You’re listening to Wet Shaving Talk powered by Sharpologist.com where we’re dedicated to preserving the art and skill of classic shaving. I’m your host Joe Borrelli and today is February 15th 2021
Today on the Show:
Henson Aluminum Razor
Single Edge Razors Part Three
Happy Presidents Day!
How to Properly Sanitize and Clean Your Razor
Henson Aluminum Razor

A Canadian made razor from aircraft grade aluminium at a great price.
I’ll tell you about it!
Single Edge Razors Part Three

As promised, I will be dedicating a decent portion to single edge razors. For part three let’s talk about injector razors and the OneBlade.
Injector Razors were the brainchild of Lt Colonel Schick who was inspired to make the razor after using semi-automatic weapons during World War 1. The idea was to load and unload the blade quickly and without touching it, while providing a great shave. His company succeeded and the Schick injector was made until the 1990’s. Schick still makes the blades to this day.
There have been several companies that have made the design, and more recently Supply Shave company was featured on Shark Tank with a Schick inspired injector that is made of stainless steel.
The OneBlade is also a modern day razor that went through countless prototypes and is truly a unique design. It takes Feather FHS-10 blades which are also used in Auto Strop razors. This is the first new design in classic wet shaving we’ve seen in modern day wet shaving.

Next Up, Straight Razors!
Happy President’s Day

JFK’s personal Gillette Razor

George Washington’s Razor set

Teddy Roosevelt Commemorative razor from 1901
Caswell Massey was a favorite shaving soap company of past presidents!
Listen for more details.
Properly Cleaning/Sanitizing
- Barbercide does wonders.
- Boil metal razors, parts
- Clean shaving knots
- Rubbing alcohol works great.
I’ll tell you how to do it!
Our show is powered by Sharpologist.com, “What Your Father Didn’t Teach You about Shaving”
Special Thanks to:
Mark aka Mantic 59
Most of All……….YOU!!!!
Don’t forget to check out my blog site www.shavestraightandsafe.com for the tips and interesting wet shaving stories!
Please feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for videos regarding some interesting wet shaving content.
Our next show will be 3/1/21
Until then….
Shave straight and Shave Safe!
Henson AL13 razor. It is extremely well engineered, intuitive to use, and efficient for me. Their website provides a tremendous amount of technical information, and clearly explains everything from design concepts to blade recommendation (Astra SP as supplied by Henson). Customer service at Henson is excellent. I purchased the mild version directly from Henson. As a long time head shaver, I found it to be the most efficient razor for the fringe on the back of the head, which I could never get BBS with any other razor.
The Henson mild provides such a smooth shave with no blade feel at all. (I understand one can up the aggressiveness by loosening the handle, but a. I worry about the head turning and loosening further while shaving; and b. it is not necessarily recommended or suggested by Henson). I started to wonder if I could get better efficiency from the medium. I purchased a medium and did a side-by-side comparison shave. I made a conscious effort to not go over the skin more than once on each pass, trying to keep all things equal. I shaved face first, then head. Results of the passes for head and face are the same.
First pass WTG: The medium removed more stubble on first pass, and I was comfortably able to feel the blade. XTG and ATG the results really surprised me. The results on both sides were IDENTICAL. Both sides of my face and head were as smooth as a billiard cue ball. Alum produced a very light sting on my neck; nothing on cheeks of head. No cuts or weepers, no irritation on either side.
After 3 passes I could not tell the difference between the mild and medium side.