Here are links and comments to some of the shaving-related discussions I either post or lurk on (or in some cases non-English-speaking forums that I’ve heard about but can’t participate in because of my poor language skills). This is in no particular order and is not complete. Feel free to add or comment!
Updated 4 February 2010
Badger and Blade: Probably the most active forum
Shave My Face: Another very active forum
The Shave Den: Relatively new
MenEssentials Shaving Forum (CA): Part of a commercial site
Shave Forum: A UK site, very low traffic right now
Simply Shaving: A new site
Straight Razor Place: Oriented to straight-razor shaving
Straightshaving: Another straight-razor shaving site
Razor and Brush: Part of a commercial site
Something Awful Shaving Thread: If you’re a goon this discussion has been going on continuously for over a year now.
Roberts’ Method: Oriented to Method shaving
Truefitt & Hill: Part of a commercial site
Mankind (UK): The forum software was recently redesigned and it looks like they’re starting from scratch
Nassrasur: A German razor forum (I wish I could speak German!)
Mens Only: A Greek razor forum (I wish I could speak Greek!)
The Shaving Room: A new UK-based shaving discussion site Shaving Thread: Relatively new but very active shaving thread MASSIVE shaving thread on an Irish discussion board. another large shaving thread on an Australian discussion board.
Barbear Classico: a Spanish/Portuguese forum (I wish I could speak Spanish!)
ShaveReady: A “Vendor-Friendly” forum