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Thin DE Razor Heads?

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Joe writes: I have several Gillette and Schick classic DE razors with big (fat) heads. I noticed some of the razors you displayed in some of your videos have very thin heads on them (like the one in the ad above), and like some of your three piece razors I saw in your videos. I would actually prefer to have a razor like that with a thin head. I used to have one, a Gillette Super Speed razor. I remember it was a three piece and the head was smaller and thinner than my other DE razors. I’ve received some great shaves particularly from my Gillette’s, but I’ve gotten clumsy in my old age LOL. I’d like to know what you would recommend in the thin head category (Merkur, Parker, etc…)

Thin Heads?

Generally speaking, three piece razors have thinner heads than two piece or twist-to-open razors. A few that I’ve seen that are exceptionally thin include the Goodfella razor (open comb but a reasonably mild shaver), the Lord L6 (a pretty cheap razor, OK quality), and the Bevel razor. Hope that helps!
Do you know of a razor with an exceptionally thin head?  Leave a comment below!


Shave tutor and co-founder of sharpologist. Advocating for traditional wet shaving for over 20 years, I specialize in single-blade shaving with safety razors, straight razors, and lathering shave creams and soaps. I've been featured as a thought leader in men's grooming by major outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and Lifehacker. Learn old-school shaving techniques to transform your shave into a classic grooming experience. Also check out my content on Youtube, X/Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest!View Author posts


7 thoughts on “Thin DE Razor Heads?”

  1. I just bought a Merkur 1904 oopen comb razor for $24 on Amazon. It has a very thin head and the fit and finish is flawless. If you are into vintage razors, the 3-piece Gillettes from the 1940’s and 50’s – especially the ball end handle models were very thin. I have a a nice early ’40s model in gold tone that has a great, very thin head. A nice shaver. You can find them every day on eBay. Just be careful. The ball end handles were prone to cracking at the point where the head screws in. you can get a nice example for under $20.

  2. I like thin DE razor heads too. They’re more maneuverable and safer in tight spots like under my nose and on and around my ears. I’ve sold off all my fat-headed razors, including all the TTOs I’ve tried. There are five survivors: Tech, Feather AS-D2, Standard, original iKon OC and Shavecraft 102. Other thin-headed DEs I’ve used include Gillette New and Muhle DE89.
    Two other comments:
    – Another aid to maneuverability and safety is for the head to cover the tabs on the sides of the blade. The tab corners are sharp, and a moment’s carelessness can lead to a nasty cut. Of my DEs, only the Tech has exposed tabs. I put up with this because I like its minimalism.
    – The head on the 102 looks fat because of the humpback slant design. But somehow it shaves like a thin head.

        1. While it may not have the worlds thinnest head, it is much thinner than the heads of the EJ89, Weber, Standard, Parker, and my Gillette TTO’s

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