Tallow is perhaps the most traditional and widely used ingredient for shaving soaps because it is readily available, inexpensive and when saponified, pure tallow renders a nearly ideal fatty acid profile for making good quality shaving soaps. However, these facts have lead to many misconceptions regarding the benefits of tallow and have subsequently generated several myths. In the present article we will visit a few of them and provide an up to date scientific view on their basis, or lack of.
1) “Tallow-based soaps constitute a different class of soaps.” Tallow is an animal triglyceride derived from beef fat and since oils and fats cannot act as surfactants, they cannot directly produce lather. The connection between triglycerides and soap is the saponification reaction in which the triglycerides are broken down to produce fatty acids, which are directly responsible for the surfactant properties of soaps. The process of making a tallow-based soap is identical to making castile soap or any other soap. The only difference is the resulting fatty acid profile from the oils and fats used. Obviously, tallow soaps can be milled to alter the fatty acid profile but one can also mill soaps produced by traditional saponification containing other fats. Verdict: false. Substitution of one ingredient for another cannot be regarded as a different type of soaps.
2) “Tallow-based soaps perform better.” Some high end tallow-based soaps are outstanding and this fact has been extended into the myth that every tallow-based soap is great. The truth is that some tallow-based soaps are mediocre at best, particularly one sold under the name of “mug soap”. Verdict: obviously false, there are good and bad tallow-based soaps.
3) “Tallow-based soaps condition my skin better.” Triglycerides, like tallow, do not readily penetrate to the interior of cells, non-saponified oils and fats act as a barrier. Saponified tallow produces a high percentage of oleic acid, the main product of saponification of olive oil and a well known skin conditioner. Oleic acid is a non-essential fatty acid that is found in human sebum. Oleic acid has a wide range of positive effects on the skin including acting as emollient and moisturizer. Oleic acid aids skin regeneration and helps reduce inflammation. Oleic acid is readily absorbed by the skin and can help absorption of other important molecules like omega-3 fatty acid which plays an important role in inflammation and reduction of bad cholesterol. Despite all its benefits, oleic acid can also irritate the skin and cause acne. Verdict: true. Oleic acid can be beneficial for the skin of some people but in excess, unsaturated especially poly unsaturated fatty acids can reduce shelf life and cause skin irritation.
4) “Tallow soaps can make me sick.” This is a delicate and potentially dangerous point. Although to my knowledge, there has not been a single case of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (mad cow disease or BSE) that can be traced to tallow, some people believe that tallow could be a source of protein prions. Prions are small proteinaceous infectious disease-causing agents that have been suggested as the likely cause of the BSE infections Since July 2004 the FDA has put in place regulations to prevent the use of beef products in food and cosmetics. The World Health Organization ranks tallow as low risk for transmission of BSE. In addition, tallow contains about 50% monosaturated that is believed to have beneficial effects on cancer by reducing tumor cell growth. Furthermore, tallow can have high contents of linoleic acid which helps in controlling cholesterol levels. Verdict: False or in need of further scientific evidence. As a result of these growing concerns and some of the regulations that have followed, the number of reformulated tallow-base soaps is on the rise.
5) “Tallow soaps are made with animal fats.” Historically, tallow was the rendered form of beef fat and as such, a byproduct of the meat industry and a relatively inexpensive ingredient. Nowadays, “tallow” refers to an industrial material that has a certain fatty acid composition, degree of saturation, melting point, etc. that does not necessarily need to be obtained from beef or even animal fats. Tallow-based soaps can contain vegetable fats, even if none is added by the manufacturer. Verdict: false. Although typically people tend to react against the use of animal products, in this case, it should be said that animal product lovers should not expect 100% animal fat in their tallow soaps.
6) “Tallow-based soaps last longer than other shaving product.” As Tallow is broken down during saponification, it is replaced by fatty acids and glycerol that are smaller molecules. For the most part, triglycerides (oils and fats) contain the same fatty acids albeit, in different proportions. Fatty acids differ in length and also in the number of unsaturations (double bonds) and this affects their volume. Since the fatty acid profile that is necessary for good performance is limited, the composition of most shaving soaps is chemically similar, with large deviations from these general guidelines resulting in poor performance. From this point of view, it would be hard to imagine that the origin of the fats alone determine the lasting power of a product. Verdict: False. Some tallow-based soaps last longer than other soaps because they have a lower water content, often because they are milled. It is the water content and in turn its density what determines a soap’s lasting power rather than the fats used in its manufacture.
7) “Tallow soaps are so good because they contain lanolin.” Lanolin is a yellowish substance secreted by the sebaceous glands and extracted from the wool of sheep and other animals. Contrary to popular belief, lanolin is not a fat (triglyceride) and hence cannot be saponified. However, it is common to hear the term “wool fat” to refer to lanolin. It is perhaps this fact that inspired the myth that animal fats, in particular tallow, contain lanolin. As tallow comes from beef and lanolin mainly from sheep (actually from the wool of all wool-bearing animals), there is no connection between them other than shaving soaps can contain both and in fact, some do. It is also commonly thought that lanolin replaces glycerin in soap formulations; this is not true: glycerin is a byproduct of the saponification reaction and a permanent ingredient of soap, unless it is removed afterwards.The similarity between lanolin and some of the lipids in the stratum corneum, the compounds that regulate water-loss in the skin, make lanolin an ideal semi-occlusive film suitable for use in cosmetics. Lanolin also acts as a potent emollient. Some studies indicate that the beneficial effects of lanolin are more pronounced than those of glycerin or petrolatum. On the other hand, wool alcohols, a class of compounds derived from lanolin, could be responsible for sensitization of the skin and contact dermatitis. Impure lanolin can contain significant amounts of pesticides and other undesirable compounds. The maximal content of these compounds in lanolin is strictly regulated. Nowadays, high purity or modified, hypoallergenic lanolin is available to minimize the health hazards. Verdict: False. In the absence of allergic reactions, the evidence suggests that lanolin can be beneficial for the skin. However, there is no direct connection between tallow and lanolin beyond that both are originally animal products. Although some shaving soaps contain both, there is no reason why non-tallow soaps that contain lanolin could not provide the same benefits.
A little note on reformulation: Saponified tallow has a very high content of stearic and palmitic acids, with slightly higher palmitic than stearic acid content. Due to growing health concerns, many tallow-based products have been reformulated in recent years. Palmitic acid is often used to partially replace stearic acid in newer formulations with only a few noticeable effects. The high content of palmitic acid found in palm oil is responsible for the popularity of palm oil as tallow’s replacement in newer vegetable formulations of old classics. Supplementation of palm oil with stearic acid produces a fatty acid profile that is very close to that of pure tallow. For this reason, products using these formulations have remarkably similar performance.
The fondness of shaving aficionados for tallow-based soaps in unquestionable and for a good reason: some tallow-based soaps are among the best in the world. However, the implication that that fact by itself makes any tallow-based product great, is absurd. Vegetable formulations can perform as well as the best tallow-based soaps or better and in fact, some of the best “latherers” are non-tallow shaving creams. Tallow-based soaps are not a special class of soaps and do not last longer per se. So far, tallow soaps have been safe and can be better skin conditioners than others. Finally, be aware that the current tallow can contain vegetable oils too.
Interesting article, sources would be nice.
I make both tallow based and plant based products. I prefer tallow salves and lotion/butters because they are readily absorbed and in my experience just work better. For those who prefer plant based, I’ve got you covered;)
I have a rare meat allergy can’t take any meat products
There is said to be increased risk from tallow products in cosmetics where the skin is broken – hence greater scrutiny over these products (especially shaving products). It’s worth knowing the facts as they stand, if only to make an informed decision.
Thanks so much for this article. I just saw a soap maker say they felt their tallow shave soap was better than their vegan. I am a soap maker who is very much interested in making a shave soap and I don’t want to use tallow. Just personal preference. Your article explaining the different types of fatty acids have lead me in a direction that I will explore. As for rosacea, I agree that other ingredients in the balm might cause irritation. Organic oils that lightweight might be better like grapeseed, almond, etc. Do a search. I particularly like emu oil. My cousin was referred to it after having skin irritation due to cancer radiation treatments. I started using it whenever I have a skin irritation for whatever reason, especially after handling some fresh plants or flowers. Diet can also trigger skin flareups.
Again, great article!
We developed a special soap calculator to calculate the % of Glycerin inside the natural soap
We would like to invite all the users to try it and let us know your comments.
The Soap calculator is here: http://www.soapworld.biz/soap-calculator-handmade-soap.html
Bye !
After reading about tallow balm I had high hopes for my daughter who suffers from rosacea, from what Ive read it’s supposed to delivered excellent for this ailment, being the great father I am lol! I obtained it for her, problem is she claimed it burned her face,which I found very odd, any one have comments or opinions on what could cause this, I really feel for my daughter and would love to bring her sum relief.
Hi there Eddy,
What a fantastic dad you are!! And certainly no parent wants to see their chid suffering, whether it is physical or mental pain, and a high five for you for recognising that in your daughter!!
I wondered about the ‘burning’ your daughter felt on her skin from using a tallow based balm. I thought perhaps it might be another ingredient that may be in that balm blend that could be causing her that discomfort.
I have been producing tallow based products for quite a few months, so I am just a novice and in no way pretend to know everything there is to know about tallow or any other mainstay product in any cosmetic blend, but I do know one thing for sure…. Tallow in and of itself is probably all that she needs to give her the relief that she is looking for from her rosacea.
I base my whole product range (yep, all three products lol) on 100% PURE GRASS FED PASTURE RAISED BEED FAT which gives me the absolute best primary product to work with. But because tallow is solid at room temperature, I blend my tallow with the tiniest perfect amount of finest olive oil in order to maintain a ‘spreadable’ consistency so that it makes it a pleasure to apply. I use only the merest amount of lavender essential oil (and I mean DROPS not mls) to neutralise the scent of the tallow, because otherwise we run the risk of smelling a little bit like the next door neighbours barbecue!!!
The Body Balm that I make has a positive shelf life of around 8 months, if kept in a cool dry place like the bathroom cabinet for example. (up to 12 months if refrigerated). There are absolutely NO CHEMICALS and NO PRESERVATIVES in any of my products, but in saying that, a 20g jar of Body Balm will last for such a long time because it is used quite sparingly!
So for your daughter to feel a ‘burning sensation’ when applying a tallow based product, I think it would be best to check what other ingredients are in the balm because in all seriousness, you do not need anything else in tallow to make it just about as perfect and natural as you can get for a topical application…. I hope that helps!
kind regards,
The Toil and Bubble Lady 🙂
Adelle Davis, in her book “Let’s Get Well” advises vitamin B-2 for rosacea. Her books are no longer in print, but if you can get this one and “Let’s Eat Right to Keep Fit” you will be doing yourself a favor. She wrote, “Sometimes acne rosacea is corrected in two to four weeks after 5 milligrams of vitamin B-2 are taken at each meal, but I have seen it persist in spite of a seemingly adequate diet.” If I remember correctly, a person deficient in one B vitamin probably need others as well.
Hello Al,
Thanks for this article, I found it because I started using straight lamb/beef fat on my face recently, and just wanted to see if it was doing me any good. My face looks the same, of course a little greasy.
I’m disappointed to learn I do not get the oleic acid unless it’s saponified. When I say I use it straight I mean melted down fat. Do I get any benefit from it at all or is it just a fad I should leave by the wayside?
I am nervous about making my own soap with it. Thanks for your help.
I am not sure what benefits you are referring to. Triglycerides are storage molecules that are relatively inert and for the most part, only degraded enzymatically and under hormonal regulation. When applied topically to the skin, triglycerides act as emollients and serve as a barrier that could prevent dehydration. Only after hydrolysis can the constituents of the triglyceride penetrate the cellular interior.
Think about this: if triglycerides w…ere easily degradable, obesity would not be a public health issue. Also, along the same lines, if triglycerides, on their own (this is very important), had beneficial effects on the skin, obese people would have healthier skin than normal or emaciated people.
Good luck soaping if you decide to go that way.If you are interested in having more oleic acid in our soap, you can buy Castile soap, which is made exclusively from olive oil and contains a high proportion of oleic acid. Just remember that absorption rates are determined by concentration and contact time.
Thanks for posting,
I was wondering, do you have a list of sources for this article? I’m researching animal by-products in cosmetics and Tallow was one of them, but you stated that animal fat is very rarely used these days, so I was wondering if you have a source for that because I’m really interested in reading more about it.
Interesting article!
Fascinating subject Veronica, very impressed that an art school would be interested in them, what is your major?
I started the article by saying that “Tallow is perhaps the most traditional and widely used ingredient for shaving soaps”, not sure where I said that tallow is “rarely used”. I later made the point that many soaps that were originally tallow-based had been reformulated in recent years, which is different. This is a well known fact in the traditional shaving community and one that scares many TallowHeads. To research this, all that is necessary is to search online using the appropriate words (tallow reformulation shaving soap, etc.). The FDA and its European counterpart EMA, the European Commission and other relevant agencies should be able to provide relevant information on the regulation of tallow in drugs, cosmetics, etc. in their websites. They have very strict standards for quality that must be followed and those are posted along with the motivations for the particular regulation.
On thing to consider is that the focus of my article is traditional shaving products (soaps), the situation may be different for other types of cosmetics.
Good luck with your research and please let us know how it goes,
I think the difference in price gives room for some of your comments but it will be foolish (almost to the point of blasphemy) to say that Williams lathers more easily than Tabac; produces more luxurious lather than the tallow versions of GFT, DRH, Penhaligons, etc.. ; or conditions the skin better that MWF. I much fairer comparison for ye olde Mug Soap is Arko, both of which are in the same price tier but show very different performance. And BTW, there is nothing personal, WMS is serviceable soap but there are much better ones, tallow-based or not.
As for the glide, the answer is simple, HYDRATION! If there is a single feature that tallow-based soaps excel at is: glide; if they don’t, it may be useful to revisit the entire lathering process. People tend to use way too much product and that leads to lather that is dry and lacks the desired “fluffy” consistency. Shaving with dry lather is a very common problem among new and experienced wetshavers alike. Before you shave, make sure that your lather stretches more than 1″ and looks shinny on the face (not the bowl, if you use one).
Happy Shaving and thank you for your comments,
Contact dermatitis is a localized rash or irritation of the skin caused by contact with a foreign substance. Only the superficial regions of the skin are affected in contact dermatitis. Inflammation of the affected tissue is present in the epidermis (the outermost layer of skin) and the outer dermis (the layer beneath the epidermis).
Blasphemous ? Perhaps, but I can get almost as good results from that “mug soap” as I can from most 20 buck a puck ones.
I mostly use the higher end ones but it’s not because of performance issues.
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Williams is my favorite soap. I HATED it for years until I tried it in different ways and learned it needed a lot of water. I now like it more than any other soap out there; mwf, tabac, etc etc etc. Nothing has the slip of williams and the after shaving feel on my face has yet to be beaten. The lather is also thick now and does not thin on my face. Learn to use it before you are sure it isand so bad.
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Extremely interesting and informative article. Many thanks. I appreciate the information.
Great read, Al. More about fats and soaps I ever cared to imagine. Lots of information here. Dispels a lot of myths and sheds a bit of light.
“Alraz” if your going to bad mouth somebodies product please do have the common decency to actually mention the companies name. quote: “The truth is that some tallow-based soaps are mediocre at best, particularly one sold under the name of “mug soap” If you don’t like Williams soap just say so don’t pussy foot around. is it that you or the editors afraid of driving off ad revenue or sponsors?
Good article, although I agree with Mr. Hunt. I will go further in saying that your mentioning Williams Mug soap as “mediocre at best” is your opinion, not the truth. My opinion is you get more then what you pay for with Williams at only $.99- $3.00 a puck, and many others agree with that assessment. But again, that’s only an opinion.
You know, that bothered me too. I’ve been testing different “off the shelf” soaps, and frankly in my opinion Williams Mug Soap outperforms the Van Der Hagen one that I’ve seen a number of people use or claim is decent. I realize that is probably bottom of the barrel for whatever “world class soaps” that you claim to know. But even you claim to rank some or many tallow soaps among them, so it’s kind of sensationalist to angle everything as myths and debunking, etc. In fact, there are further reasons that I don’t appreciate that slant here:
I happen to be a hobbyist soapmaker. I made an all vegetable shaving soap as an early test of my soap calculator. Honestly the shave is quite comparable to the other soaps, but I learned some things about the lather that I need to improve next time. It came out more like foam than cream.
After reading this article, I’m thinking maybe tallow is what will improve it. Which is ironic, considering that I have a tentative soap brand that is focused on tallow soaps. No, they are not a special class of soaps. However, unless you have some reaction to them, you may indeed find them to be superior.
Some of the rest of your information is interesting, but as a person who understands a pretty good deal about the process and chemistry of soap, I found it to be a little gratuitous for this audience, and completely unsourced if you’re writing some kind of scientific paper.
Maybe a less agressive, or more appropriate title could have mitigated this impression. How about “why not vegetable soaps?” or “are tallow soaps actually better?” … those would have probably put me in a better frame of mind when reading your critique.
Thanks, Al, for this very informative piece. So much of wet shaving is based on subjective experience (which blades, razors, brushes, soaps and creams one prefers, for example). So it’s nice to see occasional pieces that are more grounded in science and not just opinion. This entry carefully treats the subject without saying you should or should not use tallow based soaps, but rather thoroughly reviews the facts and myths, so that your choice to use them or not can be an educated one.
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