You’re listening to Wet Shaving Talk powered by Sharpologist.com where we’re dedicated to preserving the art and skill of classic shaving. I’m your host Joe Borrelli and today is December 9th, 2024.

Today on the Show:
Trip to Pasteur’s in NYC
Holidays are here Choosing the right Gift!
Traveling With Your Wet Shaving Gear for the Holidays
Vintage Wet Shaving Ads
Year in Review Episode will be 12/30/24.
Trip To Pasteur’s

This past Friday I was in NYC and visited Pasteur’s on 34th street. Despite the cold (31 degrees) we were able to visit and see all the great stuff! I’ll tell you all about it! (I signed some books)
The Holidays are Here!! How to Choose the Right Gift!!

Choosing the right wet shaving gift can be a hard task.
Every holiday, I like to discuss some best practices when it comes to purchasing the right gift.
Here are some tips to help make your gift memorable.
- Ask tons of questions: Ask that special someone what they like. Be sure to include what brands and items they like.
- Look at the stuff they are currently using. Check out what they already have. If you see some similarities, same brand or the same scent, then chances are they would like it.
- Ask their friends. If you see your significant other is in a particular group or you know one of his/her friends, then contact them.
- Give extra time for shipping. Majny wet shaving products are not available on Amazon, so make sure you purchase these items with more than enough time.
Make sure you don’t make these mistakes:
- Don’t assume. If you see your significant other has safety razors, avoid getting him a straight razor. Or if they like straight razors, make sure you get a good well-known brand.
- Try to avoid vintage stuff.
- Avoid products seen in value stores (such as Marshals)
Traveling with Your Wet Shaving Gear for The Holidays

With holiday travel upo in record numbers over the past year, it’s safe to say, many of you will be traveling over the next two months.
I know I’ve discussed traveling with wet shaving gear in the past but felt this is a good time to go over it again.
-Don’t bring anything you can’t live without.
-Don’t put blades or straight razors in carry-on luggage.
-Bring a synthetic brush
-Build a good DOP kit. Invest in a good bag.
-Mention wet shaving to relatives. You never know, you may get to use a family heirloom.
Vintage Holiday Ads

I just love holiday wet shaving ads! Q4 as discussed prior was a big part of wet shaving back in the day. I can just see so many guys getting new razors for the holidays!
Gillette razor Xmas 1959 TV commercial

For that reason, most vendors did a good amount of advertising during this time.
Check out this article I wrote a few years ago and take a look at some of my favorite Ads!
Our show is powered by Sharpologist.com, “What Your Father Didn’t Teach You about Shaving”
Special Thanks to:
Mark aka Mantic 59
Most of All……….YOU!!!!
Don’t forget to check out my blog site www.shavestraightandsafe.com for the tips and interesting wet shaving stories!
Please feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Subscribe to my You Tube Chanel for videos regarding some interesting wet shaving content.
Don’t forget to check out my book “The Modern Guide to Straight Razor Shaving” available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and at Pasteur’s Pharmacy in NYC.
If you’re a vendor and would like to be featured on the show please contact me!!
Next Show: 12/30/24
Final show of 2024 will be 12/30/24 for the “Year in Review Special” .
Transcript (Machine Generated)
You’re listening to Wet Shaving Talk powered by Sharpologist.com where we’re dedicated preserving the art and skill of classic shaving. I’m your host Joe Borrelli and today is December 9th, 2024. Hey guys, welcome back to the podcast on this beautiful December.
I cannot believe we’re already saying it’s December. I know I say that all the time, but 2024 is pretty much over and we are already in the full-fledged holiday season. A few things before we get started. 1, I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving for those that celebrate in the United States.
It was 1 heck of a Thanksgiving being so late this year. It felt like it was almost like we forgot about it for a minute. It seemed like it was a week later. That put a lot of stuff kind of around, I guess, cut down this Christmas season or the holiday season and it kind of rushed everybody around a little bit.
And apologies for missing the show last week I just had a lot going on with work. You know being being retail manager It can be tough at Thanksgiving is usually the kickoff well I like to say that November 1st is the kickoff and then Thanksgiving is really the the kickoff holiday for The I guess you want to say the winter season here in Florida. It gets very busy in a lot of retail stores. Where I work it goes up about 30 to 40 percent and that week alone is probably like 200 percent up so it’s a lot in retail business especially with the online presence and everything.
So for me I just said, hey you know what I’m going to take this week off from the cast. I don’t want to come up with a lame podcast or something with some bad content. So I wanted to make sure that you guys get some good stuff. So I said, you know what?
I’ll skip it this year and then see how it goes for the next 1. So here we are. Back and Better than ever I want to say sometimes I guess right? I guess that makes sense.
So today on the show I want to talk about a little bit about my last week. I actually made a surprise trip to Pastora’s Pharmacy on Friday of this past week. I was surprised by my wife with a trip for for my slash birthday slash Christmas present me being a December, baby it’s tough to I guess it’s tough to really like Distinguish either or like from Christmas to birthday So my wife was able to get me a ticket and we went to New York for a day. And we hung out in past stores for a little bit.
So I’ll tell you about my experience there and what went on. Holidays are rapidly coming guys and how do you choose the right gift? We’ll talk about that. I love talking about gift giving, but a lot of people ask me this.
A lot of my friends, significant others will ask me this. And I’ve come with a foolproof way to get a gift without making a mistake if you take these steps and avoid certain things as well So we’ll talk about that also Last show we talked about traveling with your wet shaving gear, and I was like you know what I just want to bring it up 1 more time because I know how many people are traveling right now and they want to bring and there’s so much with the holidays and actual wet shaving traditional wet shaving because you know holidays are something about tradition they’re also about taking a step back and looking at stuff that you’ve done either as a kid or what your parents did or your grandparents and Wet shaving helps with that nostalgia I have a couple friends that do wet shave over They like to bring their stuff with them and they might go to their child at home and say, Hey, you know what? I remember 1 of my dad was wet shaving or my grandfather was wet shaving and I just want to relive those moments and bring my razor with me. But there’s a few things you need to do When you travel and I’ll tell you that again, and I’ll just do a very brief this for this show Just to refresh everybody because this is the travel season Also Try with vintage wet shaving ads right This is 1 of my favorite parts of the holiday.
I wrote an article, I forgot about it, it was like 5 or 6 years ago about vintage wet shaving ads for the holidays. So Q4 is among us. Q4 is the busiest holiday for retail shopping. Usually it’s about double of what Q3 and what Q2 are and a lot of people do their shopping.
Hence why back in the day, a lot of the Wet Shaving companies used a lot of advertising, a lot of gift packaging, and came out with new products at this time. So I’ll go, I have a few of them. I’ll talk about my favorite ones, and I also left a link to the article for you to check out yourself. And we will be going over the year in review on the 30th of this year.
So 12-30-24 will be the final show of the year and that will be the year in review where I go over everything that’s happened in the Wet Shaving World and the podcast for the year. So without further ado guys, let’s get on with the show. So my wife was asking me what I wanted for… Now guys, my birthday is on December 20th, so it’s always shared the week of Christmas my entire life.
And usually I can tell you it’s probably not so much for me, but for everybody else, probably a burden or an inconvenience to have your birthday and Christmas on the same week. So for that, a lot of times 1 of them get pushed to the side because of everybody else. And then also, being a retail manager, it’s tough to I guess take time off. It’s almost impossible to take time off during this time of the year.
In fact, for work I have 2 more days off for the rest of the holiday season. So I work 6 day weeks, sometimes 70 hour weeks this time of the year, which I’m Everybody here that that does retail. I know you’re hearing me out and you’re saying yep. I do the same thing I I understand what you’re saying.
So at that time I don’t really get to celebrate too much during the day So my wife is like, what did you want? I said, you know what, on my bucket list is I wanted to go to New York and see all the Christmas stuff. So she asked me what my schedule was. I said my day off this week was Friday and she made it happen.
So it was really cool that we got to go while we were there. We went to past stores in Off 34th Street, which if you haven’t been there, I highly recommend going if you’re in New York It’s right down this few blocks away from from the Empire State Building. So it’s very close. It’s very very convenient area It’s where the right by the parade where the Macy’s is.
It’s a great place to go. Got to go there and I got to see the book that I wrote. As you guys know, the Modern Guide’s The Straight Razor Shaving in stock and I signed a few of the books. Just a little picture, I put in the show notes of me holding the book up.
Really it was a really cool moment to see the book on the shelf and to see it. It’s the first time I saw my book on a retail location so I was really happy and excited to see that. So I signed a few of the books. If you guys are in the area check them out if you want if you’re interested in looking at the book I did sign a couple of them and did a little Shave straight and safe saying inside of them as well So yeah, hopefully you get a chance to see it if you’re in past stores And also you can still order the book online too if you if you’re over there as well, But the amount of stuff that this place has, guys, I’ve been here about 4 times.
Every time I go, it seems like there’s more, literally every vendor that you could think of for software is there, right? Soaps, I think I counted, there was like over 500 different sized soaps I mean it is the wet shaving makeup for such a small store It’s got a lot of inventory in there So you if you were looking for shaving brushes for razors they have a lot of good stuff highly recommend if you’re in New York City checking them out and just going in there and really looking at what you see online and seeing it in person. They have testers so you can smell everything. So if you need something right then and there, purchase it because the prices are also the same as online.
Right? So they’re very, very, very competitive. And again, This is not an advertisement for those of you been to past stores. You know it doesn’t need 1 I just had a great time, and that was a good trip to go and see all the good stuff So if you guys are in the area Try again go there, but this is this is like the wet change this is like the Amazon warehouse or the Amazon showcase of wet shaving.
Now I will recommend that you do not travel with aftershaves unless you pack them up and put them in a check bag. Because they’re all over, I think they’re all over the amount that you cap to for a liquid on on a flight so you want to make sure that you’re doing that as well. The holidays are here guys. Choosing the right wet shaving gift can be a tough task.
Very difficult because it is such a limited I guess a limited or limited resources online regarding this and limited areas. Now I will admit this is way different than it was when I first started wet shaving when it was almost impossible to find anything anywhere with the exception of you know 1 or 2 retail stores and then online from the direct websites themselves. So now Amazon does carry a lot of products so it makes it a lot easier. And also it’s easier with online you can kind of go and snoop a little bit better on your significant other.
So it’s a lot easier now to do it than it was 10 years ago. But I will tell you it’s still, there are some steps that you should take to make sure you get the perfect gift. So if you are listening for your significant other, this is the time when you take some notes because I will help you get the perfect gift for your friend or loved 1. So some tips are, 1, ask a lot of questions if you have a Wet shaver in your family or in your life And you see them using it every day and having a good time and buying stuff and getting packages in the mail The main thing you want to do is ask questions like what’s your favorite vendor or really just say what do you what’s your favorite like you you like what kind of brushes shaving brush like I saw I noticed you use a shaving brush what kind of brushes that like tell me a little bit about it.
Ask questions about it first off the wet shaver the typical wet shaver will love to answer these questions because they’re so into it. When I was starting out and really getting into wet shaving and just start in those first few years, I love talking about it. If anybody asked me a question, I would bring myself out at the house I would talk to them about I would tell them all about it I would explain you know where I got it or the other the history behind it whatever right if I had a vintage Gillette I’d say hey this this Gillette’s 1955 whatever the blah blah blah so ask a lot of questions and understand and then kind of slip in and say what’s your favorite brush or what’s your favorite soap. They might just slip it on and tell you and then there you go.
Once you get that in your mind and then start doing it online. Also looking at the brands that they like, going in there, looking at their stuff. Just going in their cabinet, seeing what brand. Do you see a lot of like Barrister and Mann?
Do you see a lot of the same brand? Do you see a lot of Phoenix Artists and Accoutrements? Do you see several brushes with the same hair and look? Do you see razors?
Do you see a lot of new razors, a lot of old razors? Take a look at what they have already and then kind of just jot down a few of their names and then do some research on them and look it up and see if they have any special releases example if you see that your significant other loves Barre Stairman go online and see if they have any and then put in like limited edition and then check to see if they have it if they don’t I guarantee you if they have 4 or 5 soaps from Barre Stairman you get them a limited edition 1 that they don’t already have they will really appreciate it. Also just looking at the type of razor blades they have right so if you see a box of blades you know that might be a good item to get as well right you know get the same box of blades You know they like it already and they know it’s going to work well for them. Also ask some friends.
If you’re online and you’re in some similar groups or you notice that they have a couple friends that are in it and you know them, ask them. Say, hey what is so-and-so looking for? You know are they looking for something in particular has been on their wish list? You know something that they talk about like hey man I would get this if I could find it or if I just if I had the funds to do it or 1 day I’ll get like an example they might be looking for a Henson Raiser, a brand new Henson Raiser right and say well you know some of the funds or something like that I’ll be able to justify spending the money on it.
Well that might be the time that if hey you’re gonna buy a gift that might be a great gift because that would be very meaningful. So ask your friend their friends and say hey which ones they talk about what’s on their wish list you know Ask them which ones they really love, what items they’re looking for, and what items they can’t find or can’t get. And then you start working on it. Start looking it up and then ask them, hey where do I get it?
You know, can I go on the website and get it? Do they have it secondary as hell? What would be the best way to get this item? And ask for help.
And I tell you right now, the wet shaving friends will definitely help get their friends a good gift. And they will even more importantly keep quiet on it so they don’t find out what’s going on and that their This your surprise will get ruined so make sure you do that as well It’s A couple of don’ts and what stuff you don’t want to do is… Oh, there’s 1 more thing I should also mention. I’m going to actually re-add this to the show notes.
I’m sorry. Really important for this time of the year is give extra time for shipping when you purchase things. Do not purchase stuff the week of Christmas. You will not get it.
Do not, even though I think Christmas is early in the week, so the week before is even going to be tough. And here’s the reason for it. A lot of stuff is not available on Amazon. So if you’re going to go and purchase something, you know Amazon Prime has two-day shipping, one-day shipping, where they can get it there quickly, it’s very convenient.
But with wet shaving, if you’re buying something from say, I guess if you want to purchase something from the Italian barber, right, If you want to get some soaps from there and have them delivered. It’s far away. It’s in Canada. It’s in California.
I think that’s where their shipping hub is. You might have to wait 2 to 3 to 4 days to get it, right? Understand that these are small businesses and that they don’t have the capability of shipping hundreds of items out immediately. They’ll ship them out as quickly as they can, but they’ll get them out and also a lot of them use USPS, which is extremely slow during the holiday season.
Example, I sent my parents something for Christmas and it got there the day I got there on the 26th. I literally sent it on I believe the 19th and they live in Orlando and I live in South Florida. So I mean that was and they got there late I couldn’t believe it took 5 days to get to Orlando and I did and I did a Didn’t do the cheap shipping. I did the expedite shipping like 2 day.
So just understand that you know, hey Use some extra time when sending it out making sure you really it’s December 9th today. I would have your purchases and everything done no later than the 13th of this month right 4 days from now and that will give you at least 12 what 11 days to get it there Purchase it get it going and always I hate to say it purchase the expedited shipping just in case so you have it in time so you can have it under that tree or However, you give your gifts on the on this on that special day, so make sure you do get it in time I can’t emphasize this enough and USPS is very slow this time of year again. There’s lots of people so I would recommend also using FedEx or UPS as well I know it’s a little bit more expensive But if you have to ship something ship it that way because you’ll guarantee it will get there on time If you’re in the later if you’re doing it now, you know, you you have enough time you can definitely do it So make sure you don’t make these mistakes when giving out gifts Don’t assume that you know what they like if you see them with safety razors avoid You know avoid getting them a straight razor because they don’t have 1 right so example There are a lot of guys that either straight razor guys or safety razor guys, right? Don’t get 1 of them a safety razor if they are in the straight and they only have straight razor So I saw this I thought you’d like it.
They’re gonna appreciate it and they’re gonna like it But it’s not gonna be something that’s like the perfect gift vice versa if you see them with just safety razors and you see them all in their stuff and you purchase a straight razor, that person may be like, well, I’m not ready for it. It may not be for me or I’ve already tried them. I don’t like them. So avoid That simple mistake of getting them stuff that’s so out of there that they don’t already have it.
Don’t assume that they like certain items, right? Don’t assume that they wanted a board brush because they might only have badger brushes. So again with that part 4 asking some questions and and kind of doing I hate to say I do a little bit of snooping to find out if there are any signs out there for you to get the right thing. I would say to try and avoid, vintage stuff would be the next thing to avoid.
Vintage stuff is tough to purchase. You really got to know what you’re getting and you can get something that could be junk or you Can get something that could be I guess irrelevant or not work so if you’re gonna get something vintage definitely have a friend that’s in wet shaving or somebody that you can trust that’s a wet shaver really take a look at it before you purchase it again You got that shipping time to eBay if you’re buying stuff on eBay It could take very long, you know a while to get here So make sure you make that purchase as soon as possible but I would probably avoid you know vintage stuff altogether just to be safe and Because of the you know it could just cut the quality levels or the repair level that it might need if you get something That’s broken. You don’t know you might pay a premium for it But then you’re your significant other or friend or family or husband wife whatever can’t use it. So that’s something that I think I’ve really took, I mean I’ve gotten burned with some vintage stuff again for myself.
So again getting a gift like that you’d be very appreciative but you would probably be a little bit disappointed because you have to either get it repaired or it’s just not workable for you. Avoid products you see in stores such as TJ Maxx, Marshalls, anything like that, like secondary sale stores, all right? I’m telling you this because they have a lot of crap. They have a lot of stuff that you’re not going to want to use.
They’re going to have a lot of cheap nylon brushes and stuff. Unless the brand says Proraso on it, when you get lucky, if you see that, yeah, you can purchase that. But highly recommend avoiding anything there and getting those gifts. I know a lot of people will go shopping there for the holidays, they see those and they want to get them a nice gift there.
They think, oh this is a great gift set but really the whichever is going to look at it, he’s going to be like, he or she is going to be like, well yeah, this is great, thanks for the gift but this is going to sit on the shelf, right? Or it’s going to be given away in a PIF and a paid forward transaction or something like that. So, you may not get use out of it. It might be just a waste of money and it’s just not right.
It’s just not good quality products 90% of the time that I’ve seen it. I have seen a couple of stores have Proraso which is really good but other than that I’ve heard a lot of brands I’ve never heard of and just stuff that doesn’t work out. Good items to get too guys. Like a few items recommended you can get like 1 would be a Dopp kit like a nice leather bag or kit for travel.
Those are really good idea. Those work for the wet shaver. Also you can get like stands, like a brush stand or like a shave mirror or something like that, some cool stuff like that. That does work.
You can really, those are kind of universal. We all like that kind of stuff. Or again, just like gift cards to work. If you need a quick gift card most of the online retailers do a nice gift card and again And that’s also the gift that keeps giving too because then they can go in there and buy whatever they want but again Steps are making sure you you don’t assume what they like Avoid vintage stuff And any products you see in stores like Marshall’s and you’ll be just fine Don’t forget to give extra time for shipping as well, and you know I think you’ll have a great holiday season So traveling with wet Shaving gear on the holidays guys we talked about this last the last couple weeks You know just remember the few steps a few things to understand good bullet points I’m not going to go too deep into this because we already have Don’t bring anything you can’t live without if you if you if you really don’t want to lose it Don’t bring it because you might lose luggage You might lose it you might leave it somewhere in a hotel or something like that Just don’t bring it just bring stuff that you can live with that and that’s readily available again.
I like to bring a blue tip Gillette Or I bring like I get like a cheaper safety razor with me when I travel I don’t travel straight razors because of the shipping it because of the luggage issue So I usually do that and I haven’t been burned yet. If I do lose something not a big deal Don’t put blades or straight razors in carry-on luggage. You will lose it in the United States You will lose it. So make sure you put in a check bag before you go and if or if you want it purchase blades if you go to a place if you know where you’re going just purchase them as soon as you get there and use them and then throw them away when you leave like just leave them there wherever you are before you leave your travel destination but don’t travel with them you’re gonna lose them and I recommend bringing a synthetic brush because they tend to dry faster they ship better and they’re also cheaper so you don’t have to worry about it so you can leave them in the luggage and they won’t break.
Have a good Dopp kit. You know have a good travel bag with good stuff in it you’ll be happy with that. Keep everything at a smaller travel sizes and I always recommend this when you get to your family destination, mention wet shaving. You never know who’s got something sitting in the cabinet from an old relative or friend that hasn’t been used in years and you might be coming home with a nice piece of nostalgia from your vacation.
Wet shaving ads, guys, this is part of my favorite part of the holidays. I left a link in the show notes and a couple of my favorite pictures, but Wet Shaving Ads looks so, this really brings the holidays To me. I love looking at this I wish I could just decorate a whole room with it and just walk in there for Christmas time because I could just picture You know a young man or or or older guy getting a Gillette toggle for Christmas opening up that box and seeing it And then taking hey, man. This is really cool and looking at that blue blue plastic box that came with it or getting a bomb or getting something really cool and innovative and brand new Gillette and being excited to use it and that’s something that’s a reason like I look at the old razors I have and I could just imagine you know that person getting it on Christmas Day and looking at is a really cool gift and what Christmas or what Whatever holiday you celebrate this time of the year looked like at that time for your family, so I love it I love looking at them.
I love actually Finding them online. I left a cool link to also a very nice Gillette commercial from from the holiday so I played that 1 before it’s from Australia I believe it’s the only 1 I could find but it’s really cool it does feature like the Toggle in and a couple of the super speeds and stuff so really cool Add to see it’s in good quality as well so I left a link to that to go to YouTube for that if you want to watch that video and Again a link to the article that I wrote so this is a while back I did this like I didn’t even remember it until I googled vintage wet shaving ads and it came up. I have a bunch of ads on it so it’s really cool, my favorite ones. Check it out.
If you have some favorite ones too guys, feel free to send them to me. I’d love to share them on the show. It really makes the holiday season special and I love again year after year looking at the old ones. Sometimes some of the new vendors are putting out some new ones.
So in the show notes I put 1 with the original ones with a double ring in it and my favorite 1 with the Santa Claus is the famous like Gillette Santa Claus with the rosy cheeks and all the cool razors that he had there that He’s bringing in his sack of goodies for Christmas morning So I hope you guys enjoyed on join as much as me if you have any new ones or you find something really cool you want to share always feel free to share it to email them to me. Alright guys that concludes our show for this week a little bit longer than usual. Remember our show is powered by Sharpologist.com which your father didn’t teach you about shaving. Special thanks to MarkMantic59 for everything that he does in the wet shaving community and is most of all you guys the listeners Don’t forget check out my blog site shavestraightandsafe.com And when you get a chance check out my book the modern guide to straight razor shaving available on Amazon Barnes & Noble and at Pastors Pharmacy Next show will be on the 30th of this year and that will feature the end of the year kind of blast.
So we’ll go over the whole year in review and go over everything that’s happened and stuff that’s happened since January of 2024 until December. And it’s another really great show. I love doing it just like I love doing the fall seasonal special. So I’m looking forward to that.
So guys, I hope you have a wonderful holiday season. If you have any questions or anything like that always feel free to email me Joe dot what shaving news at gmail.com And until we meet again have a great Christmas Hanukkah all of the above and remember to shave straight and shave safe bye bye now Thanks for watching!
Hi Joe. Great podcast, but I believe you forgot the most important thing. What did you buy at Pasteur‘s Pharmacy? I was fortunate to go there about a year and a half ago and it was like Disneyland for wet, shaving enthusiasts. I was terrified to look at my credit card bill when I got home. Thanks for everything you do for the wet shaving community and keep up the great shaves. Hopefully you’ll be at the Maggard’s meet up in 2025. All the best to you and your family this holiday season.