It’s finally here! Episode 5 of the Wet Shaving News Podcast features Danielle from êShave! She’s offered a wonderful giveaway! The link to the giveaway is posted below!
êShave Custome DE Razor Giveaway!!! https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SWNBG7C
8/2/15 |
Forbes | Forbes has done a pretty lengthy article on Phoenix Artisian Accoutrements, highlighting the company and its new company that’s currently in formation. The article is a good read. See the show notes for the link. | http://www.forbes.com/sites/karstenstrauss/2015/08/02/how-a-shaving-mascot-and-uncommon-scents-lifted-phoenix-artisan-accoutrements-in-the-grooming-world/ |
Vendor News | |||
7/16/15 |
Stirling Soap Company | Stirling Soap has released a custom synthetic brush that has seen some very popular reviews. The new, 26mm brush, nicknamed “Kong,” received praise from several online reviewers, and is said to have a knot very similar to a plisson. The original batch has sold very quickly, and more are expected to be ordered soon. | https://twitter.com/stirlingsoap/status/621703418583748609 |
7/17/15 |
Maggard Razor Company | Maggard Razors has added Soap Smooth products to their lineup of samples. The samples are currently on sale for $1.50US, or just under $20.00US for all thirteen available scents. For those interested in trying a multitude of soaps at a budget price, Maggards samples are a great way to do so. (Please note: Sale pricing is subject to change at any moment. Prices are listed on the date the content is added to show notes). | http://www.maggardrazors.com/product/soap-smooth-shaving-soap-samples/ |
7/17/15 |
Chiseled Face Groomatorium | Chiseled Face has added Tradewinds to its lineup of aftershave splashes. Tradewinds has seen some notoriety for its scent profile, building ocean, ozone, cucumber and mint upon a base of old spice. | http://www.chiseledface.com/product/aftershave-splash-trade-winds/ |
7/20/15 |
Barrrister & Mann | Barrister and Mann has released their summer Arcticue soap and aftershave set. While they are currently on vacation, you can check one of several retailers for ordering information. | |
7/22/15 |
Dr. Johns Soap Co. | Dr. Johns has officially launched their matching aftershave line. Their aftershaves are available for roughly eighteen dollars per, or sixty three dollars for the set of four. Of note, their aftershaves include rose water and alum, which seem to be underutilized ingredients in aftershaves. | http://www.drjonshandcraftedsoapco.com/shop-galapagos/?category=Aftershave |
7/22/15 |
Caties Bubbles | A new soap in a new formula is now available from Caties Bubbles. The soap, Royal Garden, is a complex scent of rose with several supporting fragrances. The big note here, though not of a fragrance, is that the soap is listed as fourteen dollars for the jar. This represents a six dollar savings compared to previously priced Caties Bubbles soaps. | http://catiesbubbles.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=69_66&products_id=342 |
7/23/15 |
Barrrister & Mann | As a reminder, Barrister and Mann are on vacation until August 11th. To order their products during this time, please see one of their partner retailers. Partner retailers can be viewed on the Barrister & Mann website. | |
7/25/15 |
Soap Commander | Refreshment, the latest Summer scent from Soap Commander is now available at Soap Commanders website. Sweet Tea is the fragrance in this soap, so if you’re in the south like I am, you should have a pretty healthy appetite for this soap. But please, don’t eat it. | http://ow.ly/Q5eMS |
The fact you would have a vendor on that makes razor handles to fit Gillette cartridges for me, means you have lost all credibility as a wet shaving podcast. Truly disappointing.
They also make DE razors.
They make a product that encourages the purchase of Gillette’s overpriced cartridges, that’s not promoting wet shaving!!!. As far as I’m concerned you can put lipstick on a pig, but at the end of the day, it’s still a pig. No matter how fancy a handle is, it’s still a cartridge razor product. Making one DE or two DE razors doesn’t make them a wet shaving vendor in my mind. In my humble opinion, this is the last vendor that deserves time on a podcast dedicated to wet shaving, especially considering there are so many artisans and vendors out there. If you wanted a break from soap vendors and wanted a razor artesian or company on your show, I get that. I can name ten that would deserve the spotlight more than this travesty that was just featured. How about these two for example.
I think your decision to put this vendor on considering what they sell, was a mistake. Based on forum discussions, I can tell you I’m not the only one, albeit perhaps the most vocal.
David, I respect your opinion but I disagree with it. One of the major purposes of the Wet Shaving Podcast is to discuss the “business” of wet shaving, in all its forms–artisans, vendors, and manufacturers. Andrew and I discussed this on our first podcast–listen in starting at about 4:00: https://sharpologist.com/podcast/the-wet-shaving-news/announcing-wet-shaving-news-podcast
IMO a “wet shaving vendor” is one who identifies a need in the niche’ and fills it. Eshave has some very good “software” (I think you’ll find their white tea cream gets very good reviews on the forums, for example). Does iKon have a shave cream? No, they’ve identified their niche’ and filled it.
Hi David,
I understand that for the true purists in the community, this is a common sentiment. However, I’d like to point out that Edwin Jagger, who makes the wonderful (and often recommended) DE89 line also produces many handles for cartridge style razors. This was true for The Art of Shaving prior to the P&G buyout if I’m not mistaking, and they are the most commercially iconic wet shaving brand in America, having storefronts in hundreds of key locations. I know several wet shavers who “hybrid” shave using a brush and soap but a cartridge razor.
While it’s understandable to be passionate about a hobby, please take a moment to consider how others might see such opinions. Promoting a thoughtful discussion is wonderful, but “trolling” or “bashing” simply based on difference of opinion is not something I can support or encourage.
I’m sorry you were offended by the episode, but I found the content I produced to be quite appropriate.
Which is why I don’t own, nor ever will own, any EJ products either. In addition I’ve never spent a dime with Art of Shaving as well. I’m also not trolling and I certainly am not the type of person that is going to filter my opinions or thoughts because they might offend someone. I respect your opinion of the episode and the content Therein. Companies that sell products that fit cartridge razors are a detriment to wet shaving in my opinion and I have never, nor will ever do business with such a company. You are more than free to produce whatever you want, it’s your show. But don’t expect everyone to love all your content all the time, and have the backbone to accept criticism without calling people trolls who legitimately didn’t like that episode. Part of putting content “out there” for the world to view is taking the negative with the positive. If you thought all of your episodes were going to be embraced as outstanding and loved, I’m afraid you were highly mistaken. Good luck with your show.