How to Shave – Shaving Software from Ape to Gentleman on Vimeo.
Here’s my lastest video for Ape to Gentleman, with its associated blog post.
How to Shave – Shaving Software from Ape to Gentleman on Vimeo.
Here’s my lastest video for Ape to Gentleman, with its associated blog post.
I'm so impress by the fact that a man can be so garceful in their own unique way. Thanks so much for sharing this interesting shaving reviews.
I'm so impress by the fact that a man can be so garceful in their own unique way. Thanks so much for sharing this interesting shaving reviews.
Simple, informative, to-the-point. I like it!
I don't like the boring gray background. Also the camera angle is too low, it's not flattering to look at someone from under their head, we're practically looking right up your nostrils.I would also recommend you back the camera up, the shot is too tight and makes you look too much like a head on a shelf.
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