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I’m Making Shaving Advocacy My Full Time Job!

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On March 31 I took early retirement from my 9-5 desk job to make Sharpologist and shaving/grooming advocacy my full-time gig!

What’s Going To Happen?

I have mentioned a couple times before (HERE and HERE) about my intentions and now there’s no going back.  I made a “plan of action” of what I am going to do and now I’m putting that plan to the test.  So what’s going to happen?

Sharpologist will get a design “refresh” soon but the content won’t drastically change.  I’m going to add a few new features I’ve been working on, hopefully in the next month or so.  I’m planning on more significant new features later in the Summer.

I will finally have more time to work on videos.  I know I’ve been saying that since the beginning of this year but now I can actually do it!  I’m going to concentrate on tutorials like I always have but I plan to throw in other content like reviews and interviews too.  Speaking of interviews, I’m in the process of lining up some great content about the major wet shaving manufacturers and vendors.  How would you like to see a walk-through of some manufacturing facilities?  Discussions with some of the “movers and shakers” of the industry?  Early looks at prototype equipment?  In other words…shave porn!  🙂

I’m also working on some ideas to address under-served desires.  More about that later.

So I invite you to come along with me on this journey to “shave the world” and spread the word that shaving and grooming does not have to be expensive, fussy, or trendy but rather something you can enjoy and look forward to on your own terms.

Comments?  Suggestions?  Ask me (almost!) anything!


Shave tutor and co-founder of sharpologist. I have been advocating old-school shaving for over 20 years and have been featured in major media outlets including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and Lifehacker. Also check out my content on Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest!View Author posts

18 thoughts on “I’m Making Shaving Advocacy My Full Time Job!”

  1. Manufacturing plants like Dovo or Merkur will be interesting to view and a nice write off business expense for you!!
    I would like to see the razor blade manufacturing for double edge, single edge and even those old Atra cartridge blades.
    I’d like to see interviews with both new razor manufacturers and old ones like Gillette and get their take on the traditional wet shave resurgence.

  2. Congrats on the Retirement! Looking forward to what is to come… In terms of suggestions, I would love to see profiles of some of the classic shave brands… Potentially visiting their homes/shops and discussing their products. Would love to see profiles of brands such as the 3Ts (especially Trumper, since I am a big fan of their line) and other classic companies (and some of the upstarts too). Would also love to see a behind the scenes look at the making of a razor or of blades…

  3. I am also wishing you the best for your retirement. I would love to see more Mantic59 shaving videos, and would like to see a review of some of the products from Turkey such as the number 6 wooden handled horsehair brush, and the synthetic brush. The Turkish horsehair brush is great value for money, and better than any boar brush in my opinion. Shaving and grooming does not have to be expensive, as you so correctly say. The in Singapore only has two safety razors, the Feather Popular which I love, and the Wilkinson Sword Classic that I consider overrated. YMMV your mileage may vary. The Feather Popular has great reviews on, so I’m not the only one who likes it. I’m sure that the changes to Sharpologist will be great !!

  4. Congratulations, Mark! Doing something you love and getting paid for it is always a plus. Looking forward to more great content.

  5. What about this dollar shave club people at work keep telling me about? They’re swearing by these razors, but for the price every month it really sounds like it’s too good to be true, and severely inadequate for shaving properly. I invest a lot in my shave equipment, I have sensitive skin but dense hair that tends to grow two follicles out of each point on my face making it even harder to shave cleanly without what looks like road rash in the end.
    Grats on your big news, have loved everything you’ve done here, and glad to have an expert with us!

  6. Mark, wishing you nothing but the best in your retirement and your future plans. Looking forward to seeing what you have mapped out for us.

  7. Congratulations Mark! One of your New Year’s Resolutions is to become proficient in shaving with a straight razor. Some videos of your journey would be helpful. I’m learning straight razor shaving as well.

  8. Congratulations! I informed my boss this morning that I will be retiring effective June 1st.

  9. Looking forward to this. Can’t wait to hear more about the new features and videos. And your “walk-thru” ideas would be really interesting as I’m sure many of us have no idea how a razor is made from the ground up. Good luck in your new endeavor sir, congratulations on your retirement.

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