I occasionally trawl Amazon’s “Best Sellers” list to see what safety razors are popular on the site. The Zomchi double edge razor is often on the list so I picked one up to try.
My Experience With The Zomchi Safety Razor
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The Zomchi 3 piece safety razor comes with a pack of blades but I didn’t bother using them: blades are a “your mileage may vary” kind of thing (one person may like a particular brand but another person may hate it) and I have my preferred blade brands. I use Parker blades (my go-to) with this razor.
Personally I find the Zomchi razor’s weight and balance quite nice. It feels good in my hand. The handle’s texture is not as deeply knurled as some other razors but I do think there is sufficient grip and I do not have any trouble with it slipping from my fingers.
The fit-and-finish of my razor is perfectly acceptable for its price point.
I would characterize the aggressiveness of this razor as at the low side of the “middle-of-the-road” range. I prefer “mild” razors generally and this razor is acceptable to me. If you are looking to make the razor more assertive you can try using it with a high-efficiency blade like a Feather.
Personally I think this razor has a reasonably generous “sweet spot” for blade angle.
What Other Reviewers Think Of The Zomchi Safety Razor

A fair amount of the reviews are by women who bought this razor (Zomchi seems to be targeting women with the color choices and some of the marketing copy). Amazon’s 8700+ reviews run about 81% positive (4 or 5 stars) with Fakespot giving it a rating of “B” (under 10% of the reviews are problematic). Here’s a sample:
Angle is KEY with this razor. If you’re used to quattro or stacked blades on a razor head, you can be sort of sloppy with your angle and the razor is forgiving. Not so with this one. It is a single blade and if your angle is not exact and consistent, well, I hope blood doesn’t make you queasy
I have to admit I was intimidated on using a safety razor. But after receiving this one and watching a couple of online tutorials, I tried it myself. I was shocked at how easy it was and how closely the shave is.
Zomchi Safety Razor Background And Specs
Zomchi looks to be a relatively new business. Although the Zomchi domain was purchased in 2017 it didn’t really become active until 2021 (at least according to Archive.org’s Wayback Machine). They’re up-front about the fact that they are based in Hong Kong.
Zomchi sells a number of different kinds of double edge safety razors, including three piece and twist-to-open (TTO). I bought a metal three piece, in black, from Amazon. From the description:
Zomchi double edge razor offers the Maximum shaving experience by lifting and removing the hair follicles making it possible for the users to get the best experience with the closest and cleanest shave possible. With its unique texture grip, this metal shaving razor offers a solid comfortable grip, enabling you to shave with excellent control and perfect precision.
I did not see any specifications of the razor on Amazon (or their website). My “kitchen table” measurements give it:
- Weight: 90g (3.1oz)
- Handle Length: 10cm (3 7/8″)
- Over-all Length: 10.6cm (4 1/8″)
The head is of the scalloped safety bar type popularized by Edwin Jagger and Muhle.
Discussions about who and where this razor really comes from aside (which I’m sure would be robust), I find the Zomchi three piece double edge safety razor to be a reasonable value-priced razor. I think it’s “middle of the road” in many respects. Judging from other online reviews it is targeted to the beginner wanting to get away from mass-market cartridge razors and who want to try the double edge market at a price point they can tolerate.