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Wow. Right out of left field, a couple days ago a staff writer for Money, a popular financial magazine in the US, contacted me about an article on shaving they’re doing. They had come across my shaving videos during the course of their research and wanted to get my input on some of the topics they had come up with: how to save money by using a DE razor instead of an expensive cartridge razor, traditional shaving lather, shaving brushes, etc. What really impressed me was how intelligent the questions were–they had obviously done some decent research into the topic!

We talked for over 30 minutes and they said they’d call me back in a couple weeks to “fact check” the article before it goes to the printer. Its slated for their April issue (which I found suprising: I used to be a freelance writer years ago and magazines needed a solid three month lead time. I guess technology has shortened that up quite a bit). I’m crossing my fingers that they’ll mention my video page or this blog…who knows?

Shave tutor and co-founder of sharpologist. I have been advocating old-school shaving for over 20 years and have been featured in major media outlets including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and Lifehacker. Also check out my content on Youtube, X/Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest!View Author posts

6 thoughts on “Money”

  1. Great news mantic !

    One question i am thinking of trying some proraso pre shave cream do you apply pre shave creams/gels with a brush also ?

  2. I'm glad to see this happen. Maybe it will help to motivate local retailers to stock DE razors and brushes in their stores. Last month when I decided to go back to a DE I looked locally and could not find. Ended up buying razor, brush, shaving soap, stand online. Look forward to the article.

  3. Technology certainly has speed things up. Where 3 months was a usual lead time for monthly mags, it could be 1 month now. In UK, most weekly mags go to print on thursday Friday, any content that week will be in the nest weeks edition. Today in the UK its the Brits (a large music award event), papers may hold newspapers to publish features tomorrow, where most mags will carry features next Tuesday, 7 days after the event.

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