Wait, what’s going on? You were headed to Mantic59’s little “blogspot” site and you find yourself redirected here?
Why “Sharpologist?”
Why not “shavetutor.com” or “mantic59.com?” Traditional shaving will be the primary focus of the site but I did want to leave a little “wiggle room” open to make the occasional side-trip to a related topic like skin care, hair care, or some other aspect of grooming or style. And calling it “mantic59.com” just seemed a little too personal: the site isn’t about me, its about you. So our little team kicked around ideas and researched domain names (you might be surprised how many domains have been purchased then simply “parked,” waiting for someone to want the name so badly they’re willing to pay a premium price for it). We hope we’ve come up with a name that conveys the right feeling.
What Will You Find Here?
The main focus of “Sharpologist” will be traditional shaving, but there will also be material on other aspects of grooming and style too. The goal is to make Sharpologist super-useful to the man new to traditional shaving and grooming, plus have enough extra content to remain useful to the more experienced. The plan is to enhance the types of information that was on the old “blogspot” site with easier navigation, a question-and-answer area, an opt-in “newsletter” for special announcements, and maybe a surprise thrown in once in a while.
What About Videos?
Of course videos will continue! “Shave Tutor” videos, concentrating on tutorial content as the name implies, will continue to be made. “Sharpologist” videos, not tutorial in subject, are also planned. Those videos would be things like reviews, product-specific information (like the Mitchell’s Wool Fat and Bluebeard’s Revenge videos a while back), and maybe even some non-shaving-related content. The goal is one video per month, hopefully more!
Stick Around!
So feel free to come back regularly. Kick the tires and look under the hood. Pardon our dust while we tidy up the place: if you find something not working correctly, or have any suggestions, feel free to let us know!
Something on your mind? Want to share your experiences? “Guest posts” are welcome! Use that same link to ask for more info.
A special thanks to Andy, Jason, Nick, and Sid, who put up with a lot of anxiety from me and without whose help this little project would not be possible!
I’m looking forward to this!
Mantic, the new site is awesome!!! Congrats!
New site looks fantastic. Congrats
This is excellent news!
I am glad you have this site up and running!
Grats on the new site! I like the name better too.
Look into getting a forum setup too, you can usually get them free through phpbb.
Well done Mark. Looks like a very well thought out and put together site. As always, I’m looking forward to you comments and tutorials.
All the best,
The new website looks great!
Congratulations on the new site. Very nice. See ya in Chicago.
Love the site Mantic, or in your words “me gusta.” Keep it up man, you do a great thing for the community and we love you for it.
Congratulations! Love the name and it looks great!
job well done thus far mantic. i always look forward to your web activity and find the content full of useful information. thanks again for the quality.
Congrats on the new site. It looks really sharp as befits it’s name.
A very interesting concept! I look forward to watching your new venture evolve and perhaps even add my own tuppence worth occasionally!
Well done!!
Congratulations on the new site Mr. Mantic! Great to see you and Michael collaborating – two of my favorite shaving guru’s!
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