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5 Top Reader-Submitted Tips For A Better Wet Shave

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Last month’s giveaway asked readers for their most valuable tip for a great wet shave.  Here are the top five answers:

5 Water

Water–and lots of it–is essential for a great shave.  Whether it is cleaning the area before shaving, making a great lather,  cutting efficiently, or maintaining good skin health afterward, water does the “heavy lifting” in the shaving process.

4 Reduction

The concept of beard reduction is often a new one to beginner wet shavers, who sometimes have only the advertising they see on TV to go by.  But reducing the beard in stages is a key strategy to a shave that is both comfortable and close.

3 Prep

Preparation is another key aspect of shaving that is often over-looked.  A quick splash of water is not enough.  Properly cleaning and hydrating the area to be shaved will let the rest of the process flow more smoothly and successfully.

2 Speed

Slow down! Don’t rush!

1 Pressure

The most popular tip is not to put any pressure on the razor, no matter what kind of razor is used.  Using just enough pressure to keep the blade on the skin, keeping the skin’s surface flat, will result in both a clean cut and reduce the chance of irritation.


Shave tutor and co-founder of sharpologist. I have been advocating old-school shaving for over 20 years and have been featured in major media outlets including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and Lifehacker. Also check out my content on Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest!View Author posts

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