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350 Shaving Brushes Compared: A Buyer's Guide

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A Guide

As promised, I have consolidated the shaving brush lists and commentary I have posted over the past few weeks (Semogue, Savile Row, Shavemac, Rooney, Truefitt & Hill, Simpsons, Vulfix) into one master list!  I have even added a few additional manufacturers.  Admittedly this is not a comprehensive list–I don’t think I could ever find ALL the shaving brushes on the market!–but I think this is a good start on at least a lot of the most-known brush lines.  You will see that some brushes have some missing information.  I tried my best to get authoritative information from the manufacturers: the responses ranged from helpful but still incomplete to being completely ignored.  Still, I figured partial information would be better than no information at all, so I included what I could.
I could not figure out a way of specifying the shape of a brush handle short of including a picture with each brush, which would make the list way too cumbersome to use.  I think the best way to use this guide is to narrow down the type of brush you want by general size, hair/grade, and price then go to the specific manufacturer’s site to see the shape of the handle.

The List

The guide lists current, standard brushes in the manufacturer line-up.  It does not include limited-edition or “new old stock.”  The “Loft,” Knot,” and “Handle” sizes are expressed in millimeters (mm) and are approximate.  The hair “Grade” is terminology by the manufacturer: there is no standardized grading for badger hair so this column is best used to compare grades in very relative terms.  “Price” is the approximate retail price in US dollars–note that actual prices from individual purchase points may vary widely!
To help you search for brushes I have a “CSV” file that you can import into your favorite database or spreadsheet program.  That way you can sort, filter, and otherwise manipulate the data to your heart’s content.  That file is HERE (right click, save-as).  Updates, corrections, and additions are welcome!  You can either reply as a comment here or email me.


Shave tutor and co-founder of sharpologist. Advocating for traditional wet shaving for over 20 years, I specialize in single-blade shaving with safety razors, straight razors, and lathering shave creams and soaps. I've been featured as a thought leader in men's grooming by major outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and Lifehacker. Learn old-school shaving techniques to transform your shave into a classic grooming experience. Also check out my content on Youtube, X/Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest!View Author posts

22 thoughts on “350 Shaving Brushes Compared: A Buyer's Guide”

  1. I can’t help but appreciate all the work in compiling this list, but where are all the rest? I’m interested in synthetic brushes. This list seems to be the creme de la creme of brushes. I wonder if anyone can truly evaluate or compare brushes beyond their physical charateristics. Nevertheless thanks for the hardwork!

  2. After looking over the list and didn’t see any horse brushes. I started with the Walgreen’s boar brush. After running into you’re YouTube video and this website became really interested in the brush my father uses. i was expecting him to tell me a kind of badger brush, but to my surprise he said it was horse hair(I looked up and got one from Vie-Long, which seems to be the only one making them). I was wondering with such a variety, what you think of horse brushes. I did some research on them, they seemed popular until anthrax found in horse brushes in 1940’s-50’s. apparently they are sterilized now before sold on market.

  3. Where did you find a price on the Kent BLK12 of $178? Is that the UK price converted into USD? The cheapest price I’ve seen is $250 US.

  4. Ted Pettinicchi (TAP119 on B & B)

    Thank you, Mark, for all your hard work and dedication.
    PS: Lunch on me when you come to Philly. I know who has the best cheesesteaks.

      1. The best sandwich in Philly is @ the Reading Terminal Market at Tommy DiNic’s. Italian Roast Pork, Sharp Provolone and Broccoli Rabe.
        Pat’s and Geno’s are second class 😉

  5. Has anyone told you that you’re the man? How many hours did you spend on this? If you come to Florida, I will personally buy you lunch.

  6. A supreme effort Mark. Compiling a list like that would’ve taken you a coon’s age !! Much appreciated.

    1. Sorry Fido! If you will email me the correct dimensions I will include them when I do an update of the list.

        1. lol. $1,000? Is it dipped in 24k gold? Is the handle made from diamonds?
          And you guys said wetshaving was supposed to be cheaper than canned cream and cartridge razor…

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