When I learned to shave I had a single Super Speed razor and used canned foam. Later on (with apologies to LG) changing to an old spice mug and a cheap brush. After 20 years in the electric and cartridge wilderness I restarted with the MT1 and realized just how much better it was to enjoy shaving than to look at it as a chore. Nowadays I use my razors in rotation based on the named days of the week. I know it sounds a bit like ladies panties with the days of the week printed on them but this system lets me feel a tie to all you wet shavers, and the underpinnings of Western Civilization! In addition it keeps interviewers from determining whether or not I have early dementia as all I have to do is remember which razor I shaved with to identify the day it is.
The days of the week are named after Roman or Greek Gods and the Celestial Bodies. There was a Norse/Greco-Roman merger which led to certain days in English being named differently than their Romance counterparts.
Monday is named for the moon, In Spanish it is Lunes after (luna for the moon). I use my DC Lobo (Wolfman)
Tuesday is named for Trigg or Norse God of War (Mars, Martes) I shave with a Gillete Red tip, Red being for the Red Planet, and it is a TTO for Tuesday.
Wednesday is named for Wotan, the messenger god (Mercury or Miercoles) So a Merkur 37C is my weapon of choice.
Thursday is Thor’s day for the god of thunder in which J correspond to Jupiter (Jueves) in the Greek system. (Jagger 89de)
Friday is named for Frigg the Norse Godess of Fertility. Venus to the Romans (Aphrodite to the Greeks) Frigg is alleged to have woven clouds into the sky, and my Weber PH fits the bill since Weber means weaver in German.
Saturday is named for Saturn, or Sabbath (Sabado) and Sunday for the Sun. I have a Standard Razor for Saturday’s shave.
I shave with a Gillette President usually on Sunday, for no nomenclatural reason, but the sun shiny rhodium handle
These habits may indicate I have too much time on my hands, and I have no such custom with blades brushes or creams. Do you have a particular rotation based on the day of the week?
L.M. Isaacs, M.D.
Do you change blades before each shave or how do you track the blade usage?
I’m not sure where you got Trigg from. Tuesday is named after the Germanic god, Tiw. Wednesday is named after Woden (aka Wotan), the Anglo-Saxon version of Odin. He’s the head honcho, not best known for carrying messages.
Very enjoyable reading..Thanks
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