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4 Things That You Should Stop Taking For Granted When Shaving Your Beard in 2022

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It’s true that beard care and maintenance isn’t rocket science. But! If you don’t do it right, you might find yourself with a dry, itchy, flaky, patchy, and bump-filled beard. Aside from looking bad and being painful sometimes, your facial hair may become a big nuisance to you over time. You don’t want that, do you? 

Well, today I’ll walk you through a few mistakes that taught me the hard lessons about beard care. That way you’ll know what to avoid and a few shaving intricacies that shouldn’t be overlooked. And so, without further ado, here’s a list of four important things most men fail to do when shaving beard hair:

1. Using the Right Tools

Tools play a major role when it comes to facial hair maintenance. Generally, the haircutters you use not only determine how easy and convenient your trims will be but also the overall outcome of your maintenance routine. If you use the wrong trimmers, razors, clippers, you increase your chances of getting a patchy and poorly cut beard; plus, you may end up damaging the skin below your hair leading to annoying rashes, razor bumps, and itchiness. 

That’s the last thing you want, right? If so, do a lot of research when shopping for good beard care tools. Look at user reviews to see what buyers have to say about the product; i.e. how it performs, downsides, or any other important bit of info you can get. If you don’t know where to start, I highly recommend this WiseBarber post; you’ll find it very useful and insightful. 

2. Preparing or Cleaning Your Beard

Yes! You have to prepare and clean your beard before a shave. When in a hurry, most men often go for a “shave-as-is” quick trim. But, what they don’t know is that doing so can be harmful not just for your beard but also to the skin underneath it. How?

Well, dirty hair strands are often sticky and filled with tangles. And during shaving, the dirt and tangles may lead to some hair follicles being pulled. When that happens, the skin gets numerous tiny injuries, and its ability to grow healthy hair is affected. 

So, to prepare for a shave, do this:

  • Comb or brush your beard to remove any dirt particles and tangles. 
  • Wash your beard and towel dry it; because moist hair is easier to cut than dry hair. 
  • Comb it one last time to remove any remaining tangles and to straighten the hair for a uniform-sized cut. 

3. Using Shaving Cream

Are you a fan of dry shaving? If so, you should consider using shaving cream going forth. Why? Well, when you dry shave, you increase your chances of getting cuts, rashes, razor burns, itchiness, and flaky skin. You don’t want any of that, right?

If so, start using shaving cream. It’s recommended because it:

  • Protects your skin from cuts by reducing friction. 
  • Keeps your beard soft enough for a clean, smooth shave. 
  • Reduces the chances of you developing redness, razor burns, rashes, and flaky skin. 
  • Leaves your beard smelling fresh and clean. 

What if you don’t have shaving cream? Well, you can also use soap, body lotion, shea butter, honey, baby oil, or aloe vera. But these should only be temporary alternatives; until you buy new shaving cream. 

4. Using Aftershave

I always used to wonder, “Is aftershave really necessary?” And speaking from experience, yes it is! See, most of us often assume that a shave ends when you wash off your shaving cream and inspect your beard for imperfections. However, that’s never the case. 

To ensure you don’t get annoying, painful beard bumps and ingrown hair, you need to apply some aftershave after every trim; just as its name suggests. What it does is treat your skin, sanitize any cuts/nicks, and kill any bacteria or toxins on your skin. 

But, it’s always recommended that you go for natural aftershave products like aloe vera, jojoba oil, and coconut oil. That’s because alcohol-based products can have negative effects on your skin after long-term use. 

In Conclusion

As I said, beard shaving is never that complicated. But, it’s the little things and attention to detail that matter. Speaking from experience, if you ignore any of the four things mentioned above, you may be gearing up for some upsetting beard ordeals. 

That aside, for anyone passionate about growing and maintaining a beard, you’ll have to invest in quality beard oils. These products help to keep your beard skin moisturized and itch-free while ensuring your hair looks nice and healthy.

About The Author:

I’m Mike from San Diego. I’ve been a barber for over 10 years.
Three years ago, I decided to expand my reach through blogging on My goal was (and still is) to share my experiences as a barber while offering in-depth product reviews, candid shopping guides, and useful information pertaining to hair care and professional barbering.

Mike Medders

Mike Medders