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More Shaving Related Crowdfunding Projects

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I like to keep an eye on shaving-related crowdfunding projects.  I think it’s interesting to see innovative ideas get some exposure, though some seem like answers looking for problems.  Anyway, here are five projects looking to get off the ground.  I’m going to try to see if I can get ahold of prototypes for follow-up articles.


Stubl is “the world’s first non-electric razor for stubble.”

The heart of Stubl seems to be a razor cartridge “cap” (with three different gauges) that increases the distance between the blade edge and hair.  The idea is to provide a consistent level of stubble throughout the beard.  They’re going the opposite way from Gillette’s “Hysterisis” concept.

But assuming that’s the case, why is the cartridge multi-bladed?  It seems to be counter-intuitive, though the project page does mention that “Stubl is a fully integrated razor featuring a handle and replaceable blade men will find familiar.”
Personally I think a lower-cost idea would be to make the cap fit over popular existing designs.

Comfy Holder

Comfy Holder is “a cushioned grip for comfortable use of your toiletries and personal care products like razors, toothbrushes, flosses, tongue-cleaners, and more.”

This seems like a great idea to me, particularly for those whose hands may be physically disabled.  Their target list price of about $10 seems to be a little high to me though.


SmartRazor “has heated blades technology for super shaving comfort and performance. Razors are Reinvented. The Game Changer in Shaving.”

They say that the SmartRazor will “shave hair dramatically easier than non-heated blades. SmartRazor’s new heated blades technology brings heat to the cutting edge of the blades so they glide through your hair effortlessly with virtually no tug or pull for incredible comfort and shaving performance. Powered by battery and with a mini computer on board, SmartRazor is the most advanced shaving razor on the planet.”

The funding page has some interesting-looking charts and graphs that supposedly demonstrate the difference in cutting hair between heated and non-heated blades, but the background research isn’t very detailed.  Still, a fascinating idea….

Oristo Razor

Oristo says it’s “[t]he most precisely machined stainless steel double edge safety razor providing women & men with unrivalled sensitivity and performance.”

The project claims that materials and manufacturing precision are the two biggest problems with most safety razors.  To that end “Oristo is billet-machined (‘billet’, meaning, machined out of a single piece), to a level of accuracy that sees critical dimensions result in a variance of no more than 2-thousandths of an inch (and in most cases, even less); a level of accuracy typically reserved for mission-critical medical equipment. With the components billet-machined out of the highest quality 316L stainless steel, the blade is anchored perfectly with zero chance of movement or chatter. Ultimately, this results in the best, and most consistent shaving experience available.”

I don’t know…there are plenty of Zamak razors that seem to be engineered just fine, for a lower price.  Is this truly solving a problem or is it just being anal-retentive?  🙂  I’d love to see a razor artisan weigh in on this in comments section!

Occams Razor

Occams Razor (how come no one has produced a product with this name before now?) “was designed to simplify your life and your shaving. We have taken the finest blades that barbers and beauticians use and brought them home to you. Now you can enjoy a barber or salon quality shave at home.”

To me Occams Razor looks like the OneBlade razor and the Cobra razor had a love-child. 🙂 It features a back-end blade loading scheme but uses the wide “professional” style razor blade format of Feather and Kai.  Unlike some other razors that take this kind of blade it looks like Occams can support a number of different variations.  And this razor comes with a nifty-looking insertion/extraction tool that may make blade changing a little less dicey for those with shaky hands.

What do you think of these projects?  Leave a comment!


Shave tutor and co-founder of sharpologist. I have been advocating old-school shaving for over 20 years and have been featured in major media outlets including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and Lifehacker. Also check out my content on Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest!View Author posts

1 thought on “More Shaving Related Crowdfunding Projects”

  1. Stubl is a great idea in its simplicity! This is definitely one of those situations where someone would kick themselves for not coming up with something like that sooner!
    As for Occams razor, why is there a need to overcomplicate something that is amazing in its simplicity. The DE razor is already fantastic in its design, why add tools and other items to something that already works very well.

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