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Shaving Brush Buyer's Guide: Shavemac

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Welcome to the next installment of my shaving brush buyer’s guide.  I have been looking at popular shaving brushes on the market, having previously looked at Vulfix, Simpsons, Truefitt and Hill, and Rooney.   This post looks at German brush maker, Shavemac.  At the end of the series–just in time for the holiday gift-giving season–I’ll update the entire list and create a large, sortable table and also make the data available in a “CSV file” for importing into your favorite spreadsheet or database program.


I consider Shavemac as the most “craftsman-like” of the major shaving brush makers.  Bernd, the owner, is willing to put new hair into handles that customers send him, engrave handles, and even create custom brushes.  A few years ago, at the request of Chris Moss on the Shavemyface forum, Shavemac created the “Variable Loft Brush,” a brush that could be adjusted to give it different characteristics.  It also used a very high quality badger hair grade.
What’s been your experience with Shavemac?
On the table below I’ve listed the major specifications for the brushes currently being manufctured.  “Model” refers to the model number of the brush.  “Loft,” “Knot,” and “Handle” refer to the the dimensions, in millimeters, for the height of the hair, the diameter of the hair at the base, and the height of the brush’s handle, respectively.  “Hair” indicates what kind of hair is used, along with a “Grade” (if any).  The “Shape” of the hair refers to whether it is a fan-like shape or a bulb-like shape.  Finally, price refers to the Manufacturer’s list price in US dollars.  Although I have excersized care in researching these statistics I cannot guarantee they are exact.



Shave tutor and co-founder of sharpologist. I have been advocating old-school shaving for over 20 years and have been featured in major media outlets including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and Lifehacker. Also check out my content on Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest!View Author posts

4 thoughts on “Shaving Brush Buyer's Guide: Shavemac”

  1. I love shavemacs for their looks and performance, but their price is just a turn off. Unless you got the money to blow on these, the average person can’t afford these. It’s too bad you can’t get a decent discount on these or free shipping.

  2. Thanks Mantic59! Very nice looking brush and plenty of models to choose from. Looks like another brush purchase for me in the near future. I would really like to meet some of these in person. Unfortunately, I seem to always like the pricier ones. Interesting that they use silvertip or better on all of these. What are the handle material choices? Shavemac owner reviews appreciated!

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