Last month Lee from Wet Shave Products emailed me to announce his line line of badger hair shaving brushes. WSP is very new, having been around since only October, but it’s making a bit of splash on some of the shaving discussion forums with interesting designs and good prices.
I’ve always been a little cynical when it comes to new shaving brush artisans: they tend to concentrate on the handles and pay less attention to the “business end” of a shaving brush, the hair. I have tried brushes that shed like one of my cats, stunk like a skunk, or otherwise just didn’t perform as they should. So I wasn’t particularly excited (or even very interested) in trying another one. But Lee kept after me to give one of his brushes a shot, and after seeing a couple more positive reviews on the forums I gave in and had him pick one out for me.
I got a brush that I thought would be a “disappointment,” in that I thought there was no way such a brush could be sold for the price it was: WSP’s Monarch “Super Silvertip (High Mountain White).” It’s loft is 53mm with a 23mm knot so I consider it an “average” size, not too big nor too small. The price is far less than comparably-spec’d brushes so I was naturally skeptical.
But when I tried it I was shocked. Since its first use there hasn’t been a trace of “funk.” With continued use (and I admit I’m rough on brushes) not one hair has come out. The hair quality is really excellent (comparable to high-end Simpsons and Shavemac’s I have) with good “packing” of the knot. And the brush’s performance has been nothing less than excellent. The brush’s shape is a “bulb” style and though I prefer flatter, “fan” style shape I find myself really liking this brush. Wow.
This is one new artisan I can get behind.
Sign me up. I am intrigued with WSP.
Please add me to the list to draw from. I’m curious to try the brush and thanks to Lee for donating brushes for readers to review!
Hi Mark, don’t count me in as Lee kindly sent me a Prince Finest for review.
Great little brush and a great price point.
I started off with an Omega boar bristle brush and over the years, moved to badger bristle and then, silvertip badger bristle brushes. However, I keep going back to the boar bristle. Perhaps its just because that’s what I started with, but I quite like the stiffness – it helps to lift my beard and I assume, get some lather under the beard, too. Just my observation and everyone has their own preferences. However, boar bristle brushes seem quite a bit cheaper than badger, so I’d recommend people give them a try.
I am excited to hear of a company making products more affordable. I am really loving traditional shaving, but my government salary (prison not congress lol) doesn’t allow me to buy a lot of the high end products.
Count me in!
Who won?
The winners have been notified and both have responded, but I will leave it up to them whether they want to be known.
i’m so thankful for all the time and effort you put into your site, and for the opportunity to win one of these wonderful brushes! i’ll be more than happy to write a review from a newbie’s perspective, it will be the least i could do! cheers from snowy colorado!
You mean this wasn’t predetermined? aw-shucks! lol
I missed the deadline but hope I can still get in on the drawing.
i’m looking to get into a more traditional style of shaving, this looks like the perfect entry point!
This would be perfect for a wet shaving noob such as myself! Just got my Edwin Jagger De86bl and am now trying to get the rest of the pieces together.
Count me in! I am new to wet shaving but I’m totally a convert, thanks to your website. I am looking for a good quality shave brush currently and this is great timing. Hope I win. 🙂
Thanks for the detailed information on this brand, I too have been seeing a groundswell building for it.
So now that you have my full attention, I would love to toss my entry in the ring to sample these wares.
Best of luck to all who entered 😉
Wow, the prices are quite reasonable. You can pay more for a synthetic brush. I hope he adds some horsehair brushes to his line.
Thank you for a very generous offer and for a wonderful and very informative website.
Please include me in the Wet Shaving Product’s offer.
It is nice to have a new, high quality, and reasonably priced line of new shaving brushes available in the market. I will seriously consider a WSP brush for my next shaving brush purchase.
Hi Mantic,
Thanks for a great site and great videos! Great source of information.
Very cool article please sign me up for the contest!
Sounds like a great opportunity. Count me in! Thanks.
I continually read this site to find new products for my husband. He’d love to give this silvertip a try! A late Christmas present maybe?!
I want in! I want in!
I can’t afford to buy another brush… but I can afford to win one!
Wow! I was searching for an affordable Silvertip badger brush. I hope I get lucky 🙂
Count me in.
I’d like to try. Thanks!
Sounds good, count me in please!
I’ve read a few interesting reviews about this brush and am intrigued. Please count me in!
I’m in! Thanks.
Generally I use shave gel, and not a mug and brush to wet shave, but I would love to try a badger hair brush and mug as a part of my personal down time ritual relaxation therapy. I think it might give me a pleasant sensation. Plus take me back to my roots a bit. It was good enough for our forefathers, why not me too.
My boar brush just fell out of its handle, so I’m in.
curious to learn how the hairs in these brushes have been treated to become defunked.
Just started using a DE safety razor (former Mach 3 user). Great posts and videos, thanks!
Great giveaway. Would love to try a new brush.
Great post! I just started using a brush but I could use a new one!
Awesome! Nice to have some more value pricing options with brushes. Now I don’t have to worry I will leave my shave brush when I travel. I can keep one at home and one for travel.
I really like the look of the brush shown in the review. I think the deeply tapered handle would make this brush very easy to hold on to, even for those gents with large hands. Thanks M59 for a great review!
Count me in! I’ve tried his earlier brush dubbed “The Stubby” and I am definitely interested in these newer brushes.
Looks great – more my kind of price range too!
It certainly is a good looking brush. Please enter me in the contest.
I’m in.
Count me in!!Love this site, very interesting and well made, I’m into wet shaving thanks to mantic videos!!
I love the look of the prince brush, very classic shape.
Count me in, I’ll cheerfully review it.
Pick me! I’m still on my first brush (2 years in) and would love to expand my inventory.
Count me in.
I would love to try one those !
I want one! Mantic, ever hear of a brushmaker in England by the name of Rodney Neep? He makes astoundingly good brushes. He actually has a grade of hair that is above a standard silvertip..he calls it “extra silvertip”. It will rival , nay outperform most any high doller brush.
great offer! sign me up
Fingers crossed!
Looks like I win, two days ago I ordered the Monarch and I’m waiting for the mailman to bring my prize.
I’m interested, even though I usually use brushes with smaller knots. Plisson HMW size 10 or 12 is just about perfect. No, wait, Simfix Manchurian…no, wait, shavemac 104 DO1 18mm…no, wait M&F blonde 21mm…
I’d love to try one. I use a best badger and that works well enough. I also have one from eShave that sheds worse than a Siberian Husky in Texas that I dare only use when I’m away from home.
Great article! the brush sounds like something I’d like to try.
Please enter me in the giveaway.
Sign me up as well!
Lee’s brushes look quite nice indeed, and at a sweet price. Thumbs up from you is just icing on the cake (or lather on the face perhaps). Count me in.
I am new to wet shaving and find your reviews to be very informative.
Thanks for the great work.
I would love to be the guinea pig for this WSP silver tip shaving brush.
I will write a review of the product to help spread the word about the newly established business.
Love reading Sharpologist for their thoughts, reviews, and teaching helps.
I’ve got an Omega Badger brush, and the dang thing loses a couple of hairs every shave… a thousand or so more shaves and I’ll be lathering with 1 hair! ;^) A WSP brush as you described sounds like a real winner!
Always room for a good and affordable brush.
Count me in
New to DE shaving.. Just over a week in. I stumbled on to one of your YouTube videos and took the plung away from my old 5 blade system. Already I’m getting some of the best shaves ever. Please keep up the good work with spreading the new word on the “old style” shave.
Iiiitttt’s beeeeaaaaauuuuuuuytifuuuuuulllll
I would love to have a chance to use a quality badger brush. My first two brushes shed like crazy. (VDH badger and eShave starter badger, the one that comes with the kits.)
Very interested in the new brushes. Please count me in.
Always glad to hear about some new of quality.
Mantic59 turned me on to DE shaving.
I would love to to give that good looking brush
a try.
Nice looking product… I wish them the best of luck!
I would love to try a new brush. I am fairly new to wet shaving and need educated on brushes.
I’d love to give one a spin! I’m normally a high taste/low budget individual, so I think this may be a match made in heaven!
Nice! Would love to test drive one of these!
Hey, I can dream, can’t I?
Hope to win!
Being in Australia and the skunk not being evident here, as far as I know, the smell of a skunk’s foreign to me.
Can someone gimme a description ?
From Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skunk), the creatures have a foul odor. I would add: persistent, slightly sweet at a distance, raw-rubbery, utterly long-lasting and memorable. One can never forget the odor once sniffed!
great price.
Count me in.
I’ve been reading about WSP brushes for a couple weeks now, and have basically decided that one of theirs is going to be my next brush, a major upgrade from the cheap VDH boar brush I started with (which, sadly, is still my only brush). I’d love one!
I’m in.
Count me in!
Awesome, Thanks!
Count me in. Heard some wonderful things about WSP lately. Lee seems to put a lot of work in obtaining the best quality hair that he can and still keep the prices at a competitive price. Anxious to give the Monarch a spin.
I’m in. =)
Please count me in.
Love the site, keep up the great work!
Would love to win. 🙂
Its great you got to try one of these brushes. I’ve heard some great things!
Very nice brushes. I’d love to own one.
Count me in! Looks great!
My last badger shedded like crazy… Made me move to Omega boar. Maybe this would swing me back to the Badger side?
Sounds awesome! Glad I can participate for a chance to win! Either way, great review!
Count me in please, count me skeptical that the Chinese have caught up to the English in quality as well.
Nice! I would love to take one of these brushes for a spin around the chin!
I’d like to try this brand!
I’d love to try one.
I’m relatively new, but in the market for a new brush and these sound great!
Please count me in! I could use a good badger brush!
Count me in, please.
I would love to try a new brush
Count me in too.
I use an Omega 48 series as my daily driver. The only badger experience I have is Tweezerman’s.
Sign me up as well!
Brushes look great, just new to DE shaving and have taken to various boar brushes (need the extra exfoliation) however I am looking for my first true badger. Checked out WSP’s website I will have them on my list for a purchase after my christmas restraint is over without a doubt.
Sounds like a great, quality brush!
Count me in. Watched your vids on wet shaving. I have a cheap Wilkinson brush. Got tired of having to upgrade razors so I bought a Gillette Super Speed blue tip on ebay. Now I need a good brush.
I am in! I have a WD silvertip which works pretty well and would loe to compare.
I have also heard good things about these brushes. Please count me in. Thanks for this chance.
Thanks for the generosity.
Sign me up!
I’ve been looking for a new brush to replace my current well-worn badger. I would gladly give one of these a go.
Sign me up. I’ve been seeing these a bit more on B&B.
Handsome looking brushes. Please include me in the drawing!
Plese count me in! I have been reading about the WSP brushes on one forum and it looks like a true winner!
Definitely sounds promising.
Add me to the list please!
Count me in please.
Put me in coach!!
Count me in. Gorgeous brushes.
Brand new to DE shaving. Would love to try out a Silvertip brush!
I’d like to take a shot at a WSP! I’m just over a year into my wet shaving and am trying to dial in on the best brush for me. Maybe it’s WSP?
Count me in please! I’ve never used a Silvertip brush before.
The WSP line of brushes have received a large amount of “buzz” on some of the forums since coming out in October. They provide a solid price point versus many competitors.
This brush sounds very promising as does the company. A web link would be nice.
Being new to wetshaving, I’d be happy to add to my collection.
Count me in, and I would definitely write a review should I get the opportunity to try out a WSP brush
Always happy to try out a new brush, and especially from a new small business.
Please count me in.
Sounds very promising – I’d like to give it a whirl!
How about a link to their website? Discounts for readers?
Please count me in.
Sign me up!
Love the site! I have seen these brushes pop up in pictures on various shaving fora. I was intrigued as to the performance of these brushes but after reading this post I am sure I want one!
Greetings and have a nice day,
This does look like a great brush! I haven’t come down with what mantic refers to as brush fever but I would consider this one. It has a handle similar to a Kent I have been eyeing up for a while! This may be a great silver-tip alternative.
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