You’re listening to Wet Shaving Talk powered by Sharpologist.com where we’re dedicated to preserving the art and skill of classic shaving. I’m your host Joe Borrelli and today is March 13, 2017.
Today on the Show:
- What’s happening in The Wet Shaving World!
- Discussion of the Week: “Different Types of Single edge Safety Razors”
- Training Tip of the Week: How to Clean Your Safety Razors!
- Vendor of the Week: Mongoose Safety Razors
- What’s Coming Up!
What’s happening in The Wet Shaving World?
- Lather Bros! Shaving Products
- I recently contacted the new artisan
- Based out of Miami
- Small husband and wife team
- They began making soaps about a year ago.
- We will be featuring more of them in the future.
- Ebay Prices
- How far is too far?
- Proper etiquette
- Why its important not to post live auctions in forums.
Discussion of the Week: Let’s Talk Single edge Razors w/Video
There are several types of Single Edge Razors:
- Old Style Lather Catchers
- “Shovel” Head Style
- Injector Style
- Wilkinson Sword 7 day set
- Roll Up Gillette Techmatic
- Rolls Razor
- Modern Artist Style
I made a video to make it easier:
Training Tip of the Week: How to Clean Your Safety Razors
- There is an extremely easy way to effectively clean your razors without investing a ton of money!
- All you need is the following:
- Old tooth brush
- Plastic cup
- Dish Soap
- Hot Water
- Fill the cup with a quarter inch of dish soap
- Then slowly add warm water to the cup
- Open the razor or take the razor apart if it’s not a twist to open design and let it soak overnight
- Gently scrub the razor with the tooth brush until it’s clean.
- Repeat as necessary
- That’s it! This process has worked for me many times and saves money!
Vendor of the Week: Mongoose Safety Razors
- Mongoose razors are 100% Made in the USA
- The feature the larger artist style blades.
- Razors shave great
- We will be featuring more on the Mongoose soon!!
What’s In Store for the Podcast?
- What’s happening in the Wet Shaving World!
- Let’s talk Slants!
- How to effectively lather a shaving soap.
- Contact us [email protected]
Our show is powered by Sharpologist.com, “What Your Father Didn’t Teach You about Shaving”
Special Thanks to:
Mark aka Mantic 59
Most of All……….YOU!!!!
Don’t forget to check out my blog site www.shavestraightandsafe.com for the tips and interesting wet shaving stories!
Please feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Subscribe to my You Tube Chanel here for videos regarding some tips.
If you’re a vendor and would like to be featured on the show please contact me!!
Join us on the “Wet Shavers Round Table” every Saturday from 6:00pm-7:00pm EST.
Next Show: 3/27/17
Check it out – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVYEIWK0TZc&t=631s
Lather Bros