use the same technology.

The Supply SE razor uses “Injector” style razor blades, a non-proprietary blade originally meant for use with razors that were popular up to about 1970 or so, fading with the introduction of multi-blade razor cartridges. However these blades are still available from several sources. The Supply SE razor does not have a pivoting head like the OneBlade but does have a very wide range of angles that it may be held with successfully.

The Parker Adjustable Injector razor also uses “Injector” blades and does not have a pivoting head. But this razor can be adjusted to provide a milder or more aggressive shave with a twist of the dial.
For those looking for a lower-cost entry, the razors below are reasonably built for their price, have a relatively easy blade exchange design, and provide a “middle-of-the-road” (not too mild, not too aggressive) shave:

The Weishi Nostalgic double edge safety razor features a twist-to-open (“butterfly”) mechanism to make changing blades easier. It is also available on Amazon, with a 4.4 out of 5 rating and a 92% positive sentiment among reviewers. A “value” brand from the Far East, quality control has never been Weishi’s strong point but it seems to have gotten better with the introduction of the Nostalgic.

The Feather “Popular” razor is an inexpensive traditional double edge with a twist-to-open (“butterfly”) mechanism to make changing blades easier.

The Italian Barber/RazoRock Quick Change razor is marketed as an inexpensive, newcomer-friendly double edge safety razor. Like the Weishi and Feather razors above it features a “butterfly” twist-to-open head for easy blade exchange. The Quick Change bears a resemblance to the Baili BD179, available on Amazon (though a bit more expensive).
These double edge safety razors may have a slightly fussier blade changing design than those above but they are considered “conventional wisdom” for beginners by the old school shaving community:

The Merkur 34C safety razor is often the first choice for many men who are exploring traditional wet shaving due to its performance and design. It is a two piece, closed-comb safety razor that features a short handle and diamond knurled grip, making it easy to hold and maneuver while providing a close shave. The Merkur 34C is well known for its good weight and solid build quality, making it a great choice for both beginners and experienced wet shavers alike.

The Henson AL-13 safety razor has only been around since 2022 but has garnered a significant following. Although made from lightweight aluminum most users find the build fit-and-finish of this three piece razor exceptional. There are lots of little things here that indicate a quality–albeit lightweight–razor. The original razor is very mild but other versions are now available.

While the Merkur 34c razor has a single handle variant, the Edwin Jagger DE89 series has many handle options–though they all use the same razor head. The DE89 is popular and reasonably widely available (though Amazon is the most convenient). The three piece design is generally considered “bullet-proof,” though some long-term users have reported that the screw thread that connects the head to the handle appears to be a weak point in the construction, and the chrome coating may dull and tarnish over time if the razor is not dried and maintained properly. However, most agree that the DE89 is generally well-constructed.

The Rockwell 6S multi-base plate “adjustable” razor feels like a solid, precision tool. While most safety razors are made with a single base plate that determines the “blade gap” one of the main specifications that determine a razor’s aggressiveness, the 6S comes with three “flippable” base plates that can give the razor six different aggressiveness settings. The razor is on the large side but well-balanced, the hefty handle offsetting the thick base plates so that it handles well and does not feel out of sorts.
Background – Jump To:
A Caution To Beginners: Razor Blades Are Not All Alike!
Just What Is A “Safety Razor” (At Least For This Article)?
There is some disagreement about just what is a “safety razor.” On one side of the spectrum are those who say it is any razor with a blade (or blades, in a cartridge) and some kind of design to protect the blade from exposing too much of its edge to the skin: anything from long-defunct vintage designs from 100+ years ago to the latest multi-blade, pivoted razor.
At the other end of the spectrum others will argue the term refers only to the classic “double edge” razor and designs.
For the purposes this article I refer to the term “safety razor” as a razor with a single, non-proprietary blade (where patents have long-since expired) and some kind of design that prevents excessive blade edge exposure to the skin’s surface.
“Beginner” Criteria
There are a lot of excellent safety razors on the market (this article also has a ton of information about the different types and designs specifically of the double edge safety razor). But some are best wielded by experienced hands. For the “newbie” I think there should be some specific parameters:
- Reasonably available: the razor should be a brand that is in-stock, preferably from multiple sources;
- “Reasonably” priced: these razors will not be as inexpensive as mass-market cartridge razors you might find at the supermarket, but they should not be out of reach either;
- The razor head engineered to be more “forgiving” to someone learning their technique;
- The shave experience should not overly aggressive but still reasonably efficient;
- A handle with a good grip and balance;
- Easy to change blades.
Even given these criteria there may be different recommendations depending on the circumstances the shaver is looking for:
- Easiest transition?
- Lower-cost entry?
- “Conventional wisdom” recommendations?
A Caution To Beginners: Razor Blades Are Not All Alike!
No discussion about the best safety razor for beginners would be complete without discussing blades. Many beginners think “a blade is a blade” and while blades may all look the same there can actually be fairly significant differences in the way a blade is made. Metallurgy (the metal or combination of metals used to make the blade), coatings, and grinding specifications (the blade’s “sharpness”) can all play a part in the production process.
So to find the best safety razor blades for beginners take the time to try a number of different blade brands to discover the one(s) that work best for the razor you’re using (your skin, the mineral content of the water you’re using, and the shave lather you’re using play parts too). Some shaving vendors sell “sample packs” or “blade samplers” to make the process easier: you get a few blades of many different types. After you decide which one(s) work best you can then buy your favorites in bulk, saving a ton of money!
Are Safety Razors Better?
A lot of people think so. Although some use safety razors for the nostalgia factor, there are some quantifiable advantages:
Reduced chance of irritation (razor burn, ingrown hairs) for those with sensitive skin.
- Since single-blade safety razors don’t follow the “lift and cut” model of shaving, there is less of a chance of over-shaving an area.
Less expensive in the long-term.
- While this is a modest additional “up front” cost to shaving with a single blade safety razor, the long term costs are much lower due to the difference in blade cost vs. cartridge price. The return-on-investment generally comes after a year or two of use.
More environmentally friendly.
- Razors and blades are generally entirely metal, with little-or-no plastic content to clog landfills.
Great shave!
- Done properly, shaving with a single blade safety razor is just as close as a mutli-blade cartridge.
While most safety razor users believe the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages, there are a few inconveniences:

Technique reset.
- Shaving with a safety razor generally involves “unlearning” some bad habits developed with shaving with a cartridge shave (though there are some razors on the list below that can mitigate that somewhat). There is a learning curve.
Travel with a safety razor can be problematic.
- In the US the Transport Safety Administration (TSA) may not permit safety razors in carry-on luggage on passenger airlines. You can pack a safety razor and blades in checked luggage or you can purchase safety razor blades at your destination.
It can take a little more time.
Shaving with a safety razor may require a bit more time to shave properly and get good results. However, done efficiently, the extra time to shave with a safety razor can be minimal.
What other razors do you consider great for the beginner? Leave a comment below. Like this article? Please share it!
I think it’s time to add Proof Razor to the easy transition list.
I’ve had a Proof now since February, and find that it handles very similar to my Harry’s razor, with the exception that a pack of Derby barber blades (pre-snapped) contains 100 blades for $6 on Amazon, vs a pack of 13 Harry’s blades at Costco which costs $28 (online, maybe less in the store).
I still keep my Harry’s for travel, and really appreciate that I can use the Proof at home for much lower cost without having to use ‘safety razor techniques’.
Hi Richard, the Proof razor is definitely on my radar for inclusion in a future update. I just want to be sure they’re financially sound and will be around for a while.
I used one of these razors for decades (and I still own it) and have never been so happy as when the current, cartridge models came out. Sharper blades, lighter weight razor, both easier and better shaves. The latest “safety razor” models are, I expect, somewhat better than the old ones, but you can have ’em. Ditto for shaving soap (which I also used for a while; I still have the brush); the ones in the cans, with some (ugh?) additives are far far easier on my skin.
Stupid fad.
“Stupid Fad”…funny it’s been around a lot longer than the gimmicky plastic disposable 7 blade or whatever they’re up to now razors that cost $10 a cartridge! You read the article though then felt the need to sling negativity in the comments section…Joel the troll 🤣 anyways. For everyone else, it’s been the best hobby I’ve gotten into in a long time. Go out and give a try – or a few tries, once you get it “you’ll get it”. 👍
You really need to stop recommending OneBlade as anything other than a super-premium product. I haven’t tried a OneBlade, but am aware that the blades cost about $1 each and the manufacturer recommends changing out the blade after each shave. Even if the razor were free, that would make shaving with it EXTREMELY expensive. The quality of the shave may very well be exceptional, but this product seems only appropriate for the wealthy.
You can order those blades at Amazon Japan and there they only cost 0.38 cent per blade shipped priority to the USA. That is still more than a DE blade but not as cost-forbidding than the price at OneBlade.
I will be giving the OneBlade Hybrid a test once it arrives (it’s on the way). As I am using this to jump from cartridge to single blade, I thought it was the best option. However, it really should’ve been disqualified from your list here, as their blades can only be bought on their site (and they are quite pricy).
Doesn’t the OneBlade use proprietary blades? And wouldn’t that disqualify it based on your own definition of safety razors? Not saying it wouldn’t be a good choice for beginners, but…
Glad to see the Henson on here. It was my first DE and it made my transition from cartridges to DE shaving very easy indeed. I’ve bought a lot of others in the last year and a half but my Henson Medium (and now my limited run AL13 Aggressive) is still among my favourites.
No, the blades OneBlade uses aren’t proprietary. They were originally made for the vintage Auto-Strop razor many years ago. Patent has long-since expired. However, Feather is the only manufacturer making that blade (as far as I know).
Question: can a person go to a local pharmacy , grocery store and/or local cosmetic supplies retailer and buy blades to fit OneBlade. Answer is NO. Question: can a person go online and buy a substitute single edge blade from another brand to use in a OneBlade Razor? Answer is NO. Question: does OneBlade require a SPECIFIC BLADE to work in its razors? Answer: YES…Then EFFECTIVELY Mister Mantic-59, the blade required is Proprietary in Substance if not exactly proprietary in form/production. The FACT is: a person who uses any of the current OneBlade Razors is FORCED to a Specific Blade from a Specific Manufacturer. It is irrelevant that the Patent is expired if NO ONE ELSE makes the blade except Feather there is no getting around that obstacle at present.
Another fantastic article by mantic59!!!
While my DE experience is not as diverse as the author’s, I would like to submit my choice for the best beginner’s DE: the Razo Rock Lupo. The Lupo provides me with a close shave free from rash, papercuts or weepers. Of my thirty or so DE and SE razors, the Lupo is my favorite.
Which Lupo is advised they have the 0.58 0.72 and 0.95 safety bar or open comb ?
Good to see the Supply SE get a mention here. I’ve been using a Supply 2.0 for a couple of years now, and was part of the testing crew for the SE head. I thought at the time it was a little on the mild side for my taste, and the production version confirms that – but it is truly straightforward to use, and easy to find the angle. I think it would be a great option for a beginner, as you suggest.
However, I’m primarily using the adjustable Supply Pro now, and find it quite excellent. I’m looking forward to reading your impressions of it if/when you get a chance to review it.
I’m going to be trying a Supply Pro soon!
For the next revision of this article, I heartily recommend the Rockwell 2C. It is attractively priced at $USD30, has excellent fit and finish, is not inclined to nick, and provides the baseplate can be flipped over to provide two settings — R1 (the mildest) and R3 (the most popular). If one is so inclined, one can step up to one of Rockwell’s other razors later, but the 2C is a quality razor that will get a new wet shaver started at a modest cost.
Good suggestion, I need to add more about “adjustable” (continuous or base plate) razors. I kind of avoided it here because a lot of newbies tend to “turn it up to 11” on adjustables.
No mention of the Rockwell Razors as there pretty good as a starter & professional model once you get used to them.
You buy an S6 and that’s all you;ll ever need for life.
I’ll be including some more discussion of ‘adjustable’ razors in the next update.
Hi Craig. I actually acquired a Rockwell 2C amazon but started wet shaving about 6 months ago with a cheaper Van der Hagen butterfly de safety razor. I enjoy the Rockwell so much, and just ordered the extra plates R2/4 & R5/6 directly from Rockwell. The R3 plate has become my go-to plate for face and head shaving. It’s unarguably one of the best DE Razor brands in the market.
Yeah I heartily agree with you. After a few weeks of starting wet shaving with a cheap local razor, I ordered a Rockwell 2C and gradually developed very efficient and effective techniques following YouTube videos lessons especially by Ohio Shaves (David), and reading a lot of guidelines from websites like sharpologist. I later bought the remaining 2 base plates to complete my razor to a Rockwell 6C; and till date, amongst other razors I have used, the Rockwell is an outstanding beginners piece, and a steadfast shaver for a lifetime, I predict.
Leaf Razor, superb and extremely comfortable shave.
There’s also the Leaf Twig (milder) and Thorn (less mild). I think at least the Twig should be included in the beginners list. Both use DE blades snapped in half (easy peasy) or pre-made half DE blades. Very widely available. Leaf’s exemplary customer service is a good reason in itself.
What happened to the great Sharpologist discount code/deal on the One Blade? I almost pulled the trigger on one of their razors, but the code since has been deactivated, I guess.
I’m checking on this now….
I’m surprised there’s no mention of the Weishi line of DE razors here; they affordable and well made safety razors that are fairly gentle to beginners. In fact, my first DE was a Weishi and it allowed me to develop good technique and shaving angles before going to more aggressive razors.
Gitti–Yes, I struggled with whether to include Weishi in this article. They’re available, affordable, and reasonably gentle. But well-made? I have found that their quality control is all over the road, depending on the model. But I will revisit the brand when I do an update on this post. 🙂
In that case, I’m glad I lucked out then; however, looking forward to that update!
With all respect, Mantic, the Weishi 9306F line, is all copper, just like vintage Gillette Superspeeds, which is far better than zamak that breaks after a 20cm fall, like the vaunted DE89. I started with Weishi and keep using it despite having EJ DE89 Kelvin and i get equally good shaves. Main difference, the Weishi costed me half the money.
My favourite razors are ones that have a bit of character, like Murdock or Stag
One Blade to high $$
Think it came down in price, maybe.
The Core, I did not see it says where it is made.
Think you can only use thier blades. Has to be mail ordered.
Who else sells blades.
Reminds me of regular injector razors from years ago.
Usually mail order double edge blades with other stuff.
If I run out of double edge blades I can go to local grocery store has Wilkinson Sword. Open 24X7. 1/2 mile up road store that sells to hairdressers carries another brand.
I love my Parker 24c. I’ve been wet shaving since 2013, but it is my daily driver. It is very smooth and efficient- while making it difficult to cut yourself.
One blade ridiculously priced.
I prefer razor like this https://www.gillette.co.in/en-in They are more gentle for me and not so expensive
I think the Muhle R89 is also a good starter razor that can last a lifetime. It’s still my go to razor for how well it gets the job done, quick and easy.
For me, I am really enjoy using double edge razor. I travel frequently and I lost my razor so many times. So, the cheapest is the best to me.
Thanks for your information.
The Godfather Razor by Vikings Blade. The Gillette Tech head is very forgiving.:) This razor really helped me to hone my wet shaving technique.
You should consider adding the closed comb stainless steel Fendrihan MK II. The second version seems to be everything you suggested the first version oc/cc should have been.
Wilkinson Classic, best for beginners.
I would like to second the 34c. It is a great razor, I believe it is similar to the 23c but with more metal involved. I would also add the Feather Popular is a friendly introduction to de shaving.
Sorry for offtop. Dear sir, would you please tell me abot review of Wunderbar slant? Looking forward to read it.
A review is coming soon!
Honestly the best way to find the ideal razor, is to buy something, I chose a safe bet the de89, but I’ll probably end up switching to a 34c or 37c
Mark, aren’t there several Merkur razors using the same head as the 34C? I was under the impression the 42C (and several others) differed only in the handle. I might be mistaken about this, though.
I’d also throw a good vintage razor into the mix of possibilities. I have a nice pre-WWII Tech which I acquired about the same time as the aforementioned Merkur 42C. They are plentiful and inexpensive—or at least they were a few years ago. While I now have many more, and more aggressive, razors, I still use both of my “beginner” razors fairly often.
Brian, my understanding is the 42 has a slightly different head specification. I’ll verify that.
I’ve intentionally avoided recommending a vintage razor to the beginner because there are too many condition variables. However I will say that a Schick Krona, if found as “new old stock” would be good for a beginner.
A very timely article, as I am getting ready to make my first razor purchase. What do you think about the soon-to-be-released Rockwell Model T as an option?
Also, should one strop blades between shaves?
I would avoid getting the Rockwell T until the production model is launched and some initial reviews come in.
Blades are cheap my friend. Why hassle with stropping? If you must just throw in a new blade and shave on!
I would not include the Merkur 34C: there are better razors (more comfortable, more efficient) at lower prices.
I would certainly include the RazoRock Old Type: its feel and performance are excellent and it’s just $15. That one really should not be omitted. In fact, I’m surprised not to see it in the list.
The Fatip Testina Gentile is excellent: I would definitely include that instead of the Merkur 34C. The two are about the same price, but the Testina Gentile is a big step up in both comfort and performance.
I would list the Maggard V2 open-comb with one of their stainless handles as an alternative to the Parker 24C: same price, same head, but the Maggard handle is superior in materials and in the threading.