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Feather Blades And Razors – An Update

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Feather shaving products have a bit of a multiple-personality-disorder feel, with products at both ends of the scale: very high-end, precisely-engineered products, and products that are economical, but not much in between.  Let me show you what I mean.  This is an update of an article that first appeared in 2014.

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Feather Blades

feather blades
Arguably the best known Feather product (for wet shavers anyway) is the legendary Feather “New Hi Stainless” razor blade.  It is known far-and-wide in the wet shaving world as one of the “sharpest” double edge (DE) razor blades for shaving on the market.  Using Leisurguy’s proposed terminology this extremely “efficient” (though some might say somewhat “harsh” depending on the razor it’s used with) blade demands respect from the shaver.  A lapse of attention will almost certainly result in a nick or cut and I generally recommend that new shavers get a handle on their technique before trying this blade.

There is some confusion about the different types of containers Feather DE blades are found in.  There is the “yellow” pack and the less common “black” pack.  While there is some evidence to suggest they were made to (slightly) different specifications a few years ago, they are now the same blade.  The only difference is the number of blades per pack: “yellow” packs contain ten blades, while “black” packs contain five blades.

Feather DE blades are at the upper-end of the price range compared to other DE blades (though still far less expensive than most multi-blade razor cartridges on the market).

Feather “Professional Series” blades may be a little less well-known: they’re made for “no-sharpen straight razors” that use replaceable blades (more on those razors below) and in some artisan-made razors.  There is a ‘standard‘ blade and a ‘Proguard‘ version with a wire guard built into the blade.

The standard Professional blade also has an interesting little quirk: if one end is cut down slightly they will work in vintage Schick Injector-style razors.  Back in the day it was quite the rage but interest in this manual process has largely faded.

Then of course there are the Feather FHS-10 blades used with OneBlade razors!

Feather Razors

All Stainless (AS-D2)

feather as-d2
I think the Feather “All Stainless” razor was the first “high dollar” razor, at least in the contemporary sense.  There are a number of all-stainless steel razors now but Feather paved the way.  When the Feather All Stainless was released there was a “sticker shock” reaction from much of the traditional wet shaving community (myself included) but high-end razors have carved out a niche’ for themselves with their reputation for better engineering and manufacturing, and the “luxury” cache’ it brings.

The Feather All Stainless is in it’s second generation now (model AS-D2).  I got my sample from Merz/Smallflower (thanks AQ!) but of course there are a number of other vendors.  You may find a range of prices for the AS-D2.  This is partly because there are slight variations in the “kit”–some include a custom stand or a special gift package for example–so be sure you’re comparing applies-to-apples when shopping.

As for the shave, the Feather All Stainless has a reputation for being a very gentle razor.  I agree with that view: getting the best possible shave using the “typical” DE blade will take more work than usual.  However I have found it matches perfectly with a Feather Hi Stainless blade!  The combination of the razor’s small blade gap and the blade’s highly efficient edge gives me the feeling that I’m hardly shaving at all–it’s probably the most “comfortable” shave I have ever had.  But the results are excellent for me: a near “baby’s butt smooth” shave with very little effort.

The WS-D2S razor is similar to the AS-D2 but with a wooden handle.  It is not widely available but a little “google-fu” should turn up some sources.

[Edit: David at Grown Man Shave tells me he has some in stock!]


At the other end of the scale is the Feather Popular DE razor.  This lightweight, plastic-and-metal twist-to-open (TTO) razor goes for under $20 (U.S.).  Honestly, I don’t think there is much to distinguish this razor other than it’s low cost though–it is pretty representative of inexpensive razors in most respects  It has a more typical blade gap and is usable with a wider variety of blade brands but it may not be as comfortable to shave with compared to other razors in the price range.


The Feather Adjustable is relatively new to the market.  It is a relatively inexpensive razor with two settings, “1” and “2.” Setting “1” is extremely mild while setting “2” is more middle-of-the-road.  Like the Feather Popular and Feather AS-D2 razors, I find that the Feather Adjustable pairs very well with a Feather blade: the very mild setting needs a high-efficiency blade to perform well.

Artist Club Series

Swinging back up to the higher end of the price scale is the Feather Artist Club series.  Artist Club razors look like straight razors but use replaceable blades (sometimes you’ll see these kinds of razors generically referred to as a “Shavette”).  They are available in the traditional Western folding style or the traditional Eastern “Kamisori” style.  I think Artist Club razors behave more closely to a real straight razor than Shavette’s that use DE blades cut in half because the blades are longer and stiffer.  Prices for Artist Club razors can rival that of regular straight razors.

Other Feather Products

Feather makes other types of blade-related products, including beauty shopmedical and industrial applications.

Do you use Feather products?  What do you think of them?  Comment below!


Shave tutor and co-founder of sharpologist. Advocating for traditional wet shaving for over 20 years, I specialize in single-blade shaving with safety razors, straight razors, and lathering shave creams and soaps. I've been featured as a thought leader in men's grooming by major outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and Lifehacker. Learn old-school shaving techniques to transform your shave into a classic grooming experience. Also check out my content on Youtube, X/Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest!View Author posts


24 thoughts on “Feather Blades And Razors – An Update”

  1. Unfortunately all straight razor don’t cut. Best razor is Feather! Ans and that is very poor fact!!!! Made a real, good straight razor cutting like a shavette woul cost too much!!!!! Not considering sharpening is very complicated! Artisan s good doesn’t exist anymore!!!!! A razor like Feather would cost 20 times more! That’s why every Company produce garbage razors!!!!!!! We have to spend thousands of dollars for discovering this!!!!!!!! Kai or Feather are the only options!!!!😕

  2. Over the years I have come to the conclusion that blades aren’t aggressive or any thing other than sharp or dull. When I shave, I want the sharpest blade possible. The least effort required to cut the beard is the goal. Blades that are not among the sharpest will require more effort (pulling the razor over the skin and incline the shaver to press it closer to the skin). If the beard is easy to cut, then the number of different blade brands one can use increases, there is no such thing as a blade that is too sharp.
    I believe the terms aggressive, rough or dangerous don’t apply to blades but rather the razors themselves. A razor can be aggressive or give a rough shave and be more likely to cut you, not the blade. Yes, some blade and razor combinations are superior to others. This I interpret as modifying the razor’s undesirable characteristics by using a duller blade. What razor/s one enjoys are related to their suitability for the shavers skin and face. In my case, my skin is uneven due to scare tissue and acne and any razor with a significant gap is going to cut me and require extreme concentration to keep the at the proper angle to my face. The angle is often not the one the razor was designed for.
    In summary, finding the correct style of razor for your individual shaving problem and the sharpest blade you can find to put in it will yield the best overall experience. Also, some faces and beards cannot be shaved BBS and attempting to get such a shave will always yield a bad result no matter what you use.

  3. I have two double edge razors purchased after I read your review of them -a Merkur 24C with a long handle and a Parker Variant. I have used them both for about a year using either Feather DE or Derby Ustra blades which I first bought in a sample packet set. Certainly when using the Merkur I cannot perceive any differance in performance between the different at all. Using the Parker dialed up to 3 the Feather blades are much more aggressive than the Derby Ustra and seem to cut lower causing very slight facial discomfort so there is an obvious difference in using the different blades in the Parker. The shaving soap I now use is Trumpers Almond but I still miss my Ingrams Shave Cream in their beautiful small bottles or green tubes!

  4. I have a number of razors, but Feather blades are the only ones for me. I do have to be careful when using a more aggressive razor, like my turn of the century Gillettes, but in combination with my AS-D2 it really is the perfect wet shaving combo.

  5. The Feather double edge is the only double edge blade I can use. I also shave with the pro-guard in a DX and various other single edge razors. My beard around the mouth and chin is very difficult (read close to impossible) to cut. With a shower as prep and a good lather both the double edge and the AC blade pull a bit around my mouth. Other double edge blades don’t cut the beard at all. I am grateful to have Feather blades out there otherwise I would have to grow a beard. Sadly, I only get two shaves from each blade. After the second shave they won’t cut mouth or chin hair either.

    P.S. Any suggestions for prep of these areas would be appreciated.

  6. As a newbie DE shaver a decade ago, I started with Feather blades and produced a lot of blood! I still haven’t found a DE razor of the many in my collection that is comfortably compatible with them. (I prefer the very inexpensive Astra blades – two great shaves and done.) But the Feather AC Pro blades are absolutely amazing in my Mongoose, Alumigoose, and Paradigm razors. I get 4 to 10 shaves per blade (the higher numbers need some palm stropping).

  7. Your right on that comment of the Feather razor blade for sharpness “and” being deadly if you don’t pay attention. I’ve used them in my Rockwell S6 and work well as its a safe Razor to virtually not cut your self but in the back of my mind i have to remind my self the i have Feathers in the Razor. In the end i stick to my Astra’s Platinum’s as there a good reliable all rounder blade and a smooth cutter.

  8. Nice article, but as both a safety (dome)and straight razor (face) shaver I believe you should have devoted mor time to Feather AC Barber’s razors. Most of us start with the Feather SS model, but end up with the Feather DX because it much more approximates the shave angle of a regular straight and lacks the lip around the blade of the SS. Not all that important a point for an admitted smaller wet shaving demo, but still important to straight shavers.

  9. Since I started at DE I have tried 5 razors before using only the AS-D2 razor. Whether it’s a daily shave or on a 3 day regrowth the Feather looks simply amazing with a Feather blade. I don’t understand that people snub this razor without even having used it quite simply on the comments of people with no experiences. Yes, I must admit that this razor unlike the others requires a longer learning time as your brain instinctively places your hand at the desired angle. People only talk about Japanese knives but don’t get hung up on the Feather. I am a butcher by trade and appreciate the finesse of the Feather’s shave like a sharp knife blade sharpened by myself for my job.

  10. Here in Brazil (don’t know about other parts of the world) we have a blue package feather blade. Actually, it’s a brand that you can find pratically anywhere, along with bic, wilkinson’s sword (made by p&g) and not so long ago, Gillette.

    This blue package blades are sharp as hell. I’ve used them on adjustables at the lowest possible settings (They work quite well with my mergress, but they still feel harsh).

    If you google for feather blade in portuguese (lâmina feather), they come right up.

  11. Nice article. I recieved an AS-D2 as a gift. Although it is a miracle of Japanese engineering, it just isn’t for me due to my caveman rough beard. Even teamed with thr Feather blades (100) I recieved with the razor, it is too mild for me. I have used it twice and was disappointed both times. I wish my son had consulted with me. Can you tell me if there is a market where I might sell this razor?

  12. I use the pro feather in my Cobra Classic and Artist straight. Both give great result, but I lean toward the Cobra because I find blade installment much harder on the Artist straight. P.S. I have been using that Parker injector exclusively since I received it a few weeks ago, once I found that shallow angle it’s a great shaver for me. Thanks for the heads up on it, doubt I would have come across it without your site.

  13. I have a great interest in one of the Kamisori AC razors. I don’t have one, but it is on my list.

    The Feather I use the most is one you didn’t mention: their FHS-10 blade for the OneBlade. There’s really no other blade around to compare it to, but that particular combo is absolutely fantastic for a shave. I also have some packs of their carbon version, the FAS-10, which requires stropping before ready for use (why???!!!) but with a little modification I use it in my Valet Autostrop and it is actually an even better shave than the FHS. The Oneblade may not be the best value proposition out there for shaving, but combine it with the FHS Feather blades and I haven’t found a way to beat it yet with any disposable razor blade.

  14. I keep coming back to Feather blades (haven’t tried their razors and probably won’t). I have a few other packs in my rotation but once those are gone, I’ll stick with just using Feather blades.

  15. Agree with the comment above; I have locked into Feather DE blades for my Muhle R89 / Edwin Jagger DE89 razors and the Feather Pro for my King Cobra. The Feather Pro Supers, slightly stiffer and deeper (exposing more blade), make me feel like I have just shaved off a couple of layers of epidermis. The nominal upcharge on Feather blades is entirely offset by their length of service and consistent quality. I never get that one blade that is “off” like I have with other brands and even with using them for 7 shaves – they are far less expensive and more environmentally friendly than ANY cartridge product

  16. Best DE blades by far IMHO (even better than Kai). I settled after years of trying out new blades. Since the last two years I use Feathers exclusively. One blade lasts for 10 to 12 shaves (in comparison, an Astra green only one and a half to two shaves). Here in Europe they are on average about three times more expensive than Astras, Derbys or Wilkinson-Gillettes, but they last around five times longer. So, you do the math.

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