It took me a long time to truly appreciate boar brushes. Though my collection of shaving brushes has always included at least a couple of boar brushes, they served mainly to complete the range of shaving brushes, like my two horsehair brushes. Most brushes I own and use have silvertip badger or synthetic knots.
In recent years, however, I’ve begun more and more to favor boar (aka “natural bristle” or “pure bristle”) brushes. Here I’ll take a close look at the four brushes shown in the photo above. The brushes, arranged by knot color, are, from left to right:
- Antica Barberia Mondial bleached boar – $60 (US), €82 (EU); diameter 28mm, loft 60mm
- Zenith B02-A28 bleached boar – €13.72; diameter 28mm, loft 64mm
- Omega Pro 48 (10048) natural (blond) boar – $17; diameter 28mm, loft 70mm
- Zenith 80B XSE natural (light brown) boar – €7.02; diameter 27mm, loft 64mm
Boar-brush knots are of three general types:
- Natural: bristles (unbleached). these retain their color — blond, brown, or even gray
- Bleached: bristles have been bleached white
- Dyed: a bleached knot that has a dyed stripe to resemble badger
Bleached vs. Non Bleached
The 4 brushes discussed include both natural and bleached knots. Bleaching somewhat weakens the bristles, but also makes them more flexible — and, obviously, changes the color. Some prefer a white knot, perhaps because it looks more sanitized. Bleaching also increases the likelihood of split ends, which in a boar shaving brush is not a bad thing, making the knot softer on the face. However, even unbleached boar bristles have a natural tendency to split over time, so boar brushes in general improve with use.
In my experience, a new boar brush seems to have some sort of lathercidal coating, so that, when you pick up the brush for the second or third pass, you find the lather is absent. This coating seems to be washed away with normal use, so my own practice for the first week with a new boar brush is to load the brush with soap, work up a good lather in my cupped palm, squeeze the knot to remove the lather, and rinse the knot clean of any residue — first with hot water until the water runs clear, then with cold. I then shake the brush dry and stand it on its base until repeating the routine the following day, using some other brush for my shave until break-in week has passed.
Antica Barberia Mondial

This brush is not really in the same class as the others listed — at least, not in terms of price (high) and loft (low). However, it has clear aspirations to be a quality boar brush, and just in terms of its overall look and performance, I thought it would be a fair comparison.
It’s an attractive brush, and it broke in quite readily. After the week-long break-in, I started using the brush in my regular rotation. The brush works well, but I find its relatively short loft makes the brush feel “blunt,” lacking the greater precision a longer loft offers. This knot also seems unruly, the bristles not lying together as in a more disciplined knot.
For me, this brush ranks last in terms of performance pleasure, though I do like its handle. It definitely is not a “bad” brush; it’s just in with a very high-quality group. When I use it, I do enjoy it.
Related Post: A Shave Brush Snob Gets His Mind Blown
Zenith B02-A28
I bought the Zenith B02-A28 because I wanted to compare it to the Omega Pro 48, which has in recent years become a favorite brush. The Zenith has a slightly shorter loft (64mm v. 70mm for the Pro 48), but fairly close. My hope was that this handsome brush, with its aluminum handle, would (because of the handle) be an improvement over the Pro 48 — but that would be only if its knot matched the Pro 48’s performance.
However, the 6mm difference in loft did make a noticeable difference in feel. While this Zenith has excellent capacity and does feel good on the face, its knot lacks the supple resilience I feel from the Pro 48. The Zenith is definitely a good brush, but I favor the Pro 48 somewhat more.
Omega Pro 48
The Pro 48 is the brush that changed my opinion of boar brushes. The more I used it, the more I realized that the feel of the (long) knot on my face was exceptionally pleasant, having a feel unlike that of a badger or synthetic brush (both of which can also feel very pleasant, but in a different way — for example, a Plissoft synthetic can feel like a small warm soft cushion on my face, but the Pro 48 definitely feels like a brush). The long loft does more than just hold a lot of lather; the length produces a “give” in the resilience that’s hard to describe but easy to enjoy.
I should note that, although Omega brushes are quite usable after a week’s break-in, as described above, boar will continue to break in over time, though slowly, and I’ve been using this Pro 48 for years. Its age may mean that comparing it to three relatively new brushes is not an apples-to-apples comparison. Still, the Pro 48 does have the greatest loft, and I believe that is what makes the difference.
I initially thought that the Pro 48 had, like the previous Zenith, a bleached boar knot, but then I read that the Pro 48 knot is natural. (Omega does not say one way or the other.)
The Pro 48’s weakness is its handle, made of ABS plastic like (for example) Lego bricks. The handle is hollow and chromed, and though it works well enough, the feel is not so pleasant as the handles (solid aluminum or solid plastic) of the other three brushes. Omega makes a brush with a solid resin handle, the 21742 (whose knot, BTW, seems to be natural/unbleached). If Omega put such a handle on the Pro 48, they’d have a truly world-class brush.
Nevertheless, the Pro 48’s handle does the job, and given the feel and performance of its knot, I rate this as the best of the bunch — but see the next brush.
Zenith 80B XSE
The Zenith 80B XSE’s knot definitely has natural (unbleached) boar bristles. I bought it specifically to compare it to the Zenith B08-A26 to see what difference natural, unbleached boar might make. Its loft is identical to the Zenith B08-A26 (bleached), and the diameter of its knot is only 1mm less, so I think the two can rightly be compared.
The handles of the two brushes obviously differ: this brush has a (solid, not hollow) plastic handle and the B08-A26 has a machined aluminum handle. However, both handles feel solid and have reasonable heft, so except perhaps for aesthetics, the two handles are much the same during a shave. (I assume the primary reason the B08-A26 costs about twice as much as the 80B XSE is its (cheaper) handle.)
Both brushes went through the same break-in at the same time, and I found the natural knot performed better. It had better lather capacity (though I expect continued use will see the lather capacity of both brushes improved), and I thought the natural knot felt slightly better on my face. Still, for me, the Pro 48’s knot edges out this one, probably because of the Pro 48’s greater loft. I would very much like to try a natural Zenith knot with a 70mm loft (instead of the 64mm knot this brush has).
So which should you get?
My judgment — aesthetics and handle aside — is that the knots rank as follows:
- Omega Pro 48 — This knot has the best feel and performance (and longest loft). It should be noted that prior to this comparison test, this knot also had the most prior use. The handle is not so nice as that of the other brushes, but my focus is more on the feel and performance of the knot. Others may value the handle more than I.
- Zenith 80B XSE — Natural boar works extremely well, and I would love to try this brush with a loft of 70mm (instead of 64mm). Although this brush is close to the bleached equivalent, the B08-A26, I do find this one better. The handle is a satisfactory solid plastic.
- Zenith B08-A26 — An excellent brush, and for some the aluminum handle will be worth the extra expense. Its bleached knot, however, does not quite match the feel of the unbleached knot of the 80B XSE — but it’s close and, individual preferences being what they are, some might prefer it..
- Antica Barberia Mondial — This brush’s shorter loft does not provide so good a feel as that of the other brushes. Moreover, the knot seems somewhat bulky, with the bristles in a blunt bunch rather than lying smoothly together. The handle is very nice indeed.
My recommendation is to get a Pro 48 and also (for comparison and variety) one of the Zenith natural-knot brushes — the Zenith 80B XSE or perhaps the Zenith 507U XSE, with its elegant olive-wood handle. Note, however, the 507U XSE has a loft of only 56mm, so its resilience is not so supple as a brush with a greater loft. Still, it’s quite usable with a disciplined knot — and it does look good.
Related Post: What Is The Best Shaving Brush For Your Individual Needs?
Very nice write up sir. I would just add, that a good boar brush is going to need a lot more breaking in to get a good understanding of its performance, especially short lofted boars. Short loft boars will break in beautifully over time, they are definitely worth the wait. With that said, no battle of the boars is complete without Connaught‘s Premium Omega “Jade” or the new ivory. If you haven’t reviewed it yet, I would suggest giving it a good break in, at least 2 dozen shaves at a minimum.
Thanks for the tip. I’ll take a look — but I admit that I was too impatient even for Semogue boars.
Nice article. I, too, have been won over to the boar side. I have found when dealing with a milled soap or even a croap a stiffer brush is definitely better in generating lather. I may use a badger if I’m dealing with a cream. Currently my favorite, and well broken in, is the Semougue Owners Club with a beautiful cherry wood handle that doesn’t get slippery when wet or soapy. I saw the Omega Pro 48 or its sister the Pro 49 on Amazon for less than $10. so I may give it a shot.
I’ve used both the Pro 48 and the Pro 49 and much prefer the Pro 48, though obviously tastes differ.
I blogged this morning about what I learned about Antica Barbieria Colla’s boar brush, which I’ve ordered.
Excellent article, thank you.
Excellent review.
I am a brush collector and have every brush you reviewed and then some.
Semogue Torga-G5 is a small boar and is outstanding brush for a fast shave.
Omega model 21762 is better than the Pro 48. the 48 handle is to light and hard to dry. The unbleached Zenith come in behind ABC, Semogue owners club and omega 21762
ABC is the best pro seize boar brush. Period. They cost more but they are worth it!
Boar brush give the best possible shave. That is why Italian barbers use them.
Experiences differ from person to person. I have tried several Semogue boar brushes and gave up on the brand because the time required for the brushes to break in exceeded my patience. Omega, Zenith, and the Antica Barberia Mondial brushes break in quickly and easily.
I have an Omega 21762, and though at first I liked it a lot, it did not wear well. The softness of the knot was at first pleasing but gradually I grew to dislike its almost total lack of resilience. When it finally stopped sustaining a lather, I gladly rid myself of it. Its handle, in contrast, is really excellent, and I even wrote to Omega to suggest that they provide the Pro 48 with a handle of the same composition.
Oddly, I’ve never found the Pro 48 difficult to dry, knot or handle. I rinse the knot, shake out excess water, and stand the brush on its base. Well before the next day, the brush has dried itself.
If by “ABC” you’re referring to the Antica Barbieria Mondial brush, I describe in the post my misgivings about the knot, but I do think it has an excellent handle.
We disagree about how we rank the brushes, but that’s shaving for you. In terms of performance and feel on the face, I find the Omega Pro 48 the best of the lot.
ABC Antica Barbieria Colla is not the same bush you referred to in your photos. Mondial Antica Barberia does make the brush you have listed in article and photos. Please note the difference in the name spelling.
I have 2 of the ones your talking about the spelling is different.
ABC will not tell you who makes their brushes.
I have 4 of them.
If you get a chance, try the ABC shaving soap it is outstanding, and their brush works outstanding with it.
Thanks for the clarification. I did find the ABC brush, and I’ve ordered a copy. (I didn’t have to pay VAT because I live outside the EU, but the shipping almost exactly made up for it).
I do have Antica Barberia Colla shaving soap, and it is indeed quite good, as is the aftershave. I’ll use them tomorrow with the Antica Barberia Mondial brush. And I look forward to trying out the Antica Barberia Colla brush. Thanks for pointing it out.
Oh, crap. I now see what you mean about the spelling:
Antica Barberia Mondial vs.
Antica Barbieria Colla
My (bad) oversight. When I was writing about Antica Barberia, I thought I had just misremembered the spelling (which I did recall was “Antica Barbieria”), not even thinking it was two different words. (I have close to zero knowledge of Italian.) The extra “i” makes a big difference.
I can’t wait to try out the ABC brush.
The ABC brush you ordered comes in a really nice box and the name lettering is on the bottom of the handle. And does not come off.
I now see that the link ” €82 (EU)” in the listing above for the Antica Barberia Mondial brush actually is a link to the Antica Barbieria Colla brush (and includes the VAT — without VAT it costs €67.21).
I had the two brushes merged into one in my mind. Now I get it. Glad to get that cleared up. 🙂
I have just used my new Antica Barbieria Colla brush after breaking it in briefly. So far as I can tell, the ABC is very close to the AB Mondial in feel — relatively stubby and blunt — and performance — good enough. But for me) neither brush’s feel on the face is as pleasing as the supple resilience of the Omega Pro 48. That difference is almost certainly largely due to the difference in loft: 60mm for the two AB brushes vs. 70mm for the Pro 48.
The two Zenith brushes have a loft of 64mm, and I like their feel and performance better than that of the AB pair and not so much as the Pro 48’s. I do find unbleached boar is subtly better than bleached.
I do understand that you yourself prefer the feel and performance of the ABC, but as you know, YMMV is the iron rule of shaving.
I’ll continue to recommend the Pro 48 as not only the best bang for the buck in boar brushes but even as the best boar brush absolutely (until something better comes along).